How many American TV watchers think science fiction and fantasy is too weird for them?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Best show of the 2000s!

But sadly the fan base is really tiny.

What would it take to get the average TV viewer to watch something set in space?

Would it have to be devoid of any sci fi and be strictly realistic astronaut stuff?

How much soap opera would be put in it to get the female audience?

I love Science Fiction.

However, I have one compliant.

Over 100 years of Science Fiction has brainwashed most people to be convinced that life exist outside earth even though there is no scientific proof.

Most people absolutely believe that there are alien civilizations and Green Orion Slave women just waiting for sex.

They believe that it will be just a matter of time before we all go star trekking abound the universe.
I love Science Fiction.

However, I have one compliant.

Over 100 years of Science Fiction has brainwashed most people to be convinced that life exist outside earth even though there is no scientific proof.

Most people absolutely believe that there are alien civilizations and Green Orion Slave women just waiting for sex.

They believe that it will be just a matter of time before we all go star trekking abound the universe.
You do understand that genres like SciFi and Fantasy are meant as escapes, right?

A lot of what was considered SciFi 70 years ago is pretty routine today.

So, bring on the green slave girls AND the Cthulhu as well!

I'm mostly a fan of Epic Fantasy and for some reason, there have been far too few directors with the vision to pull off fantasy well.

SciFi, however; has so many wonderful possibilities and the past that has been produced, for the most part, it very good.

I don't know that I care of the normal everyday Joe and Jane get into SciFi or fantasy. As long as they keep bringing us great content.
There was a time when flying saucers, blobs and assorted strange aliens were the stuff of entertainment. Digital technology and special effects pushed the envelope to the point where graphic carnage replaces a good time at the movies. Too much killing, too much blood and entrails for my taste. For my money the movie "Them" even though it was in B&W was the best. "Alien" was a one trick pony and the Star Wars series were westerns in outer space.
Babylon Five....
The best of the tv series..IMO. Written by Harlan Ellison as a 5 year had depth...good science....and great plot twists.

Well, he didn't exactly "write it". He was the conceptual consultant for the show and wrote the "manifesto" that explained to other writers how to write for Babylon 5. Did a script or two for it.
Babylon Five....
The best of the tv series..IMO. Written by Harlan Ellison as a 5 year had depth...good science....and great plot twists.

Well, he didn't exactly "write it". He was the conceptual consultant for the show and wrote the "manifesto" that explained to other writers how to write for Babylon 5. Did a script or two for it.

Nearly everything Harlan was connected with was high quality.

Not "The Starlost" though. :auiqs.jpg: He had to drag himself out of that septic treatment plant.
There was a time when flying saucers, blobs and assorted strange aliens were the stuff of entertainment. Digital technology and special effects pushed the envelope to the point where graphic carnage replaces a good time at the movies. Too much killing, too much blood and entrails for my taste. For my money the movie "Them" even though it was in B&W was the best. "Alien" was a one trick pony and the Star Wars series were westerns in outer space.
Of them all, I liked 'Forbidden Planet'. The special effects were decades ahead of anything else, and their wasn't any gore or mayhem. Not that I am opposed to that kind of thing. :)
There was a time when flying saucers, blobs and assorted strange aliens were the stuff of entertainment. Digital technology and special effects pushed the envelope to the point where graphic carnage replaces a good time at the movies. Too much killing, too much blood and entrails for my taste. For my money the movie "Them" even though it was in B&W was the best. "Alien" was a one trick pony and the Star Wars series were westerns in outer space.
Of them all, I liked 'Forbidden Planet'. The special effects were decades ahead of anything else, and their wasn't any gore or mayhem. Not that I am opposed to that kind of thing. :)
One of my all-time favorite movies.

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