How convenient

I like reading the comments from articles

C'mon man, knock it off. Neither Rush nor Trump said it was a "head cold". Stop confabulating. Both compared it to the flu, which, as a medical doctor with 4 decades of experience, is not an unreasonable comparison. A seasonal flu can be a bad event and 50,000 - 80,000 people per year in the USA typically die of the flu. That never seems to concern anyone, but the media created an apocalyptic death scenario with Covid. You should also understand that in the USA, a Covid death is ascribed: A) when a patient dies of another condition but tests positive for Covid; B) dies of pneumonia/ARDS and PRESUMED to have Covid; C) dies of pneumonia/ARDS with a positive Covid test. This overinflates Covid deaths and is a process NOT done with the flu - or any other infectious disease for that matter. If such a technique for ascribing deaths applied to the flu, annual flu deaths would be at least doubled.

AS a virus, Covid behaves worse than the common flu in the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions, but better than the flu in the younger population, which is actually a good thing. That means that particular attention needs to be given to the elderly and at risk with a targeted approach - not using a shotgun approach which will only prolong the time the virus remain spreading through the population. Early on, we did not know how to adequately treat people with the virus, shoving them on ventilators and watching as the body's own response to the virus destroyed the lungs. We do much better now, quickly adapting, but the media sources you use almost certainly don't inform you of that.

As a pandemic, Covid-19 is a mouse of a virus, not a lion. It pales into comparison with other "deadly" viruses of the past. The VIRUS is not the hoax. The MEDIA COVERAGE of it is. It's been overhyped to the extent that it's causing massive social, political and economic upheaval. The Chinese are laughing at us. Just laughing,

My own "opinion"? Kinda reminds me of the explosion that happened in the ME recently- where was it?

I like reading the comments from articles

C'mon man, knock it off. Neither Rush nor Trump said it was a "head cold". Stop confabulating. Both compared it to the flu, which, as a medical doctor with 4 decades of experience, is not an unreasonable comparison. A seasonal flu can be a bad event and 50,000 - 80,000 people per year in the USA typically die of the flu. That never seems to concern anyone, but the media created an apocalyptic death scenario with Covid. You should also understand that in the USA, a Covid death is ascribed: A) when a patient dies of another condition but tests positive for Covid; B) dies of pneumonia/ARDS and PRESUMED to have Covid; C) dies of pneumonia/ARDS with a positive Covid test. This overinflates Covid deaths and is a process NOT done with the flu - or any other infectious disease for that matter. If such a technique for ascribing deaths applied to the flu, annual flu deaths would be at least doubled.

AS a virus, Covid behaves worse than the common flu in the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions, but better than the flu in the younger population, which is actually a good thing. That means that particular attention needs to be given to the elderly and at risk with a targeted approach - not using a shotgun approach which will only prolong the time the virus remain spreading through the population. Early on, we did not know how to adequately treat people with the virus, shoving them on ventilators and watching as the body's own response to the virus destroyed the lungs. We do much better now, quickly adapting, but the media sources you use almost certainly don't inform you of that.

As a pandemic, Covid-19 is a mouse of a virus, not a lion. It pales into comparison with other "deadly" viruses of the past. The VIRUS is not the hoax. The MEDIA COVERAGE of it is. It's been overhyped to the extent that it's causing massive social, political and economic upheaval. The Chinese are laughing at us. Just laughing,

My own "opinion"? Kinda reminds me of the explosion that happened in the ME recently- where was it?

COVID19 damages organs other than the lungs. Does the seasonal flu do that?
Seems like one of the reasons Africa has been spared so far is due to previous use in the general population going back decades of hydroxychloroquine to treat other viruses.
COVID19 damages organs other than the lungs. Does the seasonal flu do that?
What does that have to do with the article or the comment? Alcohol will damage the Liver and the brain-
Genetic make up effects everything- as in E V E R Y T H I N G- seasonal flu causes a lot of death. Period. Diagnosing it as COVID brings in extra money- follow the money, see the agenda-

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