Horrible Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestinians

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What happens in other country's, does not absolve Israel's crimes against humanity.
What happens in other country's, does not absolve Israel's crimes against humanity.
What happens in other country's, does not absolve Israel's crimes against humanity.

The article pointed out the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in other Arabic countries you dumb turd.

Plz. go easy on Billo. As we all can see he gets all pissed off when confronted with facts. Don't want to lose him here. We need him for laughs.
Ridiculous Comment MJB..........steve

So, let me get this straight. Do you believe the Pali's would be better off living in some surrounding Arab country than they are living in Israel???

Well these so called mythical Palestinians lived under Egyptian and Jordanian control from 1948 to 1967, after the failed Arab attack on Israel, yet there wasn't a peep from ANYBODY about "occupied land" or a Palestine in those 20 years. Now why is that?

Jordan even massacred around 20,000 of them during Black September & has ANYONE EVER heard a single Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about that one?
This may help you Rocco.....mondoweiss.net/2014/10/ethnic-cleansing-Israeli

With Respect,steve.

So now Mondo is the repository of criminal statutes and is authorised to state what is a criminal statute and what isn't ?
Show some Moral Backbone Phoe,show me what sort of Guy you really are.........steve

I am I am calling you out on your RACIST LIES as I can find no reference to criminal statute in your link. Want to try again using an unbiased non partisan source like the UN say, or the Oz government ?
Australia have said sorry to the Aboriginals for our disgraceful past and treatment of them...........You and Israel never have or had a Moral Backbone,how could you as your intent is and was to Eliminate the Palestinians.....You surely are one of the most Hateful people on earth,even to some of your own people..Say NO TO ZIONISM........the worlds real SCURGE.

Have they paid them restitution and given them their lands back yet, or is that only what you demand the Jews do because your handlers are telling you LIES.
Then read the koran and see who are the ones that want to eliminate a whole population, I will help you as it says more than once " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"
What a Silly Boy,poor Pheo.,you know nothing about Paradise........Yes we have given back vast tracts of Land back,compensated them and have been working very hard for complete equality......the only fly in the ointment is the conservatives(called amazingly here in Australia "The Liberal Party"a misnomer if ever there was one) You know Pheo.,the type of Political Party YOU VOTE FOR IN THE UK.

The excrutiating thing about your prose is the Hypocricy......You have given the Palestinians NOTHING,you have only TAKEN more..... Innocent Lives and MORE LAND as is your intention,when laid bare............But Israel are still extracting War Reparations from Germany and others, even today...That's 60+ Years of Freebies such as Motor Cars,Buses,Trucks etc.,plus loads of Techology,and of course Redeemable CASH.............Not only are you a Lair(like the rest of your possee) but a bloody sham.
I have no handler,I am my own handler,unlike you......Time for you to shut your hypo-mouth and for Israel to Stop Begging Off Everyone else.

And Pay the Palestinians...ELIMINATION RESTITUTION,INCLUDING THEIR LAND...........You Zionists are a total disgrace to man and woman kind.

Pheo,when you take me on,at least try to do due dilligence, because you are Not Wise......But Foolish....steve
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You really are a Horrible Little Nobody
I was certain you would be unable to offer a relevant comment. You're just pointlesss.

So where is this "genocide of the Flintstonians" when the population is exploding (and excuse that term when referencing Islamic terrorist splodeydopes).
Me like the rest of humanity will just be loving....www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHoPzdfu3Yw
Right. So there is no "genocide" and because you can't defend your fraudulent claim, you're left to spam the thread with irrelevant YouTube cartoons.
As said previously.....You Are A Horrible Little Nobody
As noted previously, you're unable to address the thread topic so you're reduced to your usual tactic of spam.
The only Spam I know of comes out of a tin....BUT I do know a "Horrible Little Nobody" when I see one.
So now Mondo is the repository of criminal statutes and is authorised to state what is a criminal statute and what isn't ?
Show some Moral Backbone Phoe,show me what sort of Guy you really are.........steve

I am I am calling you out on your RACIST LIES as I can find no reference to criminal statute in your link. Want to try again using an unbiased non partisan source like the UN say, or the Oz government ?
Australia have said sorry to the Aboriginals for our disgraceful past and treatment of them...........You and Israel never have or had a Moral Backbone,how could you as your intent is and was to Eliminate the Palestinians.....You surely are one of the most Hateful people on earth,even to some of your own people..Say NO TO ZIONISM........the worlds real SCURGE.

Have they paid them restitution and given them their lands back yet, or is that only what you demand the Jews do because your handlers are telling you LIES.
Then read the koran and see who are the ones that want to eliminate a whole population, I will help you as it says more than once " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"
What a Silly Boy,poor Pheo.,you know nothing about Paradise........Yes we have given back vast tracts of Land back,compensated them and have been working very hard for complete equality......the only fly in the ointment is the conservatives(called amazingly here in Australia "The Liberal Party"a misnomer if ever there was one) You know Pheo.,the type of Political Party YOU VOTE FOR IN THE UK.

The excrutiating thing about your prose is the Hypocricy......You have given the Palestinians NOTHING,you have only TAKEN more..... Innocent Lives and MORE LAND as is your intention,when laid bare............But Israel are still extracting War Reparations from Germany and others, even today...That's 60+ Years of Freebies such as Motor Cars,Buses,Trucks etc.,plus loads of Techology,and of course Redeemable CASH.............Not only are you a Lair(like the rest of your possee) but a bloody sham.
I have no handler,I am my own handler,unlike you......Time for you to shut your hypo-mouth and for Israel to Stop Begging Off Everyone else.

And Pay the Palestinians...ELIMINATION RESTITUTION,INCLUDING THEIR LAND...........You Zionists are a total disgrace to man and woman kind.

