How are you helping the less fortunate this holiday season?

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

I usually hand out this book...they appreciate it


I realize that your party feeds off the poor. The more poor people there are the more who will listen to demagogues talk about taking from the rich to feed the poor via government.

Just understand that not everyone wants to wind up like Venezuela, where everyone is now poor.

Inexplicably, they all seem to still want socialism.


If we make it too easy on the poor, they will not want to stop being poor

Am I right? Am I right?
As long as its profitable to be poor; the poor will continue to profit.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

I usually hand out this book...they appreciate it


I realize that your party feeds off the poor. The more poor people there are the more who will listen to demagogues talk about taking from the rich to feed the poor via government.

Just understand that not everyone wants to wind up like Venezuela, where everyone is now poor.

Inexplicably, they all seem to still want socialism.


If we make it too easy on the poor, they will not want to stop being poor

Am I right? Am I right?
As long as its profitable to be poor; the poor will continue to profit.

You sound like a Scrooge or a Grinch, seriously. Lol! The poor don't profit. They are barely able to make ends meet.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

I usually hand out this book...they appreciate it


I realize that your party feeds off the poor. The more poor people there are the more who will listen to demagogues talk about taking from the rich to feed the poor via government.

Just understand that not everyone wants to wind up like Venezuela, where everyone is now poor.

Inexplicably, they all seem to still want socialism.


If we make it too easy on the poor, they will not want to stop being poor

Am I right? Am I right?
As long as its profitable to be poor; the poor will continue to profit.

Now you got it

I am tired of going to the supermarket and watching poor people buy caviar and live lobsters
Let them eat Spam
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

I usually hand out this book...they appreciate it


I realize that your party feeds off the poor. The more poor people there are the more who will listen to demagogues talk about taking from the rich to feed the poor via government.

Just understand that not everyone wants to wind up like Venezuela, where everyone is now poor.

Inexplicably, they all seem to still want socialism.


If we make it too easy on the poor, they will not want to stop being poor

Am I right? Am I right?
As long as its profitable to be poor; the poor will continue to profit.

Now you got it

I am tired of going to the supermarket and watching poor people buy caviar and live lobsters
Let them eat Spam
I agree, however... I rather like spam...
Honestly it slipped my mind. At the office there are signups to be Christmas angels to donate gifts for children of the poor and in recent years they added a separate category for the elderly in need. I would select one of each. This is the first Christmas that I've been retired and so I'll need to find a substitute. Thanks for asking.
A Christmas Carol is one of my absolute all time favorite Christmas movies. It is a great movie and carries an important message.

In Victorian times when people did have to rely on charitable donations, many people lived in the streets, committing crimes to survive or they starved to death, died from exposure or disease/sickness.
In Victorian times when people did have to rely on charitable donations, many people lived in the streets, committing crimes to survive or they starved to death, died from exposure or disease/sickness.
Are suggesting that things have changed?
The poor are in the same position that they have always been in. Thankfully, nowadays, most people don't view being poor as a crime. In the days before opportunities (like we have here in America), many people had NO WAY OUT. If you were born poor, you died poor. There were no opportunities. No, charity did not change your life. It gave you a cot for the night or a warm meal and a bath once in a while. When you are dirty and don't have a home to go to and can't get a safe or good night's sleep, those factors are also going to take a toll on you as a human being. You will become depressed and discouraged. Some might even just give up. Who is going to hire you when you smell like shit and haven't had a shower in 3 days, when you are freezing cold and all you can think about is trying to get warm and just surviving?
They are not the “less fortunate”. It wasn’t bad luck that put them there. It was piss poor decisions on their part. Calling them “less fortunate” implies that I only got lucky. I worked hard to get where I am.

And so to hell with those who have made poor decisions?

Guess what, I've made poor decisions as we all have. By the grace of God I'm still blessed.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating forcing you to give, like left wingers who want to incorporate the church and state together do, I'm merely trying to make you think.

There are those who feel the need to give, I say go make yourself happy, if that’s what does it for you.

