House Republicans regroup amid Medicare anger

It's fun watching Paul Ryan and those republicons who voted to abandon Medicare as we know it, as they squirm.
This is where we find out whether the GOP has finally learned to do what's RIGHT or what's POPULAR.

Suffice it to say that their decision on this will probably affect my ability to vote for ANY Republican candidate for the rest of my life.

I say we do it the Democrats' way. They haven't come up with a single serious suggestion to try and save it anyway and just attack those who are actually trying to save it.

So let's just drive Medicare right over the cliff along with the entire country and insist it isn't a problem at all and anyone who tries to stop the unsustainable growth of Medicare be viciously attacked for the old-people-hating bastards they really are. We all know its the only reason they are doing it anyway -they just hate those old people. Since no one on the left is even the least bit interested in attempting to stave off the total collapse of that program we need to get everyone worked up in opposition to the right trying to prevent its collapse -and do it now before that collapse becomes inevitable! So let's get SEIU thugs to drag their members out in the street again pretending to be just average, real Americans - because hey, we all know unions are the first in line concerned about the nation's best interests which they always put above their own interests, power and outright greed. LOL

So let's not even pretend liberals are part of the solution when we all know they aren't anyway -and instead try to exploit this for the political gain of the left instead. Let's engage in the worst kind of demagoguery possible -because hey, we all know the left believes their own best interests trump the best interests of the nation and every person in it. Oh hell, who we kidding -the nation's best interests aren't even on the list of priorities for the left anyway and neither are human beings and their quality of life. (Which is why they are now pushing to try and force the world to pretend a FANTASY CHARACTER called "Mother Nature" has the identical HUMAN rights as a real person! These people are truly mentally ill and among liberals it is just a matter of degree of illness.)

Their primary concern is NOT human beings, it is NOT their welfare and it is NOT their well-being. It is with their OWN political power at all times. The left actually despises our own species and in their list of priorities they even put inanimate objects before that of human life. They upended it entirely so to liberals human life and the best interests of human beings is the least valuable of all in their list of priorities. But let's insist its Repubs who are out after our grandparents and trying to kill them -and try to make sure no one catches on to the fact the left actually seeks the total collapse of our system because they believe it benefits THEM and THEIR agenda. So we need to convince everyone that Medicare isn't in trouble at all, that there is no unsustainable growth that will cause it to collapse. And instead insist the rich just aren't paying their "fair share" still and how we need government to confiscate 40% of what they earn as if everyone else owns the fruits of their labor and not the person who worked his ass off to earn it! Absolutely do NOT let it become common knowledge that those earning the highest incomes work an average 70 hour work week, something most of us refuse to do -but let's encourage everyone to despise and hate those who made a different decision and sacrificed other areas of their life in the process -by inflicting punitive income tax rates on them! That'll teach 'em to dream big! And let's promote the notion that those earning the highest INCOMES are sleezebags of society instead --not those being bred and encouraged to parasite off them.

The war declared on the "rich" is in reality an attempt to PROTECT the super wealthy -people like multibillionaire George Soros. Soros favors slamming a 40% income tax on everyone earning more than $100,000. Isn't anyone curious about WHY he does? Are you stupid enough to believe it is a tax that would somehow affect HIM? Because it wouldn't touch him. Yet the mentally ill left are all out there chanting about how the rich still aren't paying their "fair" share insisting government should confiscate at least 40% of what the most productive, most successful, hardest working, innovative and creative workers among us earn -earn because they are WORKING. Soros favors it because it is in reality a tax that would PROTECT HIS POWER, will never affect one cent of his money -all while it fits in with what he really wants - working to prevent others from ever amassing that kind of wealth and thereby possible challenge his POWER and the power of the other ultra-wealthy. The nonstop demand by the left to keep hitting the "rich" up with more and more taxes, insisting that they can foot the bill for everyone and everything others WANT but don't want to provide for themselves -is all a PLOY to protect the ultra-wealthy like Soros. Because the ultra-wealthy like Soros tend to be raging egomaniacal LEFTIST monsters. The top 5% of the most productive and successful WORKERS are footing nearly half of all federal income taxes and still the left WHINES it isn't enough! The left really does believe it is an "American" value to encourage parasitism of the most successful at the very same time they are also demonized BECAUSE they are successful!