Pheo,when you take me on,at least try to do due dilligence, because you are Not Wise......But Foolish....steve

I vote for the candidate and not the party, and if a candidate promises to rid my country of immigrant criminals then I will vote for them. Now when did the arab muslims recieve this land as they were kicked out in 1099 and never had control or sovereignty since. The Ottomans did not give them the land, and the LoN did not give them the land so how is it theirs under international law prior to 2015. Which International treaty overrules that of the LoN Mandate for Palestine of 1923 that grants 22% of Palestine for the Jewish national home and was enshrined in the UN charter in 1949.

Once again you insist that I am a Jew, only this time living in Israel and that I take everything from the Palestinians. Shows just how idiotic and consumed by hatred you are. Mind just looking at your support for islamonazi terrorists is enough for me to see you are a NAZI JEW HATER and would have a party if the Jews were mass murdered again.
I was certain you would be unable to offer a relevant comment. You're just pointlesss.

So where is this "genocide of the Flintstonians" when the population is exploding (and excuse that term when referencing Islamic terrorist splodeydopes).
Me like the rest of humanity will just be loving....www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHoPzdfu3Yw
Right. So there is no "genocide" and because you can't defend your fraudulent claim, you're left to spam the thread with irrelevant YouTube cartoons.
As said previously.....You Are A Horrible Little Nobody
As noted previously, you're unable to address the thread topic so you're reduced to your usual tactic of spam.
The only Spam I know of comes out of a tin....BUT I do know a "Horrible Little Nobody" when I see one.

And we see that in you, in fact such a nobody that you don't even exist outside of the boiler room islamonazi gang in downtown gaza
Challenger, et al,

I think that is what I said? The concept of "ethnic cleansing" is the intent behind a crime.

Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity (ICC Rome Statutes) is an amalgamation of crimes.

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Most Article 7 Crimes require that the conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population; and that the individual perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. If the attack was targeted against a non-civilian objective (a military or terrorist target), it is not a "widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population."

Relative to the intent of "ethnic cleansing" it must be the case that the conduct constituted, or took place as part of a mass killing of members of a civilian population. Israel was not, as a matter of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, exterminating people.

Israel has no history of a behavior that could be describe as attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.

Israel did not deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts.

The Israel did not imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. All was accomplished under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention; Arab Palestinians who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and represented an element of a grave collective danger, evolved in seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them. And such appropriate action was taken against Arab Palestinians that became involved or provided material support to Hostile Arab Palestinians guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

The Israeli Force, as the Occupying Power, has no widespread or systematic effort to rape or submit to sexual violence, force Arab Palestinians into sexual slavery and prostitution, or submit to forced pregnancy or sterilization. Nor does Israel have a widespread or systematic policy of inflicting inhuman act upon Arab Palestinians simply because they are Arab Palestinians.

In fact I cannot really understand, other than the fact that you are a pro-Palestinian that exercises "by any means necessary" hostility, what would possess you to make an Article 7 allegation (widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population by the Israelis).

Most Respectfully,

Well, that's one opinion. Ultimately the intent, or lack thereof, on the part of the Zionists should be decided by the ICC. that said, professor Illan Pappe (whatever you may think of him) makes a compelling case for intent on the part of the Zionist colonists to ethnically cleanse any territory that they conquered.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Amazon.co.uk Ilan Pappe 9781851685554 Books

It also begs the question, if there was no intent to deport or remove the native population, "without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts." then there is no reason not to repatriate any and all those individual refugees and their families who want to peacefully return to their home country?
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Show some Moral Backbone Phoe,show me what sort of Guy you really are.........steve

I am I am calling you out on your RACIST LIES as I can find no reference to criminal statute in your link. Want to try again using an unbiased non partisan source like the UN say, or the Oz government ?
Australia have said sorry to the Aboriginals for our disgraceful past and treatment of them...........You and Israel never have or had a Moral Backbone,how could you as your intent is and was to Eliminate the Palestinians.....You surely are one of the most Hateful people on earth,even to some of your own people..Say NO TO ZIONISM........the worlds real SCURGE.

Have they paid them restitution and given them their lands back yet, or is that only what you demand the Jews do because your handlers are telling you LIES.
Then read the koran and see who are the ones that want to eliminate a whole population, I will help you as it says more than once " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"
What a Silly Boy,poor Pheo.,you know nothing about Paradise........Yes we have given back vast tracts of Land back,compensated them and have been working very hard for complete equality......the only fly in the ointment is the conservatives(called amazingly here in Australia "The Liberal Party"a misnomer if ever there was one) You know Pheo.,the type of Political Party YOU VOTE FOR IN THE UK.

The excrutiating thing about your prose is the Hypocricy......You have given the Palestinians NOTHING,you have only TAKEN more..... Innocent Lives and MORE LAND as is your intention,when laid bare............But Israel are still extracting War Reparations from Germany and others, even today...That's 60+ Years of Freebies such as Motor Cars,Buses,Trucks etc.,plus loads of Techology,and of course Redeemable CASH.............Not only are you a Lair(like the rest of your possee) but a bloody sham.
I have no handler,I am my own handler,unlike you......Time for you to shut your hypo-mouth and for Israel to Stop Begging Off Everyone else.

And Pay the Palestinians...ELIMINATION RESTITUTION,INCLUDING THEIR LAND...........You Zionists are a total disgrace to man and woman kind.

Pheo,when you take me on,at least try to do due dilligence, because you are Not Wise......But Foolish....steve

I vote for the candidate and not the party, and if a candidate promises to rid my country of immigrant criminals then I will vote for them. Now when did the arab muslims recieve this land as they were kicked out in 1099 and never had control or sovereignty since. The Ottomans did not give them the land, and the LoN did not give them the land so how is it theirs under international law prior to 2015. Which International treaty overrules that of the LoN Mandate for Palestine of 1923 that grants 22% of Palestine for the Jewish national home and was enshrined in the UN charter in 1949.

Once again you insist that I am a Jew, only this time living in Israel and that I take everything from the Palestinians. Shows just how idiotic and consumed by hatred you are. Mind just looking at your support for islamonazi terrorists is enough for me to see you are a NAZI JEW HATER and would have a party if the Jews were mass murdered again.
Silly Boy.....you think you are Teflon...You Ain't but you are Plastic alright.....A PLASTIC MAN..LOL..see you around Pheo........I and I theliq
Challenger, et al,

I think that is what I said? The concept of "ethnic cleansing" is the intent behind a crime.

Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity (ICC Rome Statutes) is an amalgamation of crimes.

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Most Article 7 Crimes require that the conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population; and that the individual perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. If the attack was targeted against a non-civilian objective (a military or terrorist target), it is not a "widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population."

Relative to the intent of "ethnic cleansing" it must be the case that the conduct constituted, or took place as part of a mass killing of members of a civilian population. Israel was not, as a matter of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, exterminating people.

Israel has no history of a behavior that could be describe as attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.

Israel did not deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts.

The Israel did not imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. All was accomplished under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention; Arab Palestinians who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and represented an element of a grave collective danger, evolved in seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them. And such appropriate action was taken against Arab Palestinians that became involved or provided material support to Hostile Arab Palestinians guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

The Israeli Force, as the Occupying Power, has no widespread or systematic effort to rape or submit to sexual violence, force Arab Palestinians into sexual slavery and prostitution, or submit to forced pregnancy or sterilization. Nor does Israel have a widespread or systematic policy of inflicting inhuman act upon Arab Palestinians simply because they are Arab Palestinians.

In fact I cannot really understand, other than the fact that you are a pro-Palestinian that exercises "by any means necessary" hostility, what would possess you to make an Article 7 allegation (widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population by the Israelis).

Most Respectfully,

Well, that's one opinion. Ultimately the intent, or lack thereof, on the part of the Zionists should be decided by the ICC. that said, professor Illan Pappe (whatever you may think of him) makes a compelling case for intent on the part of the Zionist colonists to ethnically cleanse any territory that they conquered.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Amazon.co.uk Ilan Pappe 9781851685554 Books

It also begs the question, if there was no intent to deport or remove the native population, "without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts." then there is no reason not to repatriate any and all those individual refugees and their families who want to peacefully return to their home country?
It's comics when the insensate Joooooo haters rattle on with the "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" nonsense. It's simply toothless testimony for a pointless claim.

Now, if you want To understand true genocide and ethnic cleansing, you simply need to study the facts of Islamo-history. Every culture that has encountered Islamo-fascism has been the worse for it.

Gaza’s population balloons

Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

“The population of the small Strip, whose area is 365 square kilometers [141 square miles], passed 1.865 million in March, or 5,109 people per square kilometer. Thus, the Gaza Strip is on the list of the most densely populated areas in the world,” said Riad al-Zeitouniya, the head of the Civil Status and Passport Department in the Ministry of Interior of the Gaza government, speaking to Al-Monitor.

Read more: Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East
Challenger, et al,

I think that is what I said? The concept of "ethnic cleansing" is the intent behind a crime.

Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity (ICC Rome Statutes) is an amalgamation of crimes.

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Most Article 7 Crimes require that the conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population; and that the individual perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. If the attack was targeted against a non-civilian objective (a military or terrorist target), it is not a "widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population."

Relative to the intent of "ethnic cleansing" it must be the case that the conduct constituted, or took place as part of a mass killing of members of a civilian population. Israel was not, as a matter of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, exterminating people.

Israel has no history of a behavior that could be describe as attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.

Israel did not deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts.

The Israel did not imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. All was accomplished under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention; Arab Palestinians who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and represented an element of a grave collective danger, evolved in seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them. And such appropriate action was taken against Arab Palestinians that became involved or provided material support to Hostile Arab Palestinians guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

The Israeli Force, as the Occupying Power, has no widespread or systematic effort to rape or submit to sexual violence, force Arab Palestinians into sexual slavery and prostitution, or submit to forced pregnancy or sterilization. Nor does Israel have a widespread or systematic policy of inflicting inhuman act upon Arab Palestinians simply because they are Arab Palestinians.

In fact I cannot really understand, other than the fact that you are a pro-Palestinian that exercises "by any means necessary" hostility, what would possess you to make an Article 7 allegation (widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population by the Israelis).

Most Respectfully,

Well, that's one opinion. Ultimately the intent, or lack thereof, on the part of the Zionists should be decided by the ICC. that said, professor Illan Pappe (whatever you may think of him) makes a compelling case for intent on the part of the Zionist colonists to ethnically cleanse any territory that they conquered.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Amazon.co.uk Ilan Pappe 9781851685554 Books

It also begs the question, if there was no intent to deport or remove the native population, "without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts." then there is no reason not to repatriate any and all those individual refugees and their families who want to peacefully return to their home country?

I agree and they should only deal with facts as presented, and not with conjecture or propaganda. Then they should decide whether the International laws of 1921, 1923 and 1949 have precedence over claims from 1967 and 1988.
As the UN has stated in many resolutions the arab muslims can return on condition they give up terrorism, violence and belligerence and accept that they MUST live in peace with the Israeli's.
Challenger, et al,

I think that is what I said? The concept of "ethnic cleansing" is the intent behind a crime.

Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity (ICC Rome Statutes) is an amalgamation of crimes.

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Most Article 7 Crimes require that the conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population; and that the individual perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. If the attack was targeted against a non-civilian objective (a military or terrorist target), it is not a "widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population."

Relative to the intent of "ethnic cleansing" it must be the case that the conduct constituted, or took place as part of a mass killing of members of a civilian population. Israel was not, as a matter of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, exterminating people.

Israel has no history of a behavior that could be describe as attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.

Israel did not deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts.

The Israel did not imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. All was accomplished under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention; Arab Palestinians who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and represented an element of a grave collective danger, evolved in seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them. And such appropriate action was taken against Arab Palestinians that became involved or provided material support to Hostile Arab Palestinians guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

The Israeli Force, as the Occupying Power, has no widespread or systematic effort to rape or submit to sexual violence, force Arab Palestinians into sexual slavery and prostitution, or submit to forced pregnancy or sterilization. Nor does Israel have a widespread or systematic policy of inflicting inhuman act upon Arab Palestinians simply because they are Arab Palestinians.

