How about Reparations for ALL Victims of the United States Atrocities?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Descendants of slaves are not the only ones whose ancestors had legit complaints about their treatment in this country. And there are literally millions of people who have experienced mistreatment in the current day. All should be compensated, and here is my proposal:

Offer, a total of $120,000 to anyone who applies for it, spelling out their grievance. No one could be qualified to judge which grievances are legitimate, so all should be accepted. Whether you are a transperson who has been misgendered, or a Hispanic person who was required to learn English as a child in public school, or Native American who lives in Atlanta and is forced to hear the word "Braves," you get the cash.

The first 10K would come in the form of a voucher for travel to and temporary lodging in the country of their choice. If that costs less than 10K, the money reverts back to the treasury. The next 10K is for six months living expenses in that country. After six months, they can collect the 100K by signing away their U.S. Citizenship and agreeing never to return. Biometrics will be used at the border and ports of entry to make sure tha they do not renege. Which will be no hardship, obviously, since the U.S. is the country put them through whatever they complained about on their application.

I believe that having these agrieved people leave would be well worth the 120K. I have rarely heard a person complain about what a horrible country they U.S. is who was not a burden on taxpayers, or simply taking up space and oxygen from people who are productive.

If they change their mind during the six months, they will be declaring that living in the U.S. and being a citizen is worth more than one hundred thousand dollars, and not at all the hardship they thought that it was. People make mistakes. All they need to do is work in the country they chose until they save up the 20K to pay back, and they will be welcomed home. If their friends and family are willing to put up the money, that is fine also. But, I'm guessing such a person is as much a burden on them as on us, so they may be burned out.
To be serious though it is a good point why one group and not all who have been done wrong in this country? Irish, Mormons, German citizens during both world wars,coal miners of different ethnic groups, women of scandanavian backgrounds you could buy for a wife from the back of the Montgomery wards catalogue. The list could go on . But why should they be left out?
To be serious though it is a good point why one group and not all who have been done wrong in this country? Irish, Mormons, German citizens during both world wars,coal miners of different ethnic groups, women of scandanavian backgrounds you could buy for a wife from the back of the Montgomery wards catalogue. The list could go on . But why should they be left out?
They shouldn't. Each should be given a chance to vote with their feet on the question of whether living in American is a net benefit, or a net detriment. Even at that, my offer is generous. A more fair way for them to vote would be to give them only the travel and six months living expense.

But sweetening the deal with the 100K means that every single person who does NOT take it tacitly certifies that being in America is worth more than 100K. So they can kindly shut up about how horrible it is.
No, because those "other" victims are in foreign countries and there is no American vote to be bought there. Duhhhh! 🙄
No, because those "other" victims are in foreign countries and there is no American vote to be bought there. Duhhhh! 🙄
The others are U.S.A. citizens just from other countries they indentify with their ethnic or relegious group.
The others are U.S.A. citizens just from other countries they indentify with their ethnic or relegious group.
Just as I thought. No victims of U.S. stupidity in other countries. Of course not.
My dog bit me on my hand earlier. I have made a formal demand on him for $3 million in reparations. So far I have no response from him.
I have a police record for something I didn't do. :mad: How much do I get?
120K just like every other agrieved person.

What country would you move to?

I have a police record, I suppose. Someone once accused me of something and police took a report. I wasn't prosecuted because the person was an obvious loon. I haven't thought about it in years, so I guess it isn't enough of a hardship for me to emigrate.
My dog bit me on my hand earlier. I have made a formal demand on him for $3 million in reparations. So far I have no response from him.
yes there was ...


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