How and why will the ‘24 elections be hampered?

What in the world will be happening in November ‘24

  • Pandemic, Part II Gates and Biden said so

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Terrorist attacks, Chris Wray said so

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • US banking system collapses

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • WWIII vs China, Russia, Mexico

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orange Man Insurrection

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • The democrat Party never cheats you crazy MAGA guy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Oh Manmade Global Climate Warming Change from US per capita CO2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Civil War 2.0, can’t vote our way out of this

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In the increasingly unlikely event there is a US Presidential election next November what events(s) will cast a pall over it and necessitate Illegal mail in frauds?

Unlimited choices including some comic relief

Pick one make up your own Vote like a democrat!
dimocraps are scum. They will cheat (somehow) they will lie, they will steal, they will do anything they can do to stay in power up to, and including, murder.

They are the scummiest scumbag political party in human history. Their entire existence is based on cheating, lying, stealing, et al.

Even their idiot, nipple-sucking sycophants in here won't engage in conversation or debate, they're all 'bomb-throwing' flag-waving, sloganeering morons who don't care to engage in the exchange of ideas. They seek only to get their propaganda out and run away, only to start another piece of propaganda somewhere else. After their last lie has been shot down, they simply start another.

dimocraps are scum

ALL of them
It will be our discredited court system that hampers this election ... We the People have good reasons to not believe the judges are acting in good faith ... thus their rulings with not be enforced ...

State elections are thrown out ... the election gets dumped into the House ... but the House hasn't had a Speaker for the past 12 months ... Donald Trump and supporters shoot their way into the White House ... but the military refuses to follow his orders ... Trump has a heart attack and his supporters blame the military ...

All this doesn't matter ... Federal government's is going broke in 24 days ... no money for any elections in 2024 ... we have to cut spending, and Republicans are seeing to it we do ... Democrats got played, stupid stupid stupid ...
If Don wins the nomination, the election will be more than hampered. One thing you have to love about Don, he makes some people absolutely lose their fucking marbles. It’s fun to watch.
If Don wins the nomination, the election will be more than hampered. One thing you have to love about Don, he makes some people absolutely lose their fucking marbles. It’s fun to watch.
Democrats will pull out all stops in trying to rig/cheat/steal/delay a fair election.

In doing so they will lose support for every underhanded tactic they try, until they have almost none left.
dimocraps are scum. They will cheat (somehow) they will lie, they will steal, they will do anything they can do to stay in power up to, and including, murder.

They are the scummiest scumbag political party in human history. Their entire existence is based on cheating, lying, stealing, et al.

Even their idiot, nipple-sucking sycophants in here won't engage in conversation or debate, they're all 'bomb-throwing' flag-waving, sloganeering morons who don't care to engage in the exchange of ideas. They seek only to get their propaganda out and run away, only to start another piece of propaganda somewhere else. After their last lie has been shot down, they simply start another.

dimocraps are scum

ALL of them
Yep. Are you going to vote in an election you know is rigged while Democrats point and snicker at you in 2024?

Don't be a cuckold. Stay home in 2024. Your vote won't count anyhow.
Yep. Are you going to vote in an election you know is rigged while Democrats point and snicker at you in 2024?

Don't be a cuckold. Stay home in 2024. Your vote won't count anyhow.
I think there will be so many votes against Democrats in 2024, there will be no way for them to win except flipping votes to the opposite. And that will be exposed and they will suffer the consequences.
I think there will be so many votes against Democrats in 2024, there will be no way for them to win except flipping votes to the opposite.
Then that is what they will do.

The election is already won by Dems.

Why bother voting?
Yep. Are you going to vote in an election you know is rigged while Democrats point and snicker at you in 2024?

Don't be a cuckold. Stay home in 2024. Your vote won't count anyhow.
I live in Florida. We don't tolerate scum like you down here. At least, not for very long.

And we're not afraid of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media. Just ask Dizzy disney.

One of two Florida residents is going to be the next POTUS. Get used to it.
I think there will be so many votes against Democrats in 2024, there will be no way for them to win except flipping votes to the opposite. And that will be exposed and they will suffer the consequences.
I think there will be so many votes against Democrats in 2024, there will be no way for them to win except flipping votes to the opposite. And that will be exposed and they will suffer the consequences.
dims are so fukking stupid, they don't realize that every time they try to pin another phony charge on Trump, they get another million people who would just rather not bother to get off their butts and vote.

Republicans don't like politics and we don't like politicians, not even our own.

But dimocrap scum are starting to make it worthwhile for people to vote AGAINST them.

Republicans were too complacent in 2020. Not this time. Not again
I live in Florida. We don't tolerate scum like you down here. At least, not for very long.

And we're not afraid of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media. Just ask Dizzy disney.

One of two Florida residents is going to be the next POTUS. Get used to it.
DeSantis? BWAHAHAHA! He is a groomer.

Please tell me it's not him.

You live in Florida and vote in an election you know is rigged because you are a cuckold?
Democrats will rig the voting machines, just like they did last time.
Dominion and Smartmatic have nothing to do with it.

Democratic voters are issued special glasses when they vote. Kind of like those 3D glasses you get at the movies

When Republicans vote without the glasses, they think they are voting “Donald J Trump” but really they are hitting the Joseph Biden” button

Sneaky Democrats

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