House Republicans demand answers from Pelosi on security decisions leading up to Capitol riot... & why National Guard may remain in DC until the fall


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Capitol Police requested National Guard help prior to January 6th.

That request was denied by Pelosi

During the attack, Capitol Police made the request again.

It took over an hour to get approval from Pelosi

They are afraid the REAL American people / voters they have been screwing over and calling terrorists - not Antifa like on 6 Jan - will storm DC to run their tyranical socialist asses out of govt.
She doesn't think she has to answer to anyone! Maybe it's time to recall her along with the Gov of California
Maybe it's time to impeach Pelosi! On the grounds she is unfit to serve as House Speaker. She is obviously suffers from TDS, among other mental illness. It's time for someone to step in and take her place.
The FBI knew beforehand.
The Capitol Police knew.
Pelosi knew.
They let it happen.

Despite all of our Intel sources confirming there was no threat of violence for the Inauguration Pelosi brought thousands of troops into DC & made it a militarized zone...

'Aday late and a dollar short, Nancy. No one is buying the theatrics now that you give a shit about protecting anyone but yourself & your own power.
Capitol Police requested National Guard help prior to January 6th.

That request was denied by Pelosi

During the attack, Capitol Police made the request again.

It took over an hour to get approval from Pelosi


The Speaker of the House can't authorize a damned thing outside of the House Chambers. The Q is strong in this one.
Support the 9/11 type commission to investigate!

That she has called for....
If Pelosi is the one calling the guard off then McConnell is also the One calling the guard off....

Me thinks that is the Sargent of Arms for both the Senate and house's duties?

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