House Passes MORE Act Which Decriminalizes Marijuana

THAT is what is needed. Till then… The best we got, is the tests we have. I don’t care if a person smokes pot. But as Moonglow so unabashedly professes; many pot smokers get Hogg, then hit the highway; all the while trying to convince everyone that they cannot be held responsible for accidents. Including fatalities. Till better tests are available..? I’ll err on the side of caution, and the victims.

And this is the wrong way to err. You are good with punishing innocent people for the actions of jerks/criminals like Moonglow.

This happens too often. People use Allegra to make meth so I get punished by not being able to buy it often enough to keep a family of 4 taken care of during allergy season.
And this is the wrong way to err. You are good with punishing innocent people for the actions of jerks/criminals like Moonglow.

This happens too often. People use Allegra to make meth so I get punished by not being able to buy it often enough to keep a family of 4 taken care of during allergy season.
Then get prescriptions. That's the solution.
And this is the wrong way to err. You are good with punishing innocent people for the actions of jerks/criminals like Moonglow.

This happens too often. People use Allegra to make meth so I get punished by not being able to buy it often enough to keep a family of 4 taken care of during allergy season.
Try again. Try harder…
You can't even tell it to a judge. The test is to determine the level of alcohol in your system. If you blow that, you are presumed to be impaired and that presumption is not rebuttals. Go ask an attorney specializing in drunk driving cases. You cannot even submit evidence that you were not actually impaired.

Yes, because the legal system has set a limit and if you above that you are legally impaired, this has not been done for pot.

If we treated alcohol like you all want to treat pot then someone who drank a single beer during dinner and then had an accident would be legally charged with DUI. But that is not the case with alcohol, nor should it be for pot.
Then get prescriptions. That's the solution.

That is a terrible fucking solution. Again, I have to spend my money to see a doctor to give me a prescription because other people are breaking the law.

Why do we punish the innocent?
That is a terrible fucking solution.
Funny, seems to have worked for every other controlled substance.

Your overly general arguments about having to get a prescription for a controlled substance aren't compelling,.

Yes, you have to get a prescription, if yiu want to buy that much. Same applies to many other substances

But you are...special? What?

I mean, I get it, all restrictions are annoying.
That is a terrible fucking solution. Again, I have to spend my money to see a doctor to give me a prescription because other people are breaking the law.

Why do we punish the innocent?

Because someone said that we need to DO SOMETHING! And that was SOMETHING!
Funny, seems to have worked for every other controlled substance.

Your overly general arguments about having to get a prescription for a controlled substance aren't compelling,.

Yes, you have to get a prescription, if yiu want to buy that much. Same applies to many other substances

But you are...special? What?

I mean, I get it, all restrictions are annoying.
You're an idiot.
Funny, seems to have worked for every other controlled substance.

Allegra D is not a controlled substance. It is an OTC medicine.

Your overly general arguments about having to get a prescription for a controlled substance aren't compelling,.

Allegra D is not a controlled substance. It is an OTC medicine. It is no more a controlled substance than motrin.

Yes, you have to get a prescription, if yiu want to buy that much. Same applies to many other substances

But you are...special? What?

Once again, we are not talking about a controlled substance. We are talking about an OTC medication.
Because someone said that we need to DO SOMETHING! And that was SOMETHING!

The something tends to always to punish the innocent based on the actions of the criminals.

And people support it, thus it keeps happening.
The something tends to always to punish the innocent based on the actions of the criminals.

And people support it, thus it keeps happening.
Look dude. If you want good faith legislation; you need to be willing to bring something to the table besides “can’t prove it”. Most Americans don’t really give a shit if you smoke pot. I’ve smoked pounds of it my youth. However… There is a social contract. So… What are you willing to concede to, in order for society to green light legalization? I’d say; “the best testing methods at hand”. What’s your proposal?
Allegra D is not a controlled substance. It is an OTC medicine.

Allegra D is not a controlled substance. It is an OTC medicine. It is no more a controlled substance than motrin.

Once again, we are not talking about a controlled substance. We are talking about an OTC medication.
In some places that OTC medication is a BTC ( Behind the counter) medication.

Oddly enough, we have anti Marijuana laws because an FBI agent named Harry Ainslinger did not want white people going to black jazz clubs.
In some places that OTC medication is a BTC ( Behind the counter) medication.

Yes, in my state that includes Allegra D because people use it to make meth. And since punishing innocent people for the actions of criminals is a national pastime in our country, I am not limited in how much I can buy even though I am not the one abusing it
Look dude. If you want good faith legislation; you need to be willing to bring something to the table besides “can’t prove it”. Most Americans don’t really give a shit if you smoke pot. I’ve smoked pounds of it my youth. However… There is a social contract. So… What are you willing to concede to, in order for society to green light legalization? I’d say; “the best testing methods at hand”. What’s your proposal?
Seems to me he is saying that it's simple possession and use should be legal. It also seems to me that those who want these acts to be illegal carry the burden of proving why.
Yes, in my state that includes Allegra D because people use it to make meth. And since punishing innocent people for the actions of criminals is a national pastime in our country, I am not limited in how much I can buy even though I am not the one abusing it
That is just not a good argument, though. This is why it never wins. Ever.

It's too general. Plug in Ammonium nitrate. Or gunpowder. The argument doesn't change.
That is just not a good argument, though. This is why it never wins. Ever.

It's too general. Plug in Ammonium nitrate. Or gunpowder. The argument doesn't change.

It never wins because the country is filled with anti-freedom people that are cool with the government punishing the innocents due to the actions of criminals.

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