How can liberals really justify voting for Obama in 2012?

Are you really better off now than you were when Obama took office? Not many people are.

I've never really liked that question as a litmus for whether or not to support an incumbent. Whether I, or anyone else in particular, is better or worse off usually has very little to do with our leaders. That said, I do wonder how liberals can continue to support Obama. He's had plenty of opportunity to reverse the damage done by the Bush administration and refuses to do so. Instead, he's launched aggressive corporatist policies that deepen the collusion between government and big business.

I didn't vote for him, but the biggest problem I have with him is that he's not a liberal. I fail to see how self-professed liberals or progressives can continue to support him.
Here's how:

Are you really better off now than you were when Obama took office? Not many people are.

I've never really liked that question as a litmus for whether or not to support an incumbent. Whether I, or anyone else in particular, is better or worse off usually has very little to do with our leaders. That said, I do wonder how liberals can continue to support Obama. He's had plenty of opportunity to reverse the damage done by the Bush administration and refuses to do so. Instead, he's launched aggressive corporatist policies that deepen the collusion between government and big business.

I didn't vote for him, but the biggest problem I have with him is that he's not a liberal. I fail to see how self-professed liberals or progressives can continue to support him.

well the thread heading tells it all
there is no hope for those he promised it to and there is no change just a differant puppet in a suit .
meanwhile we are just lurching from one bad president to another .
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Are you really better off now than you were when Obama took office?
Agreed, "Not many people are." And it will get worse. The debt ceiling debacle gives all insight on what the President's priorities are. Still no hint of what his plan is - - except the statement "I won't let you call my bluff!" ??!?
[ame=]‪President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]‪n0thing but headshots (Pt. 1)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Works for me.
..well the thread heading tells it all
there is no hope for those he promised it to and there is no change just a differant puppet in a suit .
meanwhile we are just lurching from one bad president to another .

And we'll get the same shit again. Either another round of Obama or some equally lame Republican.
..well the thread heading tells it all
there is no hope for those he promised it to and there is no change just a differant puppet in a suit .
meanwhile we are just lurching from one bad president to another .

And we'll get the same shit again. Either another round of Obama or some equally lame Republican.
We have no "lame Republicans" running for President, unless you want to judge a book by its cover, that is. We plan to balance the budget, cut spending, reducing the size of government, keep taxes low, and reduce the deficit by kicking the unemployment rate back down by salting American shores with jobs.

The mountain of debt? We're gonna make a molehill of it. Go, pachys!!! :D
We have no "lame Republicans" running for President, unless you want to judge a book by its cover, that is. We plan to balance the budget, cut spending, reducing the size of government, keep taxes low, and reduce the deficit by kicking the unemployment rate back down by salting American shores with jobs.

Oh. I didn't realize. Nevermind then.
And we'll get the same shit again. Either another round of Obama or some equally lame Republican.
We have no "lame Republicans" running for President, unless you want to judge a book by its cover, that is. We plan to balance the budget, cut spending, reducing the size of government, keep taxes low, and reduce the deficit by kicking the unemployment rate back down by salting American shores with jobs.

The mountain of debt? We're gonna make a molehill of it. Go, pachys!!! :D

Unfortunately, none of the current crop of fruit loops who are running could actually accomplish these things in the Oval Office. I can't imagine any of them failing to make an already bad situation worse.
How can liberals really justify voting for Obama in 2012?

As opposed to whom? A republican?

Why would they vote for someone who advocates the same failed fiscal policy that caused the December 2007 recession?
How can liberals really justify voting for Obama in 2012?

Because he's been a good president. 90% of the Republican Party can never see that.
He'll still get plenty of votes from the brain dead set, but not enough to win reelection.

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