In fact I cannot really understand, other than the fact that you are a pro-Palestinian that exercises "by any means necessary" hostility, what would possess you to make an Article 7 allegation (widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population by the Israelis).

Most Respectfully,

Well, that's one opinion. Ultimately the intent, or lack thereof, on the part of the Zionists should be decided by the ICC. that said, professor Illan Pappe (whatever you may think of him) makes a compelling case for intent on the part of the Zionist colonists to ethnically cleanse any territory that they conquered.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Amazon.co.uk Ilan Pappe 9781851685554 Books

It also begs the question, if there was no intent to deport or remove the native population, "without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts." then there is no reason not to repatriate any and all those individual refugees and their families who want to peacefully return to their home country?
It's comics when the insensate Joooooo haters rattle on with the "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" nonsense. It's simply toothless testimony for a pointless claim.

Now, if you want To understand true genocide and ethnic cleansing, you simply need to study the facts of Islamo-history. Every culture that has encountered Islamo-fascism has been the worse for it.

Gaza’s population balloons

Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

“The population of the small Strip, whose area is 365 square kilometers [141 square miles], passed 1.865 million in March, or 5,109 people per square kilometer. Thus, the Gaza Strip is on the list of the most densely populated areas in the world,” said Riad al-Zeitouniya, the head of the Civil Status and Passport Department in the Ministry of Interior of the Gaza government, speaking to Al-Monitor.

Read more: Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

It's simply toothless testimony for a pointless claim.

Is it?

New UN agency report shows ‘unprecedented’ rise in infant mortality in Gaza

United Nations News Centre - New UN agency report shows unprecedented rise in infant mortality in Gaza

Article 6: Genocide
For the purpose of this Statute, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed
with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious
group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring
about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

ICC - International Criminal Court Home

Seems there might be a case to answer. Over to RoccoR for legalistic spin....go!
Challenger, et al,

I think that is what I said? The concept of "ethnic cleansing" is the intent behind a crime.

Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity (ICC Rome Statutes) is an amalgamation of crimes.

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Most Article 7 Crimes require that the conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population; and that the individual perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. If the attack was targeted against a non-civilian objective (a military or terrorist target), it is not a "widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population."

Relative to the intent of "ethnic cleansing" it must be the case that the conduct constituted, or took place as part of a mass killing of members of a civilian population. Israel was not, as a matter of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, exterminating people.

Israel has no history of a behavior that could be describe as attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.

Israel did not deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts.

The Israel did not imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. All was accomplished under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention; Arab Palestinians who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and represented an element of a grave collective danger, evolved in seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them. And such appropriate action was taken against Arab Palestinians that became involved or provided material support to Hostile Arab Palestinians guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

The Israeli Force, as the Occupying Power, has no widespread or systematic effort to rape or submit to sexual violence, force Arab Palestinians into sexual slavery and prostitution, or submit to forced pregnancy or sterilization. Nor does Israel have a widespread or systematic policy of inflicting inhuman act upon Arab Palestinians simply because they are Arab Palestinians.

In fact I cannot really understand, other than the fact that you are a pro-Palestinian that exercises "by any means necessary" hostility, what would possess you to make an Article 7 allegation (widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population by the Israelis).

Most Respectfully,

Well, that's one opinion. Ultimately the intent, or lack thereof, on the part of the Zionists should be decided by the ICC. that said, professor Illan Pappe (whatever you may think of him) makes a compelling case for intent on the part of the Zionist colonists to ethnically cleanse any territory that they conquered.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Amazon.co.uk Ilan Pappe 9781851685554 Books

It also begs the question, if there was no intent to deport or remove the native population, "without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts." then there is no reason not to repatriate any and all those individual refugees and their families who want to peacefully return to their home country?

I agree and they should only deal with facts as presented, and not with conjecture or propaganda. Then they should decide whether the International laws of 1921, 1923 and 1949 have precedence over claims from 1967 and 1988.
As the UN has stated in many resolutions the arab muslims can return on condition they give up terrorism, violence and belligerence and accept that they MUST live in peace with the Israeli's.
I am I am calling you out on your RACIST LIES as I can find no reference to criminal statute in your link. Want to try again using an unbiased non partisan source like the UN say, or the Oz government ?
Australia have said sorry to the Aboriginals for our disgraceful past and treatment of them...........You and Israel never have or had a Moral Backbone,how could you as your intent is and was to Eliminate the Palestinians.....You surely are one of the most Hateful people on earth,even to some of your own people..Say NO TO ZIONISM........the worlds real SCURGE.

Have they paid them restitution and given them their lands back yet, or is that only what you demand the Jews do because your handlers are telling you LIES.
Then read the koran and see who are the ones that want to eliminate a whole population, I will help you as it says more than once " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"
What a Silly Boy,poor Pheo.,you know nothing about Paradise........Yes we have given back vast tracts of Land back,compensated them and have been working very hard for complete equality......the only fly in the ointment is the conservatives(called amazingly here in Australia "The Liberal Party"a misnomer if ever there was one) You know Pheo.,the type of Political Party YOU VOTE FOR IN THE UK.

The excrutiating thing about your prose is the Hypocricy......You have given the Palestinians NOTHING,you have only TAKEN more..... Innocent Lives and MORE LAND as is your intention,when laid bare............But Israel are still extracting War Reparations from Germany and others, even today...That's 60+ Years of Freebies such as Motor Cars,Buses,Trucks etc.,plus loads of Techology,and of course Redeemable CASH.............Not only are you a Lair(like the rest of your possee) but a bloody sham.
I have no handler,I am my own handler,unlike you......Time for you to shut your hypo-mouth and for Israel to Stop Begging Off Everyone else.

And Pay the Palestinians...ELIMINATION RESTITUTION,INCLUDING THEIR LAND...........You Zionists are a total disgrace to man and woman kind.

