How Likely Is It That Romney Paid No Taxes?

Dick Tuck

Board Troll
Aug 29, 2009
Considering the son of Boss schemes, deemed abusive by the IRS, that Romney set up, I find it very plausible that Mittens avoided paying taxes for 10 years.

Could Romney’s Effective Tax Rate Really Be Zero? | TPMDC

By alleging that Mitt Romney effectively paid no federal taxes for 10 years, Harry Reid’s welcomed conservative scorn and managed to keep a story that’s unflattering to the GOP presidential candidate in the news.


Other experts largely agree.

“t struck me as plausible,” said NYU tax expert Daniel Shaviro, who’s been a leading analyst of Romney’s public financial information. “The reason people have been saying he must have paid something is that they’ve figured he must have (as in 2010) had some dividend and interest income plus other ordinary (rather than capital gains) stuff such as speaker fees. Zeroing all that out, if he had such income every year, would have required tax shelter losses that would very likely be deemed (by the IRS and many legal experts) as abusive.”

Shaviro also notes that if, using his IRA, Romney had avoided realizing capital gains on Bain shares, it would have helped him accomplish what’s known as “loss harvesting.” That’s when investors sell off financial losers to cancel out capital gains they’ve realized elsewhere in their portfolio. The lower one’s capital gains in any given year, the easier it is to harvest that loss.

We know Romney harvested losses because he carried forward a substantial capital loss in 2010. “[H]aving less capital gains to begin with via the Bain strategy from the TPM blog post would obviously make it easier to get to zero RE the capital gains,” Shaviro adds.
Most of his income is capital gains, factor in charitable donations and other deductions, it's possible he could reduce his liability to close to zero.

I dont think he did anything illegal however.
Romney not paying his Taxes for ten years is about as likely as Barack Hussein Obama running his reelection campaign on the record of his achievements in the last three and a half years. Not likely indeed.
Zero to none... he's probably been audited numerous times.... gazillionaires cannot fly under the radar. This whole thing is fucking stupid and nothing more than a diversion to keep the moonbats from actually thinking about Obama's abysmal record and broken promises.
Mitt Romney says he's been audited by the IRS. Does that matter? -

Mitt Romney says he's been audited by the IRS ...

“From time to time, I’ve been audited as happens, I think, to other citizens as well. And the accounting firm which prepares my taxes has done a very thorough and complete job,” Romney said, adding: “I don’t pay more [taxes] than are legally due, and frankly, if I had paid more than are legally due, I don't think I'd be qualified to become president. I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

"I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

in most cases those are not the people who are audited - and being audited usually is a sign of those trying not to pay their fair share.

Romney may think the issue was settled by attacking Reid attempting to silence the critics but the trap he can not avoid is only reset for after Tampa all the way till Nov. 6th.
Most of his income is capital gains, factor in charitable donations and other deductions, it's possible he could reduce his liability to close to zero.

I dont think he did anything illegal however.

Factor in his off-shore accounts, his $400 million IRA, his ability to create meaningless paper transactions, and his history at Marriott of signing off on a Son of BOSS writeoff (later dissallowed by the IRS audit), his ability to make up partnerships where he can write-off $77,000 on revenue of $211 for essentially his wife's horseback riding, and it becomes very plausible. Mitt is clearly not above using tax shams. He has a clear history of it.

Looking over the only complete return available, from 2010, I'd say it very likely that there would be several deductions disallowed if he has that tax year audited.
Zero to none... he's probably been audited numerous times.... gazillionaires cannot fly under the radar. This whole thing is fucking stupid and nothing more than a diversion to keep the moonbats from actually thinking about Obama's abysmal record and broken promises.
gazillionaires do fall under the's set up that way....
Romney not paying his Taxes for ten years is about as likely as Barack Hussein Obama running his reelection campaign on the record of his achievements in the last three and a half years. Not likely indeed.

Like Bush did in 2004?
Slim and none would be the chances Romney did not pay any taxes for a ten year period and slim is already on his way out the door.
Mitt Romney says he's been audited by the IRS. Does that matter? -

Mitt Romney says he's been audited by the IRS ...

“From time to time, I’ve been audited as happens, I think, to other citizens as well. And the accounting firm which prepares my taxes has done a very thorough and complete job,” Romney said, adding: “I don’t pay more [taxes] than are legally due, and frankly, if I had paid more than are legally due, I don't think I'd be qualified to become president. I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

"I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

in most cases those are not the people who are audited - and being audited usually is a sign of those trying not to pay their fair share.

