"How Are We Going to Afford This?" U.S. Companies Face Tariff Reality - China or Higher Costs and Poor Quality when "Made in America"

For 18 years, Chris Miksovsky’s San Francisco-based company, Humangear, has designed its outdoor and travel products in the United States and produced them in Chinese factories.

tariffs cloack.webp

tariffs human gear.webp
Bottom line; America's industries and agriculture are not competitive and viable without the leg up with unfair tariffs.

But America's imposing tariffs only get counter-tariffs in return. It could only work for Trump when the others are too weak to fight back. That's no longer the case.

And even worse for Trump, China is making new friends and new trading partners.

Tell that to the people who actually own the businesses. Why do you people now hate Americans who work hard and start businesses? All this to Stand with Trump?

such patriotism .. leader over the people
Oh, please. It's not like you give a shit about American businesses. You were utterly silent over Biden's imposition of burdensome regulations on Americans business.

Biden Admin Races To Add $1.2 Trillion In New Regulations As Election Looms

The Biden administration has added a total of $1.2 trillion in costs to the economy in the first several months of 2024 from finalized regulations as the president rushes to protect his agenda ahead of the November election.

The cost of the new regulations is more than double those added in the first three years of Joe Biden’s presidency, which totaled $447.9 billion, despite adding only 187 regulations so far in 2024 compared to the 783 added from 2021 to 2023, according to the American Action Forum’s (AAF) regulation tracker.

According to a report from George Washington University's Regulatory Studies Center, the Biden administration's uptick in regulatory action is an effort to ensure that the new regulations are in place long enough to not be easily revoked if the president does not win reelection.

So, Biden deals a big FUCK YOU to American business, and you make heart eyes at him.

Your concern rings insanely hollow.
The rush is related to rules around the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which allows Congress to overturn rules from federal agencies within a “lookback period” of 60 working days before the end of a session of Congress — estimated to be somewhere between the end of May and the beginning of August

According to the AAF, the Trump administration issued around 1,340 finalized regulations during its term from 2017 to 2020, including rules deregulating industries... The Biden administration has already finalized around 970 regulations...

Some Democrats in Congress have encouraged the administration to implement more regulations ahead of the election. The regulations include measures encouraging electric vehicle production, forgiving student loans, restricting “junk fees,” and various restrictions designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Trump signed 14 CRA resolutions in the first few months of 2017, repealing various regulations put in place near the end of former President Barack Obama’s second term.

Oh, please. It's not like you give a shit about American businesses. You were utterly silent over Biden's imposition of burdensome regulations on Americans business.

Biden Admin Races To Add $1.2 Trillion In New Regulations As Election Looms

The Biden administration has added a total of $1.2 trillion in costs to the economy in the first several months of 2024 from finalized regulations as the president rushes to protect his agenda ahead of the November election.

The cost of the new regulations is more than double those added in the first three years of Joe Biden’s presidency, which totaled $447.9 billion, despite adding only 187 regulations so far in 2024 compared to the 783 added from 2021 to 2023, according to the American Action Forum’s (AAF) regulation tracker.

According to a report from George Washington University's Regulatory Studies Center, the Biden administration's uptick in regulatory action is an effort to ensure that the new regulations are in place long enough to not be easily revoked if the president does not win reelection.

So, Biden deals a big FUCK YOU to American business, and you make heart eyes at him.

Your concern rings insanely hollow.
Quick! Defend Trump! Attack somebody else! Make an equivalency argument!

Nobody gets to insult The Leader! Just ask Velensky.

such patriotism .. leader over the people

Tell that to the people who actually own the businesses. Why do you people now hate Americans who work hard and start businesses? All this to Stand with Trump?

such patriotism .. leader over the people

Dude, nobody hates anybody, except maybe you hating Trump! It has to be done to level the playing field.

People like you can blame Trump all you want for this, but it is not him. It is/was the people in power long before him.