We don't have a federal "wealth tax" in this country -only an INCOME tax -taxing a man on the fruits of his labor. NOT on his WEALTH. So people like George Soros who is mindboggling filthy rich AND uses his wealth to buy POWER and POLITICIANS and ELECTIONS -isn't going to pay ONE DIME if the "rich" are hit with a 40% INCOME TAX. Because Soros doesn't have an INCOME in the first place. He lives off his capital gains while he has his WEALTH and the power it buys totally protected. All while leading the chant about how the "rich" aren't paying their fair share in this country! Soros wants and DEMANDS a government that protects HIS wealth, HIS status and HIS power - by hitting the hardest the very people most likely to create their own wealth too -by trying to hamper and even prevent them from doing so at all. Those tax rates would hit the most successful of small businesses as well, making it more difficult for them to compete and by pushing those operating close to the line over the edge into failure. The ultra wealthy are trying to protect THEMSELVES by pushing for punitive INCOME tax rates on the most successful. The very people they believe are also the most likely to get in THEIR way.

We do NOT tax the "wealthy" in this country -no one's WEALTH is taxed. ONLY what they EARN by WORKING is taxed! So George Soros who generates no income at all any more is SAFE -safe to go after anyone else who is ambitious, creative, innovative -and use the force and power of government to keep them down. Of course Soros is out in front CHANTING about how the "rich" aren't paying their fair share and how government has the "right" to use confiscatory INCOME tax rates on the most productive workers in society. Its because these are the very people he views as the biggest threat to his POWER his own wealth has bought and paid for!

So in one more IMITATION of "caring", let's all get out in the street protesting those evil Repubs, insist they have declared war on Grandma and Grandpa, that they want to force them to eat dogfood and live under bridges, forced to kicked the bucket because it isn't Democrats but Republicans after all who really believe that life is for the young and healthy anyway and everyone else should just die or be put out of our misery, that its actually Repubs and not Dems pushing their policies of death on us all like euthanasia and abortion - and for Pete's sake, don't reveal the left's real plan to protect the ultra-wealthy the Dems have going on with their plans to hit the most productive workers and most successful small businesses with the harshest and most punitive tax rates in our history, ones the ultra wealthy pushing it will never pay at all. And then sit back and just enjoy the show.

Let's hope there are millions and millions of public school indoctrinated useful idiots who really will believe that Repubs hate clean air and clean water, hate the poor, only hold the political opinions they do because they are evil and not because they believe there is a more effective and better way of achieving all sorts of highly desirable goals, hate the poor so much they even seek out policies trying to steal from the poor (oh come on, is anyone REALLY so stupid as to believe that one? If I'm going to steal its going to be from someone who actually has something to steal!), hope they believe that like Democrats the Repubs actually want a massive, powerful government too and just disagree with the about who should be wielding all that power, don't ever think about the fact the only way government can become more powerful is by stripping more and more power from WE THE PEOPLE -and certainly hope they are even so dumb as to believe that there are no Republican women, no Republican trying to make ends meet, no Republican with children, and absolutely no Republican with elderly parents. Because it works better for the power hungry left if morons are encouraged to believe Republicans are less than human, someone who's very humanity need not be respected because we all know that Republicans actually want EVERYONE dead. Except fetuses.

Intelligence is not a notable trait among liberals. Which is why those who tend to be Democrats and the most liberal - are those seeking power for the sake of having power, the ultra-wealthy who will never pay a dime in the punitive income tax rates they push because they no longer even earn an income, lawyers who justify their existence by trying over-regulate every aspect of our lives -and the most uneducated among us. And very little in-between.