Pheo,when you take me on,at least try to do due dilligence, because you are Not Wise......But Foolish....steve

I vote for the candidate and not the party, and if a candidate promises to rid my country of immigrant criminals then I will vote for them. Now when did the arab muslims recieve this land as they were kicked out in 1099 and never had control or sovereignty since. The Ottomans did not give them the land, and the LoN did not give them the land so how is it theirs under international law prior to 2015. Which International treaty overrules that of the LoN Mandate for Palestine of 1923 that grants 22% of Palestine for the Jewish national home and was enshrined in the UN charter in 1949.

Once again you insist that I am a Jew, only this time living in Israel and that I take everything from the Palestinians. Shows just how idiotic and consumed by hatred you are. Mind just looking at your support for islamonazi terrorists is enough for me to see you are a NAZI JEW HATER and would have a party if the Jews were mass murdered again.
Silly Boy.....you think you are Teflon...You Ain't but you are Plastic alright.....A PLASTIC MAN..LOL..see you around Pheo........I and I theliq

Trying to be a Rasta now are we, using their term for Me and God. I no I am not Teflon or any other non stick substance, but you forget that when you point the finger you point three at yourself
Challenger, et al,

I think that is what I said? The concept of "ethnic cleansing" is the intent behind a crime.

Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity (ICC Rome Statutes) is an amalgamation of crimes.

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Most Article 7 Crimes require that the conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population; and that the individual perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. If the attack was targeted against a non-civilian objective (a military or terrorist target), it is not a "widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population."

Relative to the intent of "ethnic cleansing" it must be the case that the conduct constituted, or took place as part of a mass killing of members of a civilian population. Israel was not, as a matter of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, exterminating people.

Israel has no history of a behavior that could be describe as attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.

Israel did not deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts.

The Israel did not imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. All was accomplished under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention; Arab Palestinians who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and represented an element of a grave collective danger, evolved in seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them. And such appropriate action was taken against Arab Palestinians that became involved or provided material support to Hostile Arab Palestinians guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

The Israeli Force, as the Occupying Power, has no widespread or systematic effort to rape or submit to sexual violence, force Arab Palestinians into sexual slavery and prostitution, or submit to forced pregnancy or sterilization. Nor does Israel have a widespread or systematic policy of inflicting inhuman act upon Arab Palestinians simply because they are Arab Palestinians.

In fact I cannot really understand, other than the fact that you are a pro-Palestinian that exercises "by any means necessary" hostility, what would possess you to make an Article 7 allegation (widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population by the Israelis).

Most Respectfully,

Well, that's one opinion. Ultimately the intent, or lack thereof, on the part of the Zionists should be decided by the ICC. that said, professor Illan Pappe (whatever you may think of him) makes a compelling case for intent on the part of the Zionist colonists to ethnically cleanse any territory that they conquered.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Amazon.co.uk Ilan Pappe 9781851685554 Books

It also begs the question, if there was no intent to deport or remove the native population, "without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts." then there is no reason not to repatriate any and all those individual refugees and their families who want to peacefully return to their home country?

Another of your islamonazi sources.
Challenger, et al,

I think that is what I said? The concept of "ethnic cleansing" is the intent behind a crime.

Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity (ICC Rome Statutes) is an amalgamation of crimes.

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Most Article 7 Crimes require that the conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population; and that the individual perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. If the attack was targeted against a non-civilian objective (a military or terrorist target), it is not a "widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population."

Relative to the intent of "ethnic cleansing" it must be the case that the conduct constituted, or took place as part of a mass killing of members of a civilian population. Israel was not, as a matter of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, exterminating people.

Israel has no history of a behavior that could be describe as attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.

Israel did not deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts.

The Israel did not imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. All was accomplished under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention; Arab Palestinians who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and represented an element of a grave collective danger, evolved in seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them. And such appropriate action was taken against Arab Palestinians that became involved or provided material support to Hostile Arab Palestinians guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

The Israeli Force, as the Occupying Power, has no widespread or systematic effort to rape or submit to sexual violence, force Arab Palestinians into sexual slavery and prostitution, or submit to forced pregnancy or sterilization. Nor does Israel have a widespread or systematic policy of inflicting inhuman act upon Arab Palestinians simply because they are Arab Palestinians.

In fact I cannot really understand, other than the fact that you are a pro-Palestinian that exercises "by any means necessary" hostility, what would possess you to make an Article 7 allegation (widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population by the Israelis).

Most Respectfully,

Well, that's one opinion. Ultimately the intent, or lack thereof, on the part of the Zionists should be decided by the ICC. that said, professor Illan Pappe (whatever you may think of him) makes a compelling case for intent on the part of the Zionist colonists to ethnically cleanse any territory that they conquered.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Amazon.co.uk Ilan Pappe 9781851685554 Books

It also begs the question, if there was no intent to deport or remove the native population, "without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts." then there is no reason not to repatriate any and all those individual refugees and their families who want to peacefully return to their home country?
It's comics when the insensate Joooooo haters rattle on with the "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" nonsense. It's simply toothless testimony for a pointless claim.

Now, if you want To understand true genocide and ethnic cleansing, you simply need to study the facts of Islamo-history. Every culture that has encountered Islamo-fascism has been the worse for it.

Gaza’s population balloons

Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

“The population of the small Strip, whose area is 365 square kilometers [141 square miles], passed 1.865 million in March, or 5,109 people per square kilometer. Thus, the Gaza Strip is on the list of the most densely populated areas in the world,” said Riad al-Zeitouniya, the head of the Civil Status and Passport Department in the Ministry of Interior of the Gaza government, speaking to Al-Monitor.

Read more: Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

It's simply toothless testimony for a pointless claim.

Is it?

New UN agency report shows ‘unprecedented’ rise in infant mortality in Gaza

United Nations News Centre - New UN agency report shows unprecedented rise in infant mortality in Gaza

Article 6: Genocide
For the purpose of this Statute, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed
with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious
group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring
about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

ICC - International Criminal Court Home

Seems there might be a case to answer. Over to RoccoR for legalistic spin....go!

