How do we recover from the economic mess


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
How do we get out of this economic mess? The rich won't invest and hire.

The best way to start the recovery is to lower corporate taxes+ cut all senseless regs to get them to invest
+Bring our Troops home and cut half of the bases throughout the world. Use that money to invest in our country here at home. Technology, innovation, construction, etc.
-Cut free shit for nothing. Get people into Education+learning different stuff to advance.

What do you think?

16 trillion in debt; the baby boomer population hitting retirement, Social Security & Medicare; international competition; cultural decay; no indication that the country's entitlement mentality is abating.

Sorry, we've passed the tipping point. The question is no longer whether we're going to see a decrease in our overall standard of living, it's only how much of a decrease it will be.

Now, it could be argued that a lower standard of living does not necessarily mean a lower quality of life. In fact, I think it's quite possible that it does not.

But the party's over.

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Mathew, good post bro. I usually don't agree with alot that you say, but that is a good way to start!
Let the free market do what needs to be done. We can't get out of this without some pain at this point...let it happen.Governments can't help an economy...they only screw it up.
1. Raise the retirement age to at least 70. We are living longer, we should be working longer. If you pay in 5 years longer, and draw out 5 years less, that alone will realize astronomical savings.

2. Repeal the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, repeal the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, and repeal the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000. Write new legislation which would properly regulate the financial services industry with at least the following provisions:

a. Regulate credit default swaps as insurance, with an outright ban on naked credit default swaps.

b. Require all over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives to be sold on open exchanges so that end users are able to establish a price point.

c. Beef up the SEC, and eliminate the revolving door of regulators going to work for broker-dealers.

d. Include severe criminal penalties for fraud. No more paying fines with no admission of wrongdoing or no one going to prison.

e. Reform the GSEs, including severe limitations on the sizes of their portfolios.

f. Put the regulation of derivatives under one roof. One agency. No more regulator shopping.

I could go on all day with more ideas, but to hell with it. I'm wasting my time.

1. Raise the retirement age to at least 70. We are living longer, we should be working longer. If you pay in 5 years longer, and draw out 5 years less, that alone will realize astronomical savings.

2. Repeal the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, repeal the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, and repeal the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000. Write new legislation which would properly regulate the financial services industry with at least the following provisions:

a. Regulate credit default swaps as insurance, with an outright ban on naked credit default swaps.

b. Require all over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives to be sold on open exchanges so that end users are able to establish a price point.

c. Beef up the SEC, and eliminate the revolving door of regulators going to work for broker-dealers.

d. Include severe criminal penalties for fraud. No more paying fines with no admission of wrongdoing or no one going to prison.

e. Reform the GSEs, including severe limitations on the sizes of their portfolios.

f. Put the regulation of derivatives under one roof. One agency. No more regulator shopping.

I could go on all day with more ideas, but to hell with it. I'm wasting my time.


I'm on board with everything except the GSE's, their assets should be sold and they should be abolished. Freddie and Fanny have privatized profits and socialized their loses, they should just go away.

16 trillion in debt; the baby boomer population hitting retirement, Social Security & Medicare; international competition; cultural decay; no indication that the country's entitlement mentality is abating.

Sorry, we've passed the tipping point. The question is no longer whether we're going to see a decrease in our overall standard of living, it's only how much of a decrease it will be.

Now, it could be argued that a lower standard of living does not necessarily mean a lower quality of life. In fact, I think it's quite possible that it does not.

But the party's over.


This is the argument for reelecting Obama: Lower your expectations and be satisfied with less. The problem with this is that it is a self fulfilling prophesy, stifling creativity and ensuring our decline.

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