For the first time in our history people in this country are taking MORE from government than they PAY in taxes. Which is an unsustainable system DOOMED to collapse! So let's not forget to do our part to demonize the only people to take it seriously and are trying to SAVE Medicare from collapse by insisting they have declared war on the elderly. In reality the left has declared that war because they have made it clear they would rather see its utter collapse, hurting all the elderly MUCH worse by its total collapse than anything done to try and salvage the program FOR the elderly. But let's do it the Democrats' way and just drive it off the cliff entirely. And when it does collapse -we can all still insist the Repubs did it anyway!
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This is where we find out whether the GOP has finally learned to do what's RIGHT or what's POPULAR.

Suffice it to say that their decision on this will probably affect my ability to vote for ANY Republican candidate for the rest of my life.

I say we do it the Democrats' way. They haven't come up with a single serious suggestion to try and save it anyway and just attack those who are actually trying to save it.

So let's just drive Medicare right over the cliff along with the entire country and insist it isn't a problem at all and anyone who tries to stop the unsustainable growth of Medicare be viciously attacked for the old-people-hating bastards they really are. We all know its the only reason they are doing it anyway -they just hate those old people. Since no one on the left is even the least bit interested in attempting to stave off the total collapse of that program we need to get everyone worked up in opposition to the right trying to prevent its collapse -and do it now before that collapse becomes inevitable! So let's get SEIU thugs to drag their members out in the street again pretending to be just average, real Americans - because hey, we all know unions are the first in line concerned about the nation's best interests which they always put above their own interests, power and outright greed. LOL

So let's not even pretend liberals are part of the solution when we all know they aren't anyway -and instead try to exploit this for the political gain of the left instead. Let's engage in the worst kind of demagoguery possible -because hey, we all know the left believes their own best interests trump the best interests of the nation and every person in it. Oh hell, who we kidding -the nation's best interests aren't even on the list of priorities for the left anyway and neither are human beings and their quality of life. (Which is why they are now pushing to try and force the world to pretend a FANTASY CHARACTER called "Mother Nature" has the identical HUMAN rights as a real person! These people are truly mentally ill and among liberals it is just a matter of degree of illness.)

Their primary concern is NOT human beings, it is NOT their welfare and it is NOT their well-being. It is with their OWN political power at all times. The left actually despises our own species and in their list of priorities they even put inanimate objects before that of human life. They upended it entirely so to liberals human life and the best interests of human beings is the least valuable of all in their list of priorities. But let's insist its Repubs who are out after our grandparents and trying to kill them -and try to make sure no one catches on to the fact the left actually seeks the total collapse of our system because they believe it benefits THEM and THEIR agenda. So we need to convince everyone that Medicare isn't in trouble at all, that there is no unsustainable growth that will cause it to collapse. And instead insist the rich just aren't paying their "fair share" still and how we need government to confiscate 40% of what they earn as if everyone else owns the fruits of their labor and not the person who worked his ass off to earn it! Absolutely do NOT let it become common knowledge that those earning the highest incomes work an average 70 hour work week, something most of us refuse to do -but let's encourage everyone to despise and hate those who made a different decision and sacrificed other areas of their life in the process -by inflicting punitive income tax rates on them! That'll teach 'em to dream big! And let's promote the notion that those earning the highest INCOMES are sleezebags of society instead --not those being bred and encouraged to parasite off them.

The war declared on the "rich" is in reality an attempt to PROTECT the super wealthy -people like multibillionaire George Soros. Soros favors slamming a 40% income tax on everyone earning more than $100,000. Isn't anyone curious about WHY he does? Are you stupid enough to believe it is a tax that would somehow affect HIM? Because it wouldn't touch him. Yet the mentally ill left are all out there chanting about how the rich still aren't paying their "fair" share insisting government should confiscate at least 40% of what the most productive, most successful, hardest working, innovative and creative workers among us earn -earn because they are WORKING. Soros favors it because it is in reality a tax that would PROTECT HIS POWER, will never affect one cent of his money -all while it fits in with what he really wants - working to prevent others from ever amassing that kind of wealth and thereby possible challenge his POWER and the power of the other ultra-wealthy. The nonstop demand by the left to keep hitting the "rich" up with more and more taxes, insisting that they can foot the bill for everyone and everything others WANT but don't want to provide for themselves -is all a PLOY to protect the ultra-wealthy like Soros. Because the ultra-wealthy like Soros tend to be raging egomaniacal LEFTIST monsters. The top 5% of the most productive and successful WORKERS are footing nearly half of all federal income taxes and still the left WHINES it isn't enough! The left really does believe it is an "American" value to encourage parasitism of the most successful at the very same time they are also demonized BECAUSE they are successful!

