House Democrats Reject Bill To Give Terminally Ill Americans A ‘Right to Try’ Experimental Drugs

Fucking Dems. They only blocked it because Trump liked it.

Some days I hate politics in our country.
Wonder why? What do terminal patients have to lose if their conventional treatments aren't working?
Dems want the government to determine what people can and cannot do, unless it envolves harming other people....then they are all about freedom.
Fact: Democrats want Americans to die.
Maybe if the bill would have specified that it would be for illegals they would have passed it.

House Democrats Reject Bill To Give Terminally Ill Americans A ‘Right to Try’ Experimental Drugs – True Pundit

Fuck the Democratic Party. My buddy's wife died of S4 cancer a few years ago and he couldn't get any of the drugs in other countries looking promising because the FDA hadn't approved them. Think about that: the FDA has to approve the safety of drugs for people who are already dying.
The Dems would have approved the bill if it had contained a provision
that if the drug failed, the person would allow an illegal alien to vote under
their name for the next 12 years
This is the epitome of authoritarian arrogance. There is no way to justify it.
Fact: Democrats want Americans to die.
Maybe if the bill would have specified that it would be for illegals they would have passed it.

House Democrats Reject Bill To Give Terminally Ill Americans A ‘Right to Try’ Experimental Drugs – True Pundit

Well if they are terminally ill and are probably going to die anyhow, I see no reason why they should not be allowed to try experimental drugs. For the terminally ill I also fully support their Right To Die With Dignity, it's their life they have a Human Right to self-determination and if they want assistance to end their suffering they should be given that assistance, no reason to contribute to a persons suffering by denying them the right to end it.
Fucking Dems. They only blocked it because Trump liked it.

Some days I hate politics in our country.

I very much doubt that. I believe it's the drug companies that have them in their pocket.
Democrats are going to get their asses kicked in the midterms over Crap like this. Trump will remind the American people of their treachery.
Wonder why? What do terminal patients have to lose if their conventional treatments aren't working?

Older Americans would comprise most of the beneficiaries. Democrats want old people with disagreeable political views and knowledge to die as soon as possible so they erase the evidence of the past.
Fact: Democrats want Americans to die.
Maybe if the bill would have specified that it would be for illegals they would have passed it.

House Democrats Reject Bill To Give Terminally Ill Americans A ‘Right to Try’ Experimental Drugs – True Pundit
Republicans see a way to make a buck. No matter the suffering.

Realists would see experimentation on human beings. At what point do you have them begging for death? Sorry, you signed a paper.

Republicans don’t make money if a private citizen has more choices.
Who signed what paper?

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