HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
Yes, more Record setting Weather for the UK, and probably EU is on tap for this summer, as just anecdotal evidence of a Warming climate.
Yes, weather does not equal climate (someone tell the Troll skookerasbil), but Four Months, not a weekend, would be Less likely in a cooling climate.

And of course, this is part of a 150 year and Accelerating Warming trend.
That is the Consensus of the Scientific community, and every scientific org.
And Our Military has also acknowkledged this Warming this since about 1990.

HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

A RECORD-breaking Bank Holiday scorcher will dish up a taste of things to come over the next few weeks with a Blowtorch Heatwave tipped to kick off summer.
Freakishly high temperatures are forecast through June as the nation gears up for the first decent holiday season in years.

Tue, May 8, 2018
HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

Long-range predictions point towards an even hotter August with Lengthy bursts of Blazing sunshine possible until autumn.
Hot air from the tropical Azores Islands will drive the initial warmth before a change in wind direction brings a plume of Red Hot air up from the Continent.


UK hot weather forecast - Britain is facing months of heat

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Yes, more Record setting Weather for the UK, and probably EU is on tap for this summer, as just anecdotal evidence of a Warming climate.
Yes, weather does not equal climate (someone tell the Troll skookerasbil), but Four Months, not a weekend, would be Less likely in a cooling climate.

And of course, this is part of a 150 year and Accelerating Warming trend.
That is the Consensus of the Scientific community, and every scientific org.
And Our Military has also acknowkledged this Warming this since about 1990.

HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

A RECORD-breaking Bank Holiday scorcher will dish up a taste of things to come over the next few weeks with a Blowtorch Heatwave tipped to kick off summer.
Freakishly high temperatures are forecast through June as the nation gears up for the first decent holiday season in years.

Tue, May 8, 2018
HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

Long-range predictions point towards an even hotter August with Lengthy bursts of Blazing sunshine possible until autumn.
Hot air from the tropical Azores Islands will drive the initial warmth before a change in wind direction brings a plume of Red Hot air up from the Continent.


UK hot weather forecast - Britain is facing months of heat

exactly how does CO2 only affect an area of the globe? please enlighten us on the magic of CO2.
Yes, more Record setting Weather for the UK, and probably EU is on tap for this summer, as just anecdotal evidence of a Warming climate.
Yes, weather does not equal climate (someone tell the Troll skookerasbil), but Four Months, not a weekend, would be Less likely in a cooling climate.

And of course, this is part of a 150 year and Accelerating Warming trend.
That is the Consensus of the Scientific community, and every scientific org.
And Our Military has also acknowkledged this Warming this since about 1990.

HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

A RECORD-breaking Bank Holiday scorcher will dish up a taste of things to come over the next few weeks with a Blowtorch Heatwave tipped to kick off summer.
Freakishly high temperatures are forecast through June as the nation gears up for the first decent holiday season in years.

Tue, May 8, 2018
HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

Long-range predictions point towards an even hotter August with Lengthy bursts of Blazing sunshine possible until autumn.
Hot air from the tropical Azores Islands will drive the initial warmth before a change in wind direction brings a plume of Red Hot air up from the Continent.


UK hot weather forecast - Britain is facing months of heat


The same Idiot that cant tell weather from climate.. And they used the IPCC MODEL AS PROOF..... LOLOLOLOLOL
How long has the entire European continent been at above average, if not record-setting- temperatures Billy?

Why don't you - the lone "atmospheric physicist" in the room - tell us why?
How long has the entire European continent been at above average, if not record-setting- temperatures Billy?

Why don't you - the lone "atmospheric physicist" in the room - tell us why?
And your lab work shows that the 2ppm of CO2 increase last year is responsible, right?

Next year the "climate" will be even hotter, right
Yes, more Record setting Weather for the UK, and probably EU is on tap for this summer, as just anecdotal evidence of a Warming climate.
Yes, weather does not equal climate (someone tell the Troll skookerasbil), but Four Months, not a weekend, would be Less likely in a cooling climate.

And of course, this is part of a 150 year and Accelerating Warming trend.
That is the Consensus of the Scientific community, and every scientific org.
And Our Military has also acknowkledged this Warming this since about 1990.

HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

A RECORD-breaking Bank Holiday scorcher will dish up a taste of things to come over the next few weeks with a Blowtorch Heatwave tipped to kick off summer.
Freakishly high temperatures are forecast through June as the nation gears up for the first decent holiday season in years.

Tue, May 8, 2018
HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

Long-range predictions point towards an even hotter August with Lengthy bursts of Blazing sunshine possible until autumn.
Hot air from the tropical Azores Islands will drive the initial warmth before a change in wind direction brings a plume of Red Hot air up from the Continent.


UK hot weather forecast - Britain is facing months of heat

exactly how does CO2 only affect an area of the globe? please enlighten us on the magic of CO2.
Well, our lab work shows that, er, never mind
How long has the entire European continent been at above average, if not record-setting- temperatures Billy?

Why don't you - the lone "atmospheric physicist" in the room - tell us why?
what % of the globe does it occupy? Remember how the US only affects 3% of the globe therefore any statistics from it mean nothing rule you on the left have? Now European continent occupies more than the US?
How long has the entire European continent been at above average, if not record-setting- temperatures Billy?

