How and Why Media Creates Narrative


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
Just heard some Mark Levine. He talked about warnings from the 40's on the power of mass media. It got me thinking about how they choose their agenda. An example is the racism mantra. Ben Shapiro gave poll numbers on how less than 10% of polls have racism as a major concern, yet the media pushes this non stop. He also pointed out that 27% polled had immigration as their #1 topic. This is higher than all the Democrat talking points combined. Cynical people have always said it is some sort of Alinsky type divide and conquer attack. That is probably true to a great extent, but I think there is more. The media in unison pushes anti police, anti-Christian, the idea nobody can survive without government control, multiple fluid genders, America is evil. and much more. It is pretty obvious that a lot of it is gain power, but the scarier thing is that they actually are trying to create their version of reality, they believe in it. For power is one thing, but the idea of these people being true believers is scary. They bought in to everybody hates everybody, is helpless, and that men are really women. They really believe America is evil and that we need a communist revolution. The media stranglehold was broken by the internet, so I think it is vital that we keep this last vestige of communication as free as possible.
Just heard some Mark Levine. He talked about warnings from the 40's on the power of mass media. It got me thinking about how they choose their agenda. An example is the racism mantra. Ben Shapiro gave poll numbers on how less than 10% of polls have racism as a major concern, yet the media pushes this non stop. He also pointed out that 27% polled had immigration as their #1 topic. This is higher than all the Democrat talking points combined. Cynical people have always said it is some sort of Alinsky type divide and conquer attack. That is probably true to a great extent, but I think there is more. The media in unison pushes anti police, anti-Christian, the idea nobody can survive without government control, multiple fluid genders, America is evil. and much more. It is pretty obvious that a lot of it is gain power, but the scarier thing is that they actually are trying to create their version of reality, they believe in it. For power is one thing, but the idea of these people being true believers is scary. They bought in to everybody hates everybody, is helpless, and that men are really women. They really believe America is evil and that we need a communist revolution. The media stranglehold was broken by the internet, so I think it is vital that we keep this last vestige of communication as free as possible.
If you look at the Lickspittle, Liberal, Lame Stream Media, almost every high ranking media pundit, once was working as a Demonrat Operative. Then once they are out of a job working for the ex president, these "media" outlets take them in, so the push for the liberal agenda never ends.

Here are a few that were ex president aides.
Stephanopoulos Clinton Ties Go Even Deeper Than Revealed
Van Jones resigns amid controversy
The thing that scares me is they want everyone to hate each other and they are trying to make it happen. It isn't for ratings, and I don't think it is just for power. They actually believe in a dystopian reality. There is a complete disconnect with reality. How scary is it that people who believe in a dystopian society are lock step in pushing it. They could create whatever version of reality they wanted, and hatred and helplessness is where they went.
The thing that scares me is they want everyone to hate each other and they are trying to make it happen. It isn't for ratings, and I don't think it is just for power. They actually believe in a dystopian reality. There is a complete disconnect with reality. How scary is it that people who believe in a dystopian society are lock step in pushing it. They could create whatever version of reality they wanted, and hatred and helplessness is where they went.
Um...I’d like to help the low info lefty nitwits get your point so they can disagree or otherwise make fools of themselves in here.

Dystopian...relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice

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