We don't have a federal "wealth tax" in this country -only an INCOME tax -taxing a man on the fruits of his labor. NOT on his WEALTH. So people like George Soros who is mindboggling filthy rich AND uses his wealth to buy POWER and POLITICIANS and ELECTIONS -isn't going to pay ONE DIME if the "rich" are hit with a 40% INCOME TAX. Because Soros doesn't have an INCOME in the first place. He lives off his capital gains while he has his WEALTH and the power it buys totally protected. All while leading the chant about how the "rich" aren't paying their fair share in this country! Soros wants and DEMANDS a government that protects HIS wealth, HIS status and HIS power - by hitting the hardest the very people most likely to create their own wealth too -by trying to hamper and even prevent them from doing so at all. Those tax rates would hit the most successful of small businesses as well, making it more difficult for them to compete and by pushing those operating close to the line over the edge into failure. The ultra wealthy are trying to protect THEMSELVES by pushing for punitive INCOME tax rates on the most successful. The very people they believe are also the most likely to get in THEIR way.

We do NOT tax the "wealthy" in this country -no one's WEALTH is taxed. ONLY what they EARN by WORKING is taxed! So George Soros who generates no income at all any more is SAFE -safe to go after anyone else who is ambitious, creative, innovative -and use the force and power of government to keep them down. Of course Soros is out in front CHANTING about how the "rich" aren't paying their fair share and how government has the "right" to use confiscatory INCOME tax rates on the most productive workers in society. Its because these are the very people he views as the biggest threat to his POWER his own wealth has bought and paid for!

So in one more IMITATION of "caring", let's all get out in the street protesting those evil Repubs, insist they have declared war on Grandma and Grandpa, that they want to force them to eat dogfood and live under bridges, forced to kicked the bucket because it isn't Democrats but Republicans after all who really believe that life is for the young and healthy anyway and everyone else should just die or be put out of our misery, that its actually Repubs and not Dems pushing their policies of death on us all like euthanasia and abortion - and for Pete's sake, don't reveal the left's real plan to protect the ultra-wealthy the Dems have going on with their plans to hit the most productive workers and most successful small businesses with the harshest and most punitive tax rates in our history, ones the ultra wealthy pushing it will never pay at all. And then sit back and just enjoy the show.

Let's hope there are millions and millions of public school indoctrinated useful idiots who really will believe that Repubs hate clean air and clean water, hate the poor, only hold the political opinions they do because they are evil and not because they believe there is a more effective and better way of achieving all sorts of highly desirable goals, hate the poor so much they even seek out policies trying to steal from the poor (oh come on, is anyone REALLY so stupid as to believe that one? If I'm going to steal its going to be from someone who actually has something to steal!), hope they believe that like Democrats the Repubs actually want a massive, powerful government too and just disagree with the about who should be wielding all that power, don't ever think about the fact the only way government can become more powerful is by stripping more and more power from WE THE PEOPLE -and certainly hope they are even so dumb as to believe that there are no Republican women, no Republican trying to make ends meet, no Republican with children, and absolutely no Republican with elderly parents. Because it works better for the power hungry left if morons are encouraged to believe Republicans are less than human, someone who's very humanity need not be respected because we all know that Republicans actually want EVERYONE dead. Except fetuses.