All I’m saying is that post is offensive to me. I did not get where I am by just being fortunate.

We have to battle this kind of nonsense whenever we see it. The left controls the language. This is straight out of their playbook. We cannot let it slide.

Really? Good health is not good fortune?

Having the ability and smarts to make good money is not good fortune?

Having loving people around you to give it a token of meaning is not good fortune?

Do tell.

No, it's not. Why is that hard for you to understand?
They are not the “less fortunate”. It wasn’t bad luck that put them there. It was piss poor decisions on their part. Calling them “less fortunate” implies that I only got lucky. I worked hard to get where I am.

And so to hell with those who have made poor decisions?

Guess what, I've made poor decisions as we all have. By the grace of God I'm still blessed.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating forcing you to give, like left wingers who want to incorporate the church and state together do, I'm merely trying to make you think.

There are those who feel the need to give, I say go make yourself happy, if that’s what does it for you.

All I’m saying is that post is offensive to me. I did not get where I am by just being fortunate.

We have to battle this kind of nonsense whenever we see it. The left controls the language. This is straight out of their playbook. We cannot let it slide.

It's "offensive" to you? Quit being a drama llama. Just say you aren't interested in helping out others because you don't care and be honest at least with yourself.

I'm not interested in helping others. Anyone who reads my posts in this board already knows that. It's offensive to imply that I got to where I am because of luck.
i gave a liquor store 5 bucks yesterday , actually i gave a homeless guy 5 bucks and then i am GUESSING that he quickly gave it to a liquor store . Course i didn't watch where he went so he mighta went to a Grocery store or Fast Food . ------------- ------------- when i give to charity organizations i usually give to Christian based Salvation Army or a locally run Christian based soup kitchen .
I had an overweight hispanic woman ask me for money. She was begging outside the grocery store for her starving children.

I told her to take the weakest, slaughter the thing and feed it to the stronger children. If they were still starving, take the next weakest and feed that child to the stronger children. Keep this up until she had the number of children she could support, or she was out of children.
i gave a liquor store 5 bucks yesterday , actually i gave a homeless guy 5 bucks and then i am GUESSING that he quickly gave it to a liquor store . Course i didn't watch where he went so he mighta went to a Grocery store or Fast Food . ------------- ------------- when i give to charity organizations i usually give to Christian based Salvation Army or a locally run Christian based soup kitchen .
I had an overweight hispanic woman ask me for money. She was begging outside the grocery store for her starving children.

I told her to take the weakest, slaughter the thing and feed it to the stronger children. If they were still starving, take the next weakest and feed that child to the stronger children. Keep this up until she had the number of children she could support, or she was out of children.

You and Pismoe, two peas in a pod! Do you both consider yourselves Christians? Because people would then be your own God's creations.
Volunteering at your local soup kitchen or food pantry? Donating to a particular charity? What are your plans to help out those less fortunate than yourself this holiday season?

Not hosing them down with pepper spray when they come down my street.
They are not the “less fortunate”. It wasn’t bad luck that put them there. It was piss poor decisions on their part. Calling them “less fortunate” implies that I only got lucky. I worked hard to get where I am.

And so to hell with those who have made poor decisions?

Guess what, I've made poor decisions as we all have. By the grace of God I'm still blessed.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating forcing you to give, like left wingers who want to incorporate the church and state together do, I'm merely trying to make you think.

There are those who feel the need to give, I say go make yourself happy, if that’s what does it for you.

All I’m saying is that post is offensive to me. I did not get where I am by just being fortunate.

We have to battle this kind of nonsense whenever we see it. The left controls the language. This is straight out of their playbook. We cannot let it slide.

It's "offensive" to you? Quit being a drama llama. Just say you aren't interested in helping out others because you don't care and be honest at least with yourself.

I'm not interested in helping others. Anyone who reads my posts in this board already knows that. It's offensive to imply that I got to where I am because of luck.

Well I'm not sorry for you.

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