Ever thought that it is for the same reasons that muslims in the UK show a higher level of infant mortality and birth defects. BECAUSE THEY INTERBREED SO CLOSELY THAT THEY ARE NOW BREDDING BROTHERS AND SISTERS TOGETHER.
Challenger, et al,

I think that is what I said? The concept of "ethnic cleansing" is the intent behind a crime.

Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity (ICC Rome Statutes) is an amalgamation of crimes.

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Most Article 7 Crimes require that the conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population; and that the individual perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. If the attack was targeted against a non-civilian objective (a military or terrorist target), it is not a "widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population."

Relative to the intent of "ethnic cleansing" it must be the case that the conduct constituted, or took place as part of a mass killing of members of a civilian population. Israel was not, as a matter of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, exterminating people.

Israel has no history of a behavior that could be describe as attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.

Israel did not deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts.

The Israel did not imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. All was accomplished under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention; Arab Palestinians who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and represented an element of a grave collective danger, evolved in seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them. And such appropriate action was taken against Arab Palestinians that became involved or provided material support to Hostile Arab Palestinians guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

The Israeli Force, as the Occupying Power, has no widespread or systematic effort to rape or submit to sexual violence, force Arab Palestinians into sexual slavery and prostitution, or submit to forced pregnancy or sterilization. Nor does Israel have a widespread or systematic policy of inflicting inhuman act upon Arab Palestinians simply because they are Arab Palestinians.

In fact I cannot really understand, other than the fact that you are a pro-Palestinian that exercises "by any means necessary" hostility, what would possess you to make an Article 7 allegation (widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population by the Israelis).

Most Respectfully,

Well, that's one opinion. Ultimately the intent, or lack thereof, on the part of the Zionists should be decided by the ICC. that said, professor Illan Pappe (whatever you may think of him) makes a compelling case for intent on the part of the Zionist colonists to ethnically cleanse any territory that they conquered.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Amazon.co.uk Ilan Pappe 9781851685554 Books

It also begs the question, if there was no intent to deport or remove the native population, "without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts." then there is no reason not to repatriate any and all those individual refugees and their families who want to peacefully return to their home country?
It's comics when the insensate Joooooo haters rattle on with the "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" nonsense. It's simply toothless testimony for a pointless claim.

Now, if you want To understand true genocide and ethnic cleansing, you simply need to study the facts of Islamo-history. Every culture that has encountered Islamo-fascism has been the worse for it.

Gaza’s population balloons

Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

“The population of the small Strip, whose area is 365 square kilometers [141 square miles], passed 1.865 million in March, or 5,109 people per square kilometer. Thus, the Gaza Strip is on the list of the most densely populated areas in the world,” said Riad al-Zeitouniya, the head of the Civil Status and Passport Department in the Ministry of Interior of the Gaza government, speaking to Al-Monitor.

Read more: Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

It's simply toothless testimony for a pointless claim.

Is it?

New UN agency report shows ‘unprecedented’ rise in infant mortality in Gaza

United Nations News Centre - New UN agency report shows unprecedented rise in infant mortality in Gaza

Article 6: Genocide
For the purpose of this Statute, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed
with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious
group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring
about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

ICC - International Criminal Court Home

Seems there might be a case to answer. Over to RoccoR for legalistic spin....go!
Nothing in your comment refutes the fact of booming, exploding growth rate of welfare cheats in Gaza.

Your hoping to float some silly conspiracy theory with your melodramatic bolding of item (d).

Really? Your reduced to silly conspiracy theories? That's pretty typical of Islamo-converts.
et al,

I tend to think that most pro-Palestinians don't actually understand "ethnic cleansing" as it pertains to the criminal activity. There is no crime called "ethnic cleansing;" in the international criminal code (Part II - Article 6 Rome Statutes) it is called "Genocide."

Introduction With respect to the last element listed for each crime:

(a) The term “in the context of” would include the initial acts in an emerging pattern;
(b) The term “manifest” is an objective qualification;
(c) Notwithstanding the normal requirement for a mental element provided for in article 30, and recognizing that knowledge of the circumstances will usually be addressed in proving genocidal intent, the appropriate requirement, if any, for a mental element regarding this circumstance will need to be decided by the Court on a case-by-case basis.
Article 6 (a) Genocide by killing Elements

1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons.
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
Article 6 (b) Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm Elements

1. The perpetrator caused serious bodily or mental harm to one or more persons.
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
I think that most people, relative to the Palestinian Conflict, don't actually know how this applies; especially to the Policies Expressed by the Palestinians. The Palestinians actually have a governmental policy to implement hostilities (Jihad) against Israelis.

While there is a sever problem with the Israeli Settlers committing heinous crimes against Palestinians, it is not really a governmental induced or supported effort to directed against Palestinians to effect such destruction; in whole or in part. However, the Israelis understand that the activities of Jewish Extremism are not helping --- but hurting Israel and it citizenry in the eyes of the global community and that Israel's Security Cabinet will be forced to impose a very stern set of crime prevention and criminal enforcement measures if it is to bring the situation under control.

Most Respectfully,

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

What the Zionists did in 1948 is they defended themselves against the Arab savages who attacked Israel in order to destroy it.

Can we hear a praise to the Allah on that one?

No they didn't. More Rude-ee B.S. The Arab armies entered Palestine in order to prevent the creation of a Zionist Jewish state and the ethnic cleansing of the native population. Abdullah of Jordan was even colluding with the Zionists to split Palestine between them, so no attempt to destroy Israel from that direction. The Lebanese Christian rulers marched their army up to the Litani, fired a few shells over the river then ran away as soon as the IDF appeared, so no attempt to destroy Israel from that direction. Syrian and Egyptian forces were the only ones to enter territory that would have been allocated to the "Jewish" state by the U.N. resolution and their attacks were half hearted at best.

1948 A History of the First Arab-Israeli War Amazon.co.uk Benny Morris 9780300151121 Books
Challenger, et al,

I think that is what I said? The concept of "ethnic cleansing" is the intent behind a crime.

Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity (ICC Rome Statutes) is an amalgamation of crimes.

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Most Article 7 Crimes require that the conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population; and that the individual perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. If the attack was targeted against a non-civilian objective (a military or terrorist target), it is not a "widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population."

Relative to the intent of "ethnic cleansing" it must be the case that the conduct constituted, or took place as part of a mass killing of members of a civilian population. Israel was not, as a matter of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, exterminating people.

Israel has no history of a behavior that could be describe as attaching to the right of ownership over one or more persons, such as by purchasing, selling, lending or bartering such a person or persons, or by imposing on them a similar deprivation of liberty.

Israel did not deported or forcibly transferred, without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts.

The Israel did not imprisoned one or more persons or otherwise severely deprived one or more persons of physical liberty. All was accomplished under Article 68 of the Geneva Convention; Arab Palestinians who commit an offense which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and represented an element of a grave collective danger, evolved in seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them. And such appropriate action was taken against Arab Palestinians that became involved or provided material support to Hostile Arab Palestinians guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons.

The Israeli Force, as the Occupying Power, has no widespread or systematic effort to rape or submit to sexual violence, force Arab Palestinians into sexual slavery and prostitution, or submit to forced pregnancy or sterilization. Nor does Israel have a widespread or systematic policy of inflicting inhuman act upon Arab Palestinians simply because they are Arab Palestinians.

In fact I cannot really understand, other than the fact that you are a pro-Palestinian that exercises "by any means necessary" hostility, what would possess you to make an Article 7 allegation (widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population by the Israelis).

Most Respectfully,

Well, that's one opinion. Ultimately the intent, or lack thereof, on the part of the Zionists should be decided by the ICC. that said, professor Illan Pappe (whatever you may think of him) makes a compelling case for intent on the part of the Zionist colonists to ethnically cleanse any territory that they conquered.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Amazon.co.uk Ilan Pappe 9781851685554 Books

It also begs the question, if there was no intent to deport or remove the native population, "without grounds permitted under international law, one or more persons to another State or location, by expulsion or other coercive acts." then there is no reason not to repatriate any and all those individual refugees and their families who want to peacefully return to their home country?
It's comics when the insensate Joooooo haters rattle on with the "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" nonsense. It's simply toothless testimony for a pointless claim.

Now, if you want To understand true genocide and ethnic cleansing, you simply need to study the facts of Islamo-history. Every culture that has encountered Islamo-fascism has been the worse for it.

Gaza’s population balloons

Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

“The population of the small Strip, whose area is 365 square kilometers [141 square miles], passed 1.865 million in March, or 5,109 people per square kilometer. Thus, the Gaza Strip is on the list of the most densely populated areas in the world,” said Riad al-Zeitouniya, the head of the Civil Status and Passport Department in the Ministry of Interior of the Gaza government, speaking to Al-Monitor.

Read more: Gaza s population balloons - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

It's simply toothless testimony for a pointless claim.

Is it?

New UN agency report shows ‘unprecedented’ rise in infant mortality in Gaza

United Nations News Centre - New UN agency report shows unprecedented rise in infant mortality in Gaza

Article 6: Genocide
For the purpose of this Statute, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed
with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious
group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring
about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

ICC - International Criminal Court Home

Seems there might be a case to answer. Over to RoccoR for legalistic spin....go!
If you're concerned with infant mortality among the beggars and squatters in Gaza, consider petitioning the UN for more welfare dollars.

A continued supply of human shields for Hamas is a valuable commodity.
et al,

I tend to think that most pro-Palestinians don't actually understand "ethnic cleansing" as it pertains to the criminal activity. There is no crime called "ethnic cleansing;" in the international criminal code (Part II - Article 6 Rome Statutes) it is called "Genocide."

Introduction With respect to the last element listed for each crime:

(a) The term “in the context of” would include the initial acts in an emerging pattern;
(b) The term “manifest” is an objective qualification;
(c) Notwithstanding the normal requirement for a mental element provided for in article 30, and recognizing that knowledge of the circumstances will usually be addressed in proving genocidal intent, the appropriate requirement, if any, for a mental element regarding this circumstance will need to be decided by the Court on a case-by-case basis.
Article 6 (a) Genocide by killing Elements

1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons.
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
Article 6 (b) Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm Elements

1. The perpetrator caused serious bodily or mental harm to one or more persons.
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
I think that most people, relative to the Palestinian Conflict, don't actually know how this applies; especially to the Policies Expressed by the Palestinians. The Palestinians actually have a governmental policy to implement hostilities (Jihad) against Israelis.

While there is a sever problem with the Israeli Settlers committing heinous crimes against Palestinians, it is not really a governmental induced or supported effort to directed against Palestinians to effect such destruction; in whole or in part. However, the Israelis understand that the activities of Jewish Extremism are not helping --- but hurting Israel and it citizenry in the eyes of the global community and that Israel's Security Cabinet will be forced to impose a very stern set of crime prevention and criminal enforcement measures if it is to bring the situation under control.

Most Respectfully,

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

What the Zionists did in 1948 is they defended themselves against the Arab savages who attacked Israel in order to destroy it.

Can we hear a praise to the Allah on that one?

No they didn't. More Rude-ee B.S. The Arab armies entered Palestine in order to prevent the creation of a Zionist Jewish state and the ethnic cleansing of the native population. Abdullah of Jordan was even colluding with the Zionists to split Palestine between them, so no attempt to destroy Israel from that direction. The Lebanese Christian rulers marched their army up to the Litani, fired a few shells over the river then ran away as soon as the IDF appeared, so no attempt to destroy Israel from that direction. Syrian and Egyptian forces were the only ones to enter territory that would have been allocated to the "Jewish" state by the U.N. resolution and their attacks were half hearted at best.

1948 A History of the First Arab-Israeli War Amazon.co.uk Benny Morris 9780300151121 Books

Umm. No. The Arab beggars and squatters were pushed aside so that the A-rab armies could complete their hoped for Joooooooo genocide.
et al,

I tend to think that most pro-Palestinians don't actually understand "ethnic cleansing" as it pertains to the criminal activity. There is no crime called "ethnic cleansing;" in the international criminal code (Part II - Article 6 Rome Statutes) it is called "Genocide."