Intelligence is not a notable trait among liberals. Which is why those who tend to be Democrats and the most liberal - are those seeking power for the sake of having power, the ultra-wealthy who will never pay a dime in the punitive income tax rates they push because they no longer even earn an income, lawyers who justify their existence by trying over-regulate every aspect of our lives -and the most uneducated among us. And very little in-between.

For the first time in our history people in this country are taking MORE from government than they PAY in taxes. Which is an unsustainable system DOOMED to collapse! So let's not forget to do our part to demonize the only people to take it seriously and are trying to SAVE Medicare from collapse by insisting they have declared war on the elderly. In reality the left has declared that war because they have made it clear they would rather see its utter collapse, hurting all the elderly MUCH worse by its total collapse than anything done to try and salvage the program FOR the elderly. But let's do it the Democrats' way and just drive it off the cliff entirely. And when it does collapse -we can all still insist the Repubs did it anyway!

Thanks for the propaganda, I stopped reading at the first LIE

They haven't come up with a single serious suggestion to try and save it anyway and just attack those who are actually trying to save it.

so the rest was nothing but a waste on your part as you obviously have no intention of debating the topic honestly.

Care to explain how you save something by destroying it as we know it??

Furthermore, how does ryan's plan save medicare when even he claims that it will go broke in 9 years and yet his plan does nothing to affect those 55 or older and therefore will not seriously address medicare spending for 10 years??

According to his own argument it will go broke before his plan does anything based on how he claims it will not change for those 55 or older.
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Thanks for the spin. BTW where was the question that you answered??

Furthermore, how does that adress your spin about how it's ryan's plan or do nothing??

I never said it was Ryans plan or nothing. Since his plan won't make it through the Senate its a moot point anyway.

I did say that he at least has a plan.

I did a factcheck on the plan and seniors probably will be paying more out of pocket and the plan isn't perfect by a long shot.[/QUOTE]

Claudette, did you check out the graph from the NY Times article I posted. Seniors will be paying a lot more out of pocket. To the point a hugh percentage won't be able to afford Ryan's Medicare. Then what do they do? Die?

Yup. I did check it out and yes seniors will be paying more. I understand that they are on a fixed income so it will be tough for some. If the wikipedia articles is to be believed in 2012 the price of Meidcare will double again. Thanks for that link BTW.

Did you stop to think how much we all will be paying for HC?? I'm already paying more with my benefit package. I can just imagine what the prices are for those that buy their own insurance.

Until the powers that be do real reform on HC, i.e. the cost, prices will continue going up on everyone who pays.
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"I am not sensing the general public is angered over Medicare reform," he insisted. "When I explain that people over 55 are not affected there is almost a sigh of relief."

In other words, Barletta believes his constituents will only tolerate "reform" that does not personally affect them.

This offhand acknowledgement belies the obvious truth that Republicans are loath to admit: Americans actually like their supposedly bloated, inefficient, bureaucratic, government health insurance, and they do not trust for-profit insurance companies to do it better. They like their socialized medicine so much that they're willing to give hell to anyone who threatens to take it away.

Republicans' Medicare blunder -
"I am not sensing the general public is angered over Medicare reform," he insisted. "When I explain that people over 55 are not affected there is almost a sigh of relief."

In other words, Barletta believes his constituents will only tolerate "reform" that does not personally affect them.

This offhand acknowledgement belies the obvious truth that Republicans are loath to admit: Americans actually like their supposedly bloated, inefficient, bureaucratic, government health insurance, and they do not trust for-profit insurance companies to do it better. They like their socialized medicine so much that they're willing to give hell to anyone who threatens to take it away.

Republicans' Medicare blunder -

Of course he's right Yank.

People want cuts. Just not cuts that personally affect them. Cuts are okay as long as they affect the other guy.

Human Nature 101
Is this where the Tea Baggers' true colors will come out?

Op-ed by a far leftist socialist/progressive....Surprise, surprise.

Of course, everyone likes free lunch.

So, are you denying that Americans are against Ryan's proposed elimination of MediCare?
I'm not denying that everyone loves free lunch.

