House votes to revoke IRS funding for 87,000 new agents.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
Thank you for the 19th thread on this topic. It was just what we needed.
I’m fine with a merger. I hadn’t seen any prior threads on the breaking news that the House passed that bill.

Lord knows what you “need,” though. I’m guessing an enema. You appear to always be constipated.
I’m fine with a merger. I hadn’t seen any prior threads on the breaking news that the House passed that bill.

Lord knows what you “need,” though. I’m guessing an enema. You appear to always be constipated.

The thread that was right under this one was about that very thing.
Again. If so, I didn’t see it. Threads move around a lot and it didn’t appear on the list when I started this breaking news.

So, toddle off and have a good cry about it. 👍

Try looking next time.

Just a thought.
The House with its GOP majority is at work already.

This may not alone end the prior authorization for such spending. But it’s a great start.

Won't get passed the Democraticaly Controlled Senate.
Won't get passed the Democraticaly Controlled Senate.
You misspelled Democratically. And whether it passes in the Senate or not is uncertain. Sometimes compromises have to be made. The House can tell the Senate, for example, “fine. Don’t pass this bill. There are lots of bills you craven Dims do want and you’re gonna have to get us to agree. Good luck.”
You don’t offer “just a thought.” That would require thinking. You aren’t capable of it.

And in any case, as I already said, I did look. You’re a gasbag but at least you focus on irrelevancies.

Yes, you said you did look. You either lied or you fucking stupid....or maybe both.
Yes, you said you did look. You either lied or you fucking stupid....or maybe both.
Wrong again. As usual. I said I looked because I did look. And I didn’t see it in the list of related topics offered when members try to offer a “new” thread.

That you are stupid is not in dispute.
The House with its GOP majority is at work already.

This may not alone end the prior authorization for such spending. But it’s a great start.
They did that because they don't want the IRS going after Republican bitches and ho's!
The House with its GOP majority is at work already.

This may not alone end the prior authorization for such spending. But it’s a great start.
Yeah, a great start for the reaming these Republican assholes are going to give us. Where the hell is paygo at? You know, pay as you go. Cost this little action will cost us at least A HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS. I will document that in a little but I am going to rant.

You see, this action is a perfect example of how Republicans blow smoke up their supporter's ass while sucking off those that provide them those massive donations and finance dark money political action committees. And they know exactly what they are doing. First, I don't see how the hell they sleep at night, and second, I can't understand while lightening doesn't strike their asses dead. Where is the justice? I mean we have been down this road before, the last time the assholes took Congress, and here were the results.

From 2010 to 2018, even as the IRS received 9 percent more tax returns, its annual budget was slashed by $2.9 billion—a 20 percent reduction that cost the agency more than one-fifth of its workforce. Investigations of non-filers plummeted and the amount of outstanding tax debt the IRS formally wrote off (based on the 10-year statute of limitations for collections) more than doubled—from less than $15 billion in 2010 to more than $34 billion in 2019.

Virtually no partnerships were audited in 2018. By then, with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, the kneecapped IRS was scrutinizing the individual returns of just 0.03 percent of those $10 million–plus taxpayers, down from a peak of 23 percent in 2010. Audits of the $5 million–to–$10 million filers fell from just under 15 percent to a scant 0.04 percent.

A fair subset of superwealthy Americans doesn’t even bother filing. The Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration reported in 2020 that nearly 880,000 “high income” non-filers from 2014 through 2016 still owed $46 billion, and the IRS was in no condition, resource-wise, to collect. The 300 biggest delinquents owed about $33 million per head, on average. Fifteen percent of their cases had been closed without examination by IRS staffers, and another one-third weren’t even in line to be “worked.”
I mean this shit pisses me off. Just 300 people owe A FLIPPIN BILLION DOLLARS. In China, they would be shot and their organs harvested. Here, THEY FLIPPIN SKATE. And all because you numbnuts buy the bullshit the Republican party is telling you hook, line, and sinker. I mean read the link, I know you won't. But try this one.

You see that line, "IRS tax enforcement funding"? A hundred billion dollars. That is how much revenue those enforcement measures were scored to take in, and that is conservative. This new Congress just pissed that money away. Hell, it is telling. I mean the first thing they do is change the rules and gut the ethics committee. Then they grant a free pass to the wealthy tax cheats. I mean for the love of God, wake up and smell the coffee. But I doubt that will happen, you morons will just bend right on over and politely ask, "give me another".

Yeah, a great start for the reaming these Republican assholes are going to give us. Where the hell is paygo at? You know, pay as you go. Cost this little action will cost us at least A HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS. I will document that in a little but I am going to rant.

You see, this action is a perfect example of how Republicans blow smoke up their supporter's ass while sucking off those that provide them those massive donations and finance dark money political action committees. And they know exactly what they are doing. First, I don't see how the hell they sleep at night, and second, I can't understand while lightening doesn't strike their asses dead. Where is the justice? I mean we have been down this road before, the last time the assholes took Congress, and here were the results.

From 2010 to 2018, even as the IRS received 9 percent more tax returns, its annual budget was slashed by $2.9 billion—a 20 percent reduction that cost the agency more than one-fifth of its workforce. Investigations of non-filers plummeted and the amount of outstanding tax debt the IRS formally wrote off (based on the 10-year statute of limitations for collections) more than doubled—from less than $15 billion in 2010 to more than $34 billion in 2019.

Virtually no partnerships were audited in 2018. By then, with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, the kneecapped IRS was scrutinizing the individual returns of just 0.03 percent of those $10 million–plus taxpayers, down from a peak of 23 percent in 2010. Audits of the $5 million–to–$10 million filers fell from just under 15 percent to a scant 0.04 percent.

A fair subset of superwealthy Americans doesn’t even bother filing. The Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration reported in 2020 that nearly 880,000 “high income” non-filers from 2014 through 2016 still owed $46 billion, and the IRS was in no condition, resource-wise, to collect. The 300 biggest delinquents owed about $33 million per head, on average. Fifteen percent of their cases had been closed without examination by IRS staffers, and another one-third weren’t even in line to be “worked.”
I mean this shit pisses me off. Just 300 people owe A FLIPPIN BILLION DOLLARS. In China, they would be shot and their organs harvested. Here, THEY FLIPPIN SKATE. And all because you numbnuts buy the bullshit the Republican party is telling you hook, line, and sinker. I mean read the link, I know you won't. But try this one.

You see that line, "IRS tax enforcement funding"? A hundred billion dollars. That is how much revenue those enforcement measures were scored to take in, and that is conservative. This new Congress just pissed that money away. Hell, it is telling. I mean the first thing they do is change the rules and gut the ethics committee. Then they grant a free pass to the wealthy tax cheats. I mean for the love of God, wake up and smell the coffee. But I doubt that will happen, you morons will just bend right on over and politely ask, "give me another".
Cool rant bro. Largely nonsensical; but why let reality get in the way of an absurd rant?
DOA in the Senate...nothing but Kabuki~
Ok, so you are in favor of 87,000 more IRS agent's WHY ?? Tell us why you think that the government getting after every damned thing you own is a good thing ??

What part of the sorry ace Democrat agenda does this serve the Democrat's ? More weaponizing of the government for the purpose of fulfilling the agenda maybe ???

Tell us where you want it to go, and why ??

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