You would think------------->people would go back and view past Presidents and ask themselves----------->what did they ever do besides be a politician?!?!?! If that is all they have ever been, why would ANYONE think they would know what is best for trade, business, or much of anything else? Look at Biden.......he was in politics for 50 years, and people on high before he was President stated he was always on the wrong side of everything.

As an aside..........last President that I know of that owned a business before becoming President was GW. I believe he was an oil man, and he owned part of the Texas Rangers. But Obama? Nope! Clinton? Nope! Bush Senior, might have had oil wells, not sure. Reagan? Not that I know of. Carter? I suppose a peanut farmer, lol. Nixon? Kidding, correct!

Point is------->most all of these people had no clue, and look where we are today. Politicians creating/doing the same policy, over, and over, and over again. Hey, you could be correct, might be a disaster. But just because you try something different, if it doesn't work, does not mean you have to stick with it. I say------->take a wait and see attitude.
All this talk about tariffs just makes me think of something, something which I have thought about a lot, but never really discussed with anyone. And it is this: why do we have to trade with other nations? I am serious. And before you give any glib responses, please carefully think about this question. We really haven't thought deep and hard about it, in fact, we haven't really thought about it at all, we are kind of just like, oh, ok, there is this thing called international trade. Sounds good to me. So let's starting trading stuff and putting things on ocean liners. Really, nobody seems to have really pondered about the whys behind it, or the necessity of international trade.

Personally, if you ask me, I feel that international trade, if we must have it at all, should only be for the purpose of enriching the citizens of a nation. This should be the only reason. And if, for any reason, some type of trade might end up harming the interests of a nation's citizens, then we should stop trading with that nation. I feel that this should be the "proper" reason for international trade. But reality seems to be much different. I really feel that international trade is just one more arena for the owner class and the capitalists to exploit either the cheap labor or resources of other countries. They screw both the citizens of their own country, as well as those of the countries they trade with. Think about it. Is this not the case? And if it is, why should we allow it as a nation?
Personally, if you ask me, I feel that international trade, if we must have it at all, should only be for the purpose of enriching the citizens of a nation. T
Lots of conservative leaders believe the business of America is Business. They are in charge these days.

“The chief business of the American people is business” is a famous quote attributed to President Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge said this in a speech to the American Society of Newspaper Editors in Washington, D.C. on January 17, 1925. The speech was about the role of the press in a modern democracy
Corporations have to accept lower profits and instead engage in indirect "profit sharing" with their domestic workers.

That's really what this comes down to. Stop being lazy currency arbitragers and arming an enemy communist state for a few nickels and defend your nations interests.

Trump gave them a massive tax cut and the greed continued. It's gone too far, make good products, a better mousetrap,
This Little Piggy Went to Market

Outsourcing is oinkonomic doctrine.
Bottom line; America's industries and agriculture are not competitive and viable without the leg up with unfair tariffs.

But America's imposing tariffs only get counter-tariffs in return. It could only work for Trump when the others are too weak to fight back. That's no longer the case.

And even worse for Trump, China is making new friends and new trading partners.
Bottom line: These are negotiation tactic aimed at ending China's manipulations of their currency. Stop being a drama queen.
So you support exploiting slave like labor in 3rd world countries like China.

Well you certainly have been in favour of exploiting 3rd world slave labour. Not once ever have you complained about slave labour in China.

The leftists complained, but the right just sucked up those cheap prices, and cheap goods, and give me MORE.

The costs savings weren't passed on to consumers either. All of that extra profit went straight into the shareholders' pockets, as did the tax breaks companies received for offshoring.

Most of the jobs can't come back because the skilled trades for manufacturing these goods is gone. Nobody trains as a pattern maker or a cutter these days. Most of the pattern making is done by computer now. The "Fashion District" in Toronto, where all the manufacturing was done, has all been converted into lofts for office workers.
Does anyone else not see the real issue here? ALL of this is because we've gotten away from making things in america and have gotten so dependant on buying things from China and other countries. Like, hardly anything is American made anymore. We get almost everything from other countries, even a lot of our food.