And I'm hard pressed to see the downside of "ending Medicare as we know it", if there's really any truth to that leftist scaremonger moonbat propaganda.
Op-ed by a far leftist socialist/progressive....Surprise, surprise.

Of course, everyone likes free lunch.

So, are you denying that Americans are against Ryan's proposed elimination of MediCare?
I'm not denying that everyone loves free lunch.

And I'm hard pressed to see the downside of "ending Medicare as we know it", if there's really any truth to that leftist scaremonger moonbat propaganda.

Surprise! OddDude avoids answering the question asked but gives an answer to a question that he wasn't asked.
Whatever, dude.

The OP op-ed uses the standard propagandist ploy of interviewing a few of people, framing the questions in the most outrageous terms possible, to get the most outraged responses, subsequently presenting them as the norm.

That you'd fall for the pedantic tactic is of little surprise.
So, are you denying that Americans are against Ryan's proposed elimination of MediCare?
I'm not denying that everyone loves free lunch.

And I'm hard pressed to see the downside of "ending Medicare as we know it", if there's really any truth to that leftist scaremonger moonbat propaganda.

Surprise! OddDude avoids answering the question asked but gives an answer to a question that he wasn't asked.

He did say "I'm not denying that everyone loves a free lunch"

Whoops, your issue with oddball made you screw up.
"I am not sensing the general public is angered over Medicare reform," he insisted. "When I explain that people over 55 are not affected there is almost a sigh of relief."

In other words, Barletta believes his constituents will only tolerate "reform" that does not personally affect them.

This offhand acknowledgement belies the obvious truth that Republicans are loath to admit: Americans actually like their supposedly bloated, inefficient, bureaucratic, government health insurance, and they do not trust for-profit insurance companies to do it better. They like their socialized medicine so much that they're willing to give hell to anyone who threatens to take it away.

Republicans' Medicare blunder -

How is this a blunder?

People close to retirement (55+) who haven't had time to prepare for the cuts financially aren't affected. Those under 55, such as myself, have the time to prepare and will have to deal with cuts.

What is the issue your trying to create?
I'm not denying that everyone loves free lunch.

And I'm hard pressed to see the downside of "ending Medicare as we know it", if there's really any truth to that leftist scaremonger moonbat propaganda.

Surprise! OddDude avoids answering the question asked but gives an answer to a question that he wasn't asked.

He did say "I'm not denying that everyone loves a free lunch"

Whoops, your issue with oddball made you screw up.

Except he wasn't asked if people love a free lunch. FAIL. Please, be more partisan. :eusa_eh:
Yep !
And thanks to our biased lefty main stream news,who is leaving out the facts and details of Ryan's plan and spinning it into a scare for seniors, no wonder seniors are upset.
Yep !
And thanks to our biased lefty main stream news,who is leaving out the facts and details of Ryan's plan and spinning it into a scare for seniors, no wonder seniors are upset.

Can you link us to the facts about the plan that we should be reading?
So, are you denying that Americans are against Ryan's proposed elimination of MediCare?
I'm not denying that everyone loves free lunch.

And I'm hard pressed to see the downside of "ending Medicare as we know it", if there's really any truth to that leftist scaremonger moonbat propaganda.

Surprise! OddDude avoids answering the question asked but gives an answer to a question that he wasn't asked.

Surprise! OddDude avoids answering the question asked but gives an answer to a question that he wasn't asked.

He did say "I'm not denying that everyone loves a free lunch"

Whoops, your issue with oddball made you screw up.

Except he wasn't asked if people love a free lunch. FAIL. Please, be more partisan. :eusa_eh:

I know your smart enough to understand that when he said "free lunch" it equates to "medicare benefits"

And i take issue with calling medicare a free lunch, its the same as social security, its a return on a lifetime of investment. Welfare is a free lunch since you dont pay a welfare tax but we pay directly into social security and medicare as a a government forced retirement savings and retirement healthcare system......but thats a different subject.

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