Introduction With respect to the last element listed for each crime:

(a) The term “in the context of” would include the initial acts in an emerging pattern;
(b) The term “manifest” is an objective qualification;
(c) Notwithstanding the normal requirement for a mental element provided for in article 30, and recognizing that knowledge of the circumstances will usually be addressed in proving genocidal intent, the appropriate requirement, if any, for a mental element regarding this circumstance will need to be decided by the Court on a case-by-case basis.
Article 6 (a) Genocide by killing Elements

1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons.
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
Article 6 (b) Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm Elements

1. The perpetrator caused serious bodily or mental harm to one or more persons.
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
I think that most people, relative to the Palestinian Conflict, don't actually know how this applies; especially to the Policies Expressed by the Palestinians. The Palestinians actually have a governmental policy to implement hostilities (Jihad) against Israelis.

While there is a sever problem with the Israeli Settlers committing heinous crimes against Palestinians, it is not really a governmental induced or supported effort to directed against Palestinians to effect such destruction; in whole or in part. However, the Israelis understand that the activities of Jewish Extremism are not helping --- but hurting Israel and it citizenry in the eyes of the global community and that Israel's Security Cabinet will be forced to impose a very stern set of crime prevention and criminal enforcement measures if it is to bring the situation under control.

Most Respectfully,

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

What the Zionists did in 1948 is they defended themselves against the Arab savages who attacked Israel in order to destroy it.

Can we hear a praise to the Allah on that one?

No they didn't. More Rude-ee B.S. The Arab armies entered Palestine in order to prevent the creation of a Zionist Jewish state and the ethnic cleansing of the native population. Abdullah of Jordan was even colluding with the Zionists to split Palestine between them, so no attempt to destroy Israel from that direction. The Lebanese Christian rulers marched their army up to the Litani, fired a few shells over the river then ran away as soon as the IDF appeared, so no attempt to destroy Israel from that direction. Syrian and Egyptian forces were the only ones to enter territory that would have been allocated to the "Jewish" state by the U.N. resolution and their attacks were half hearted at best.

1948 A History of the First Arab-Israeli War Amazon.co.uk Benny Morris 9780300151121 Books

Umm. No. The Arab beggars and squatters were pushed aside so that the A-rab armies could complete their hoped for Joooooooo genocide.
et al,

I tend to think that most pro-Palestinians don't actually understand "ethnic cleansing" as it pertains to the criminal activity. There is no crime called "ethnic cleansing;" in the international criminal code (Part II - Article 6 Rome Statutes) it is called "Genocide."

Introduction With respect to the last element listed for each crime:

(a) The term “in the context of” would include the initial acts in an emerging pattern;
(b) The term “manifest” is an objective qualification;
(c) Notwithstanding the normal requirement for a mental element provided for in article 30, and recognizing that knowledge of the circumstances will usually be addressed in proving genocidal intent, the appropriate requirement, if any, for a mental element regarding this circumstance will need to be decided by the Court on a case-by-case basis.
Article 6 (a) Genocide by killing Elements

1. The perpetrator killed one or more persons.
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
Article 6 (b) Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm Elements

1. The perpetrator caused serious bodily or mental harm to one or more persons.
2. Such person or persons belonged to a particular national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
3. The perpetrator intended to destroy, in whole or in part, that national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.
4. The conduct took place in the context of a manifest pattern of similar conduct directed against that group or was conduct that could itself effect such destruction.
I think that most people, relative to the Palestinian Conflict, don't actually know how this applies; especially to the Policies Expressed by the Palestinians. The Palestinians actually have a governmental policy to implement hostilities (Jihad) against Israelis.

While there is a sever problem with the Israeli Settlers committing heinous crimes against Palestinians, it is not really a governmental induced or supported effort to directed against Palestinians to effect such destruction; in whole or in part. However, the Israelis understand that the activities of Jewish Extremism are not helping --- but hurting Israel and it citizenry in the eyes of the global community and that Israel's Security Cabinet will be forced to impose a very stern set of crime prevention and criminal enforcement measures if it is to bring the situation under control.

Most Respectfully,

I think you'll find although there is no crime specifically called "Ethnic Cleansing" what the Zionists did in 1947-48 and still do to this date is covered by Article 7 in your link. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

What the Zionists did in 1948 is they defended themselves against the Arab savages who attacked Israel in order to destroy it.

Can we hear a praise to the Allah on that one?

No they didn't. More Rude-ee B.S. The Arab armies entered Palestine in order to prevent the creation of a Zionist Jewish state and the ethnic cleansing of the native population. Abdullah of Jordan was even colluding with the Zionists to split Palestine between them, so no attempt to destroy Israel from that direction. The Lebanese Christian rulers marched their army up to the Litani, fired a few shells over the river then ran away as soon as the IDF appeared, so no attempt to destroy Israel from that direction. Syrian and Egyptian forces were the only ones to enter territory that would have been allocated to the "Jewish" state by the U.N. resolution and their attacks were half hearted at best.

1948 A History of the First Arab-Israeli War Amazon.co.uk Benny Morris 9780300151121 Books

Umm. No. The Arab beggars and squatters were pushed aside so that the A-rab armies could complete their hoped for Joooooooo genocide.
Raising the flag of surrender. Good choice.

That's something arabs-moslems do habitually. Three wars of hoped-for Joooooo genocide and the A-rabs got their noses rubbed in the dirt with humiliating losses.
It's really difficult to feel sorry for the Palestinians considering that they elect thugs/terrorists and the constant lobbing of rockets into Israel with the intent of causing harm. I think they bring it on themselves and if they behaved like civil human beings, they wouldn't be suffering right now. Israel has even given them supplies and goods to help them out, and they have been known to destroy such diplomatic efforts. It's like dealing with insane people. Just imagine . . . an entire country full of people like you find here on the forum. :lol:
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