Then, other countries tariffs our goods to their countries because they WANT their citizens to buy goods made in their country, instead of things produced in america. Now we're trying to even the balance and it's causing everyone to panic, because all of this stuff that we COULD be making ourselves, but don't, might start to rise in price....because we are so dependant on other countries to produce our stuff for us.

Maybe we need to start made in america again...and STOP trying to increase taxes on our producers making them less competitive against the overseas markets???
Americans stopped making cheap products long ago.This when it became even cheaper to make the products overseas. People can blame policy all they want, but Americans demand and love "cheap."

This is about policy. The policies of tariffs, but of much more. Policies of the past may have made it easier for small businesses and others to have products assembled and made overseas, and then shipped back to America for sales. I'm sure somewhere it all the policy stuff are tax incentives and tax breaks, and other GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES to keep PRIVATE BUSINESSES going on the cheap with bigger, better profits.

My Headline: Trump Tariffs Expose Reality of Higher Costs, Poor Quality of "Made in America" - Small Businesses know that equals products being more expensive with inferior quality.

"How Are We Going to Afford This?" U.S. Companies Face Tariff Reality - Higher Costs and Poor Quality when "Made in America"

Business owners told The Times that President Trump’s tariffs could lead to higher costs and expressed frustration at the sudden uncertainty about policy.

The New York Times has heard from nearly 100 companies that import from China about how the president’s tariffs were affecting them. They are a cross-section of striving enterprises stitched into the global economy: companies that make greeting cards, board games, outdoor footwear, hangers, digital picture frames, coffee equipment, toys, stained-glass windows and custom electronics.

Several themes emerged. American businesses, not Chinese suppliers, were shouldering the cost of tariffs. Many companies said they would have to raise prices to offset the expense if they had not already. Some spoke of a feeling of business paralysis: They were afraid to make plans amid the unpredictable stream of new tariffs, fearing the risk of moving production out of China since no country seemed immune.

Turning to domestic alternatives was usually not viable because they were more expensive, the quality was inferior and there were fewer options. Finally, completely reinventing their supply chain would be a huge undertaking for the companies, requiring time and expense they cannot easily spare.

From her home in Phoenix, Erica Campbell is waiting for a cargo vessel from China to deliver a shipment of thousands of Jesus rattle dolls, tin Easter eggs, religious-themed baby swaddle blankets and 15,000 packages of Jesus Heals bandages.

Ms. Campbell, 36, the owner of Be a Heart, a Catholic goods business, paid the Chinese factories that manufacture the items months ago. The boxes were loaded in a container before President Trump imposed a new 10 percent tariff on all Chinese imports on Feb. 1. She said she probably avoided paying an additional duty as a result, but she was worried there would be more U.S. tariffs to come.

“I can’t figure out what is going to happen,” Ms. Campbell said. “I am on high alert.”
Oh my heavens, apparently you do not know that Joe Biden extended and expanded Trump's tariffs on China.

"American businesses, not Chinese suppliers, were shouldering the cost of tariffs." One, then those business owners are inept, if they're letting their Chinese suppliers avoid all the cost of the tariffs. Two, those businesses should no longer count on getting low-cost products made by dirt-wage foreign factories that have a fraction of the safety standards that American factories have.

A big part of your premise is that American producers can't make quality products, and so businesses have to get them from overseas. I think that is nonsense. Plenty of American companies make great products, and when you buy American, all that money stays here--part of it stays in the county where the products are made, and part of it stays in the county where the products are shipped and then sold.
Bottom line: These are negotiation tactic aimed at ending China's manipulations of their currency. Stop being a drama queen.

Another economic moron heard from.

Trump doesn't have any "negotiating tactics". He just threatens and tries to bully people. There is no "art" to his deals whatsoever. Just bluster and bullying. Which is why he's been so unsuccessful as a business man.
Another economic moron heard from.

