How about a "nuclear cool down"?

Just tossing out an idea to potentially cool down "global warming" and hopefully get weather patterns back to normal.

There are vast deserts with very fine sand, very much like talcum powder.

Imagine a "clean" nuclear bomb or two launching tons of dust into the atmosphere similar to the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa. A "mini-Krakatoa".

Global climate​

The eruption caused a volcanic winter. In the year following the eruption, average Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures fell by 0.4 °C (0.72 °F). The record rainfall that hit Southern California during the water year from July 1883 to June 1884 – Los Angeles received 970 millimeters (38.18 in) and San Diego 660 millimeters (25.97 in) – has been attributed to the Krakatoa eruption

Are we desperate yet? What options do we have? Eliminate fossil fuels? Not happening. China is building coal powerplants. There is no free energy solution.

These nuclear dust explosions could happen as often as needed. Just sayin'.

Climate is normal. Weather patterns are normal. There is nothing to worry about.

Prepare for natural disasters because they ALWAYS occur.
Right that's why there's more record high temps and why we're running out of water. Total hoax.

People living in deserts is the cause of the water problems. There are no record high temps, they are lying to you.
OK, let the global warming continue...

If you bother to read some history you will discover that whenever it is warmer, it is better.

For all living things.
NOAA is not a political party. They are scientists with no agenda. They can only warn us of what the global projections look like.

They are scientists with a huge agenda. GET MORE FUNDING!

If things are good they don't get any.
My answer is that we keep calm, carry on and do what we can. Trying to have a "controlled" nuclear winter is stupid. If that's all we can come up with we deserve extinction. Humanity has to change how we manage our resources if we want to live, Even so places like Bangladesh, the pacific island nations and anyone on a flood plane is going to have to move.
Ok, we think each other is stupid. We'll see what happens in the coming years.
Just tossing out an idea to potentially cool down "global warming" and hopefully get weather patterns back to normal.

There are vast deserts with very fine sand, very much like talcum powder.

Imagine a "clean" nuclear bomb or two launching tons of dust into the atmosphere similar to the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa. A "mini-Krakatoa".

Global climate​

The eruption caused a volcanic winter. In the year following the eruption, average Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures fell by 0.4 °C (0.72 °F). The record rainfall that hit Southern California during the water year from July 1883 to June 1884 – Los Angeles received 970 millimeters (38.18 in) and San Diego 660 millimeters (25.97 in) – has been attributed to the Krakatoa eruption

Are we desperate yet? What options do we have? Eliminate fossil fuels? Not happening. China is building coal powerplants. There is no free energy solution.

These nuclear dust explosions could happen as often as needed. Just sayin'.
Have you considered what that might do to the world's crops, jungles, grasses and the photosynthetic phytoplankton at the base of the entire ocean's food chain?
Pick your poison. There are nukes with minimal radioactivity. IMHO there are no other viable solutions. We are NOT going to reduce CO2 emissions. As the other OP said, we're past the "point of no return".

Look at Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima, Chernobyl, and TMI. There are only very local hot spots that can be walled off.
I'm thinking that in a few big deserts low level radiation won't matter, at least as much as global cooling would.
There's a huge difference between "we aren't going to reduce CO2 emissions" and "we cannot reduce CO2 emissions"
If you bother to read some history you will discover that whenever it is warmer, it is better.

For all living things.
History? The problem, besides the usual "winners write the history" is that no one in human history has faced the circumstances we are moving into.
History? The problem, besides the usual "winners write the history" is that no one in human history has faced the circumstances we are moving into.

Bullcrap. The Roman warming period was 2 degrees warmer on average than now. Civilization flourished.

The same for the Minoan warm period, and the medieval warming period.

All times when the entire planet was at least 2 degrees warmer than it currently is, and in every case life flourished.

There's a huge difference between "we aren't going to reduce CO2 emissions" and "we cannot reduce CO2 emissions"

How about we SHOULD NOT REDUCE CO2 emissions. CO2 is the building block of life.

Only an anti science denier would demand it be reduced.
There's a huge difference between "we aren't going to reduce CO2 emissions" and "we cannot reduce CO2 emissions"
Semantics. What part of "we aren't going to" don't you understand?
Ergo, "we cannot reduce CO2 emissions".

We're past the point of smoothly transitioning to "green energy".
We need another option before the temperature gets to "killing off" stage.
Semantics. What part of "we aren't going to" don't you understand?
Ergo, "we cannot reduce CO2 emissions".

We're past the point of smoothly transitioning to "green energy".
We need another option before the temperature gets to "killing off" stage.

The temps aren't going to kill off anything.

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