How do we encourage revenue increases?


Gothic Vampires
Nov 10, 2012
World 1-1
Even Democrats have to admit that increasing taxes on the rich (as if they pay taxes to begin with) is only a band-aid on the larger problem.

Increasing taxes isn't the only way to generate revenue. To truly get it up there, we have to encourage more job creation. So my question to you is, if you had the ability to get out there and give advice to the government on how to do so, how would you encourage them and the job creators to increase revenue? Cutting spending is only one half of the equation.

Personally, I have this zany idea to cut the tax break for corporations that outsource, and instead give job creators a tax break on every, say, X people that are full time in their business, where X is an appropriate value for both small businesses and big corporations.
Even Democrats have to admit that increasing taxes on the rich (as if they pay taxes to begin with) is only a band-aid on the larger problem.

Increasing taxes isn't the only way to generate revenue. To truly get it up there, we have to encourage more job creation. So my question to you is, if you had the ability to get out there and give advice to the government on how to do so, how would you encourage them and the job creators to increase revenue? Cutting spending is only one half of the equation.

Personally, I have this zany idea to cut the tax break for corporations that outsource, and instead give job creators a tax break on every, say, X people that are full time in their business, where X is an appropriate value for both small businesses and big corporations.

I would repeal the CFMA and the FSMA, for starters.

Then I would institute a permanent ban on all tax expenditures and lower tax rates for everyone.

I would raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70.

Then I would ban all naked CDS, and require all OTC derivatives to be sold on public exchanges and that CDS be regulated as insurance.

I would also repeal all three pieces of legislation that comprise ObamaCare, and institute reforms that would actually bend the cost curve of health care down.

That should just about do it.

This could all be done in one day.

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Line up all the friggin' liberals in D.C. and shoot them.

Because they're the only ones to blame. :lol:
Remember, to get in power, the conservatives had to LET it happen. See Nov. 6 2012.

That's kind of the problem though... They are only "so called" conservatives.
We haven't had any true conservatives in DC for quite some time.

This is the problem with the GOP.
Even Democrats have to admit that increasing taxes on the rich (as if they pay taxes to begin with) is only a band-aid on the larger problem.

Increasing taxes isn't the only way to generate revenue. To truly get it up there, we have to encourage more job creation. So my question to you is, if you had the ability to get out there and give advice to the government on how to do so, how would you encourage them and the job creators to increase revenue? Cutting spending is only one half of the equation.

Personally, I have this zany idea to cut the tax break for corporations that outsource, and instead give job creators a tax break on every, say, X people that are full time in their business, where X is an appropriate value for both small businesses and big corporations.

I would repeal the CFMA and the FSMA, for starters.

Then I would institute a permanent ban on all tax expenditures and lower tax rates for everyone.

I would raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70.

Then I would ban all naked CDS, and require all OTC derivatives to be sold on public exchanges and that CDS be regulated as insurance.

I would also repeal all three pieces of legislation that comprise ObamaCare, and institute reforms that would actually bend the cost curve of health care down.

That should just about do it.

This could all be done in one day.


I disagree with some portions but I love the nature of your reply. To the point, polite, educated. We need more of that.
Even Democrats have to admit that increasing taxes on the rich (as if they pay taxes to begin with) is only a band-aid on the larger problem.

Increasing taxes isn't the only way to generate revenue. To truly get it up there, we have to encourage more job creation. So my question to you is, if you had the ability to get out there and give advice to the government on how to do so, how would you encourage them and the job creators to increase revenue? Cutting spending is only one half of the equation.

Personally, I have this zany idea to cut the tax break for corporations that outsource, and instead give job creators a tax break on every, say, X people that are full time in their business, where X is an appropriate value for both small businesses and big corporations.

For off the wall ideas I support citizenship for those who show they have worked steadily and keep their money in the country and those who have job skills we need.

Also some retalitary tariffs against countries which have them against U.S. products. Not a big money maker but if a President made his case people would support it.

What else....higher starting tax rate on corporations but more breaks to those who do positive things for our economy. Use American made fabric, tax break, assembled domestically, tax break, no bailout funds requested, tax break. That type of thing.
Do the opposite of what the Regime is doing and the economy will grow, increasing revenue. Everything they are doing is making matters worse. If you came up with a plan to decrease revenue and increase debt, it would be what the Regime is doing.

Repeal the ACA, freeze all current tax rates but cut corp taxes, and remove every new regulation King Barry has added, and we'd be back on the road to real recovery.

IMO real recovery is simply not possible under this Regime and Dem-controlled senate that hasn't even passed a budget in 4 years.

And the shit will REALLY hit the fan next year, when the ACA fully kicks in and folks find out how SCREWED we are.
Even Democrats have to admit that increasing taxes on the rich (as if they pay taxes to begin with) is only a band-aid on the larger problem.

Increasing taxes isn't the only way to generate revenue. To truly get it up there, we have to encourage more job creation. So my question to you is, if you had the ability to get out there and give advice to the government on how to do so, how would you encourage them and the job creators to increase revenue? Cutting spending is only one half of the equation.

Personally, I have this zany idea to cut the tax break for corporations that outsource, and instead give job creators a tax break on every, say, X people that are full time in their business, where X is an appropriate value for both small businesses and big corporations.

The Math is very simple here. We can not solve our problems with Spending Cuts. Even Draconian across the Board Tax increases for every single American would only make up roughly 33% of our total Deficit. So at a Minimum Spending cuts, and economic Growth have to do the 2/3rds of the work.

Which is why I laugh at anyone who claims Obama is serious, and trying to Compromise. He is focused only on Tax Increases so small they will only fund our current spending for 8 days, and his idea of spending cuts are slight reductions in the level of increased spending in base line Projections.

The man is a joke, and the Punch line is Americans believe him.
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