Trump doesn't have any "negotiating tactics". He just threatens and tries to bully people. There is no "art" to his deals whatsoever. Just bluster and bullying. Which is why he's been so unsuccessful as a business man.
You wound me. :rolleyes:

The market knows these are negotiation tactics and that's why the threat of tariffs hasn't tanked the market. Now come back with another pithy reply devoid of facts and evidence.
Dante It is NOT lower quality when made in America compared to China. We have to actually add to the increased warranty cost when we outsource. It is also very difficult to get them to keep to the specifications we provide as well. They just change to lower quality parts and we have to deal with the fallout.
Americans stopped making cheap products long ago.This when it became even cheaper to make the products overseas. People can blame policy all they want, but Americans demand and love "cheap."

This is about policy. The policies of tariffs, but of much more. Policies of the past may have made it easier for small businesses and others to have products assembled and made overseas, and then shipped back to America for sales. I'm sure somewhere it all the policy stuff are tax incentives and tax breaks, and other GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES to keep PRIVATE BUSINESSES going on the cheap with bigger, better profits.

My Headline: Trump Tariffs Expose Reality of Higher Costs, Poor Quality of "Made in America" - Small Businesses know that equals products being more expensive with inferior quality.

"How Are We Going to Afford This?" U.S. Companies Face Tariff Reality - Higher Costs and Poor Quality when "Made in America"

Business owners told The Times that President Trump’s tariffs could lead to higher costs and expressed frustration at the sudden uncertainty about policy.

The New York Times has heard from nearly 100 companies that import from China about how the president’s tariffs were affecting them. They are a cross-section of striving enterprises stitched into the global economy: companies that make greeting cards, board games, outdoor footwear, hangers, digital picture frames, coffee equipment, toys, stained-glass windows and custom electronics.

Several themes emerged. American businesses, not Chinese suppliers, were shouldering the cost of tariffs. Many companies said they would have to raise prices to offset the expense if they had not already. Some spoke of a feeling of business paralysis: They were afraid to make plans amid the unpredictable stream of new tariffs, fearing the risk of moving production out of China since no country seemed immune.

Turning to domestic alternatives was usually not viable because they were more expensive, the quality was inferior and there were fewer options. Finally, completely reinventing their supply chain would be a huge undertaking for the companies, requiring time and expense they cannot easily spare.

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From her home in Phoenix, Erica Campbell is waiting for a cargo vessel from China to deliver a shipment of thousands of Jesus rattle dolls, tin Easter eggs, religious-themed baby swaddle blankets and 15,000 packages of Jesus Heals bandages.

Ms. Campbell, 36, the owner of Be a Heart, a Catholic goods business, paid the Chinese factories that manufacture the items months ago. The boxes were loaded in a container before President Trump imposed a new 10 percent tariff on all Chinese imports on Feb. 1. She said she probably avoided paying an additional duty as a result, but she was worried there would be more U.S. tariffs to come.

“I can’t figure out what is going to happen,” Ms. Campbell said. “I am on high alert.”
It’s sad dembots think American made is poor quality
Well you certainly have been in favour of exploiting 3rd world slave labour. Not once ever have you complained about slave labour in China.

The leftists complained, but the right just sucked up those cheap prices, and cheap goods, and give me MORE.

The costs savings weren't passed on to consumers either. All of that extra profit went straight into the shareholders' pockets, as did the tax breaks companies received for offshoring.

Most of the jobs can't come back because the skilled trades for manufacturing these goods is gone. Nobody trains as a pattern maker or a cutter these days. Most of the pattern making is done by computer now. The "Fashion District" in Toronto, where all the manufacturing was done, has all been converted into lofts for office workers.
Wrong. I fully support tariffs on China to encourage less or even no manufacturing there for our goods.

I have always criticized neocon RINOs that supported “free trade” with China.
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