Romney may think the issue was settled by attacking Reid attempting to silence the critics but the trap he can not avoid is only reset for after Tampa all the way till Nov. 6th.

Bullshit... your audit risk depends on certain characteristics of your return, what types of filings, deductions, etc. It has nothing to do with being a sign of those trying not to pay their fair share. One's fair share is whatever you tax liability ends up being. The IRS does not determine your fair share.

You libs are so utterly clueless.
Mitt Romney says he's been audited by the IRS. Does that matter? -

Mitt Romney says he's been audited by the IRS ...

“From time to time, I’ve been audited as happens, I think, to other citizens as well. And the accounting firm which prepares my taxes has done a very thorough and complete job,” Romney said, adding: “I don’t pay more [taxes] than are legally due, and frankly, if I had paid more than are legally due, I don't think I'd be qualified to become president. I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

"I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

in most cases those are not the people who are audited - and being audited usually is a sign of those trying not to pay their fair share.

Romney may think the issue was settled by attacking Reid attempting to silence the critics but the trap he can not avoid is only reset for after Tampa all the way till Nov. 6th.

True. Most individual audits are the result of red flags in the returns.

Will Mitt release the results of that audit? How much additional tax, interest, and penalties did he owe? How many of his scam write-offs did the IRS disallow.
Considering the son of Boss schemes, deemed abusive by the IRS, that Romney set up, I find it very plausible that Mittens avoided paying taxes for 10 years.

Could Romney’s Effective Tax Rate Really Be Zero? | TPMDC

By alleging that Mitt Romney effectively paid no federal taxes for 10 years, Harry Reid’s welcomed conservative scorn and managed to keep a story that’s unflattering to the GOP presidential candidate in the news.


Other experts largely agree.

“t struck me as plausible,” said NYU tax expert Daniel Shaviro, who’s been a leading analyst of Romney’s public financial information. “The reason people have been saying he must have paid something is that they’ve figured he must have (as in 2010) had some dividend and interest income plus other ordinary (rather than capital gains) stuff such as speaker fees. Zeroing all that out, if he had such income every year, would have required tax shelter losses that would very likely be deemed (by the IRS and many legal experts) as abusive.”

Shaviro also notes that if, using his IRA, Romney had avoided realizing capital gains on Bain shares, it would have helped him accomplish what’s known as “loss harvesting.” That’s when investors sell off financial losers to cancel out capital gains they’ve realized elsewhere in their portfolio. The lower one’s capital gains in any given year, the easier it is to harvest that loss.

We know Romney harvested losses because he carried forward a substantial capital loss in 2010. “[H]aving less capital gains to begin with via the Bain strategy from the TPM blog post would obviously make it easier to get to zero RE the capital gains,” Shaviro adds.

Anything to divert from the failed Obama economy..
Mitt Romney says he's been audited by the IRS. Does that matter? -

Mitt Romney says he's been audited by the IRS ...

“From time to time, I’ve been audited as happens, I think, to other citizens as well. And the accounting firm which prepares my taxes has done a very thorough and complete job,” Romney said, adding: “I don’t pay more [taxes] than are legally due, and frankly, if I had paid more than are legally due, I don't think I'd be qualified to become president. I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

"I'd think people would want me to follow the law and pay only what the tax code requires.”

in most cases those are not the people who are audited - and being audited usually is a sign of those trying not to pay their fair share.

Romney may think the issue was settled by attacking Reid attempting to silence the critics but the trap he can not avoid is only reset for after Tampa all the way till Nov. 6th.

Audits are random and specifically said to be random by the IRS. They do it by percentages. Incomes below $20,000 a year have maybe 2% audits. Incomes above that but below $50,000 have a percentage of random audits and so on. Sometimes a very public personage will trigger an audit simply by virtue of being a public personage. Business tax returns have a higher percentage of audits than individuals. It really is nothing but a numbers game. It's not like IRS examiners go over each and every tax return looking for discrepancies. Politican enemies get lots of audits.
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it's likely that he paid none in 2009, maybe 2008 as well, due to all the losses on wall street and the crash....i'm not certain on the 10 years of no income taxes....that seems impossible and should be impossible....someone holding at least 250 million in wealth, would not even have that wealth, if they took 10 years of investment losses, you would think???

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