Why don't you - the lone "atmospheric physicist" in the room - tell us why?
First of all it is not the whole continent, it is a small region.. Your severely manipulated data make any assumption about record setting a hope and poke scenario..

Simply put, you lack verifiable FACTS.
Are you denying that the world is currently suffering from Rossby waves in the jet stream? Or is it that you do not understand the phenomenon?


Notice the "localized" effects?
Typical...when it is snow up to your butt and cold enough to kill, it is weather...but let it be warm and it is climate...SSDD
It's been unseasonably cool and comfortable in South Florida.....

I guess your "global warming" skips most parts of the globe.

If you're REALLY concerned about the planet's health, stop faking concern and get your row boat and head out into the Central Pacific and help clean up some of that plastic garbage.

But alas, like most Henny Penny Climate Alarmist, you don't really give a damn about the always ANY LIE to advance your agendas that have nothing to do with climate change.

Gun grabbers and Climate and the same (garbage)

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It's been unseasonably cool and comfortable in South Florida.....
I guess your "global warming" skips most parts of the globe.

If you're REALLY concerned about the planet's health, stop faking concern and get your row boat and head out into the Central Pacific and help clean up some of that plastic garbage.....

S Florida isn't "Most parts of the Globe" you Moron.
I've also posted All time RECORD Temps in Pakistan, Germany, etc.

And No you Faux News Mron, that doesn't mean I have to go clean up Plastic Bags in the Pacific you unbelievable Dope.

and No, I don't want to "Grab your Guns", you ALL-Conserrvative Clown, though in your specific case, the country may be better off if you didn't have them.

You've just shown yourself to be an all-issue denial-Conservative, but completely UNknowledgable on the topic at hand.
It's been unseasonably cool and comfortable in South Florida.....
I guess your "global warming" skips most parts of the globe.

If you're REALLY concerned about the planet's health, stop faking concern and get your row boat and head out into the Central Pacific and help clean up some of that plastic garbage.....

S Florida isn't "Most parts of the Globe" you Moron.
I've also posted All time RECORD Temps in Pakistan, Germany, etc.

And No you Faux News Mron, that doesn't mean I have to go clean up Plastic Bags in the Pacific you unbelievable Dope.

and No, I don't want to "Grab your Guns", you ALL-Conserrvative Clown, though in your specific case, the country may be better off if you didn't have them.

You've just shown yourself to be an all-issue denial-Conservative, but completely UNknowledgable on the topic at hand.
BTW, neither Pakistan or Germany or the two together is 'most of the globe'. Just saying you have a hard time with geography and understanding land mass. :auiqs.jpg:
BTW, neither Pakistan or Germany or the two together is 'most of the globe'. Just saying you have a hard time with geography and understanding land mass. :auiqs.jpg:
But this IS you now 100% Refuted Dumb Turd!

Hottest April Day Ever Was Probably Monday in Pakistan: a Record 122.4°F

"...Worldwide, 17 of the 18 Warmest years on record have occurred since 2001, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA, and the Past Four are the Four Warmest."

Ooops - you ONE-LINE TROLL
You lose again
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BTW, neither Pakistan or Germany or the two together is 'most of the globe'. Just saying you have a hard time with geography and understanding land mass. :auiqs.jpg:
But this IS you now 100% Refuted Dumb Turd!

Hottest April Day Ever Was Probably Monday in Pakistan: a Record 122.4°F

"...Worldwide, 17 of the 18 Warmest years on record have occurred since 2001, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA, and the Past Four are the Four Warmest."

Ooops - you ONE-LINE TROLL
You lose again
dude, I have no fking idea what point you're trying to make? I was informing you that Pakistan is most likely .5% of the globe for any reference to it's matter on the globe.

Explain to me how the smaller land mass of Pakistan is more important to the global temperatures over the US?
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Yes, more Record setting Weather for the UK, and probably EU is on tap for this summer, as just anecdotal evidence of a Warming climate.
Yes, weather does not equal climate (someone tell the Troll skookerasbil), but Four Months, not a weekend, would be Less likely in a cooling climate.

And of course, this is part of a 150 year and Accelerating Warming trend.
That is the Consensus of the Scientific community, and every scientific org.
And Our Military has also acknowkledged this Warming this since about 1990.

HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

A RECORD-breaking Bank Holiday scorcher will dish up a taste of things to come over the next few weeks with a Blowtorch Heatwave tipped to kick off summer.
Freakishly high temperatures are forecast through June as the nation gears up for the first decent holiday season in years.

Tue, May 8, 2018
HOT weather forecast: Summer 2018 SCORCHER as Britain to be hit by 4 MONTHS of blazing sun

Long-range predictions point towards an even hotter August with Lengthy bursts of Blazing sunshine possible until autumn.
Hot air from the tropical Azores Islands will drive the initial warmth before a change in wind direction brings a plume of Red Hot air up from the Continent.


UK hot weather forecast - Britain is facing months of heat

Went from forty degrees to eighty degrees here, I miss my springs. I have ran the AC for days strait already! From furnace to air conditioner, not the way it used toe!

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