how far do you trust the government?

Thanks for the, let me re-phrase my response. I do not trust anyone but God "All the way", pardon the misunderstanding. I have a good life, my kids are healthy and generally happy. I have a good marrige, lots of opportunity for growth and success. I have every chance to make my life as I want it, and I don't blame anyone but myself for my failures. God and myself are responsible for my life, my fate and my destiny. I rely on NO outside source for my successes or failures. That would be a cop out in my opinion. I would rather live in this WONDERFUL country then any other on earth where I have the freedom to express my feelings and opinions in an open society.

I could not and I WOULD not live in a country where I hated, distrusted or loathed my government. I suggest anyone who has such feelings for their government to re-think why they are living where they are living.

I respect your opinions and thoughts as I do any other American or foreginer for that matter. I would never hurt, demean or slander another for their opinions or feelings. I learned these values from my parents, teachers and other leaders of our society.

I trust because it is my choice. I make sure I am well informed on current events. I do not live in a shelterd world, I know there is ugliness, pain, suffering and much more. But I choose to believe that where I live I can trust my fellow Americans. Not everyone is worthy of trust, so I take that on a case by case basis. I choose to have pride in the good of this country.

A dear friend of mine by the name of Freshta Raper lived in Iraq most of her life. She was a Kurd. Under her government they had her husband killed, acid poured all over her body, after she was raped, and her child was taken from her arms. Now this women has been through more torment than most average human beings, but she believes in democracy, and thus escaped from Iraq shortly before the war, and is now safe in England with her new husband. This woman who is so appreciative of the United States for rescuing her country from bondage, even though she has never stepped foot on our soil. What we represent, what we stand for and what are beliefs for decency, respect for other human beings and baisc love of mankind must always be our goal. We fall short of this more times then we'd like to admit. I myself cannot possibley live up to the standards our country has set for us, but not having these ideals is a sin against nature. It is beter to strive for kindness and empathy then to live in anger because our country more often then not shows the weakness of humanity more then its good works. I cannot live like that. Call me naive, call me ignorant. But I am niether of those things. I am an American, and proud to be one. If I wasn't I wouldn't live here.
Hey DK, I won't say that I'm with Kellygirl with 'all the way' as far as the present gov't, read administration goes, but I'm 90% there. I think they take the threats seriously, (post 9/11), which would have been better 2/1/01, but they thought they had time, which the previous 4 administrations, at the least, had led them to believe. Sorry Clinton apologists, just because 'they' threw this on the 'front burner' in their waning days, doesn't a 'crisis' make.

The most academic would question why 'we' should make this a #1 priority, when the obvious attack on a US Naval Vessal didn't, wouldn't make sense. If Clinton could 'shrug off' the bombing of the USS Cole, why should an incoming administration scrap their domestic agenda to hunt down 'terrorists' that the outgoing administration had ignored?

Now however, the 'terrorists' have our undivided attention, with the exception of the multi-lateralists who somehow feel that if we were just a 'bit more empathetic', and are now our #1 priority. Bottom line for my attention is any group, read primarily Islamic extremists, that wishes to harm US citizens and/or create havoc in our markets, needs to be targeted for kill and/or made irrelevant.
Thanks for the welcome...............
With this post, I'm ashamed that I didn't say 'welcome'. Geez, my stupid, stupid bad!

I respect your opinions and thoughts as I do any other American or foreginer for that matter. I would never hurt, demean or slander another for their opinions or feelings. I learned these values from my parents, teachers and other leaders of our society.
, as a teacher, I hope my students feel the same....

A dear friend of mine by the name of Freshta Raper lived in Iraq most of her life. She was a Kurd. Under her government they had her husband killed, acid poured all over her body, after she was raped, and her child was taken from her arms. Now this women has been through more torment than most average human beings, but she believes in democracy, and thus escaped from Iraq shortly before the war, and is now safe in England with her new husband. This woman who is so appreciative of the United States for rescuing her country from bondage, even though she has never stepped foot on our soil. What we represent, what we stand for and what are beliefs for decency, respect for other human beings and baisc love of mankind must always be our goal. We fall short of this more times then we'd like to admit. I myself cannot possibley live up to the standards our country has set for us, but not having these ideals is a sin against nature. It is beter to strive for kindness and empathy then to live in anger because our country more often then not shows the weakness of humanity more then its good works. I cannot live like that. Call me naive, call me ignorant. But I am niether of those things. I am an American, and proud to be one. If I wasn't I wouldn't live here.
I wonder how the Democratic contenders can continue to say, with the exception of Lieberman, that the war in Iraq was not justified. Because of France? They didn't want to stand up to the Barbary Pirates either. But they were sure glad when Jefferson did.
Thanks Kelly, and welcome!
I wrote this in response to 9/11. I was completely across the country and felt so far away, but still so affected by the tradgedy.


Distant Witness

I don't live close; I did not hear the thunder or the crash.
I didn't hear the cries for help or see the metal thrash.

I didn't witness buildings fall. This was on TV.
I didn't run from plumes of smoke. I know that wasn't me.

I didn't arrive with photo in hand looking for my wife.
I didn't tell my only son his dad has lost his life.

I didn't send my oldest child into a burning tower.
To try and save whomever he could and die within an hour

I cannot say that I was hurt while saving someone's life.
I cannot say I've ever lost a daughter, son or wife.

I do not daily pass this site where bodies still decay.
While people who must get to work must pass it everyday.

I am not brave; I do not grieve for loss beyond compare.
I know I am not a party to the death and the despair.

In some small way I'd like to say I hold you in my heart.
Although this won't amount too much I hope it is a start.

There was a part inside of me that died upon that day.
I cannot look at life the same or trust in the same way.

I look to God to give me strength, my trust is in his grace.
And deep inside within my soul, I find a peaceful place.
Kelly, honestly that was beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes, I lost many friends that day, and it is so nice to see some people still remember and care. Thank you for that poem !
Kelly, you spoke for all of us that were not in NY that day. At the same time I think we were in a way THERE:

I am not brave; I do not grieve for loss beyond compare.
I know I am not a party to the death and the despair.

I do not know the loss of one who cannot be replaced, yet I know that my heart will never know the completness of their place. They were the best we had to give, though we didn't know their value, it was not our place to give or receive their valor.

Kelly, I'm not in your league of poetry. I feel the loss of those who died on 9/11, in ways I never could have imagined. I treasure those who can use words, you are one, to convey our loss. Thanks.
Hi Kelly

I apologize for not welcoming you earlier - somehow I didn't see your post.

A truly powerful poem, would you mind if I printed that out and hang it up in the breakroom at work?

Welcome to the board!
Feel free to post the poem NightTrain....and I thank all of you for the nice comments and the wonderful welcome. This is really a cool site. I look forward to participating....kam

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