How many times have you read the Bible?

How many times have you read the Bible all the way through?

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How many reference books or research books have you re-read.

But the Bible isn't a reference or research book, it's a story book.

And once you know how a story ends, what's the point in re-reading it?

lol. The Bible is a reference book, a research book, an instruction manual, a history book, a book about the future, a study in ethics, it's a science book, a dissertation on the Creator of mankind, it is a numerical code, a computer code, a love story........
That is why it is necessary to read and reread the Bible, and pray for understanding before you do. And still you won't get through all of the layers it contains, before you meet the Author.
The Bible code for instance, can be researched by anyone that has a computer and a Hebrew dictionary. That code is contained in the Torah.
The thing that intrigued me about the code was, not only were major events throughout history and into the future documented, but lesser things. An Israeli soldier came up missing and the Bible code gave them the location of his body. Other people have found their genealogy in the code. That makes me wonder if the Bible is the Book of Life that Christ opens.

There are large groups of people that feel the same way about the Star Trek tv series and movies.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

A lot of people desperate to find meaning in life. Simple answer..There is none. Just scammers praying on the weak minded. You stand a better chance of finding "heaven" in the purchase of a powerball ticket. :lol:
Setting up a poll. I was just curious.

I've read the bible at least three times. I also attended hebrew school four days a week for four years when i was growing up.

I've read the new testament.

I've read the Qu'ran

I've read the Bhagavad Gita

I've read some buddhist writings.

I've read some books on Kaballah and taken a class in kaballah

How about you?

It is very rare that I will re-read something. It happens. If I read a repair or operator manual and the real life object does not seem to match what I remember reading I may on occasion go back to the reference and try to figure out what year or model is the one displayed. I do not re-read the whole fucking manual to sort out one tiny aspect of it.

The one exception that comes to mind is a wiring diagram. When working on a complicated project with maybe a hundred different colors of wires and maybe a thousand connections I will actually print a copy of the diagram and "read it" many times as I sort out the wiring to make a repair. I recently picked up a VW Bus Westfallia and the previous owner had "Mickey Moused" much of the wiring. I probably went back to that diagram a hundred times during the week long repair.

That is not the same thing as a novel or a reference book where there is a continuity and a narative that is written to follow and make sense.

If a novel or reference book was written in code like a wiring diagram I would probably have to read it many times as I deciphered the code. But that isn't how novels, reference books and bibles are written is it..

The Bible is no different to some and how you view reference books and manuals. The Bible is not just some novel, it does give good advice , like not to steal or murder, not to be indebted to someone, toi be charitable and not to be lazy.

You need a book to know these things?

WOW! Fascsinating. Chimps know these things and they do not read at all.

:eek: Chimps don't know ONE of those things, cause they can't read at all. :eek:
They'll steal if they get the chance.
They kill each other, especially juveniles
They can't take out a loan because they can't sign a loan agreement, otherwise they would. To buy banannas. So they wouldn't have to gather them. Cause they are lazy.
They're stingy and they just hang out. Even rabbits build homes. ;)
How many reference books or research books have you re-read.

But the Bible isn't a reference or research book, it's a story book.

And once you know how a story ends, what's the point in re-reading it?

lol. The Bible is a reference book, a research book, an instruction manual, a history book, a book about the future, a study in ethics, it's a science book, a dissertation on the Creator of mankind, it is a numerical code, a computer code, a love story........
That is why it is necessary to read and reread the Bible, and pray for understanding before you do. And still you won't get through all of the layers it contains, before you meet the Author.
The Bible code for instance, can be researched by anyone that has a computer and a Hebrew dictionary. That code is contained in the Torah.
The thing that intrigued me about the code was, not only were major events throughout history and into the future documented, but lesser things. An Israeli soldier came up missing and the Bible code gave them the location of his body. Other people have found their genealogy in the code. That makes me wonder if the Bible is the Book of Life that Christ opens.

An Israeli soldier came up missing and the Bible code gave them the location of his body.
Really ? when did that happen ?

The Bible code for instance, can be researched by anyone that has a computer and a Hebrew dictionary.
It seems to me that you exaggerate a bit.
No offense, but one could find a 'code' in any large text using a computer.
I don't see a big problem of finding major historical events in 'Harry Potter' or 'Lord of the Rings'

The Bible is a reference book, a research book, an instruction manual, a history book, a book about the future, a study in ethics, it's a science book
Again , No offense but 'An instruction manual' to what ?
'A book about the future' well so is 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea' by Jules Verne.

And , with all due respect how is it a science book ?
But the Bible isn't a reference or research book, it's a story book.

And once you know how a story ends, what's the point in re-reading it?

lol. The Bible is a reference book, a research book, an instruction manual, a history book, a book about the future, a study in ethics, it's a science book, a dissertation on the Creator of mankind, it is a numerical code, a computer code, a love story........
That is why it is necessary to read and reread the Bible, and pray for understanding before you do. And still you won't get through all of the layers it contains, before you meet the Author.
The Bible code for instance, can be researched by anyone that has a computer and a Hebrew dictionary. That code is contained in the Torah.
The thing that intrigued me about the code was, not only were major events throughout history and into the future documented, but lesser things. An Israeli soldier came up missing and the Bible code gave them the location of his body. Other people have found their genealogy in the code. That makes me wonder if the Bible is the Book of Life that Christ opens.

Really ? when did that happen ?

The Bible code for instance, can be researched by anyone that has a computer and a Hebrew dictionary.
It seems to me that you exaggerate a bit.
No offense, but one could find a 'code' in any large text using a computer.
I don't see a big problem of finding major historical events in 'Harry Potter' or 'Lord of the Rings'

The Bible is a reference book, a research book, an instruction manual, a history book, a book about the future, a study in ethics, it's a science book
Again , No offense but 'An instruction manual' to what ?
'A book about the future' well so is 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea' by Jules Verne.

And , with all due respect how is it a science book ?

I'm not offended. You ask good questions.
When did which happen, the soldier or the genealogy? Both have happened since the Bible code was cracked. The year the soldier died, I don't remember.

I don't need to exaggerate. This is an experiment that surpasses the test of being capable of being recreated in two separate independent labs to be conclusive. A plethora of information has been gleaned from the code. And anybody with a computer and a Hebrew dictionary can find the same thing. An atheists can find it. Issac Newton found it, but had no computer to extract it.
What you are referring to is monkey text, and the reason you need a big text for what you are talking about is because it increases your odds of paring enough letters together to get a word or phrase or something like Kennedy and murdered in the same grid.

The amount of precise data that has come from the Bible code is beyond what scientists consider possible. Yet, there it is. Not in a large text but in a very small text, the Torah.
I'll link to some of the info if you'd like. It is astounding, and proof that man was not responsible for putting the Torah together. If man had done it, there would be no code. It had to be put there by someone with advanced computer knowledge.

I will put up the amount of information extracted from the Torah, if you will post the amount of information extracted from Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, and we'll let the members here decide if the comparison holds water.

Instruction manual. Read Proverbs.
Prophesy. approx. 10,388. of them. Jules Vern and Gene Roddenberry were visionaries. The Bible predicts future events. Not visions, but actions.
Science. The earth is an orb. and a WHOLE bunch more.
My mother attempted to have me brainwashed into the Catholic church but I wised up by the time I was 8 and refused to go to church from that point on.

Catholics ain't big on Bible reading. In fact, for most of their history, it was prohibited.

Protestants ARE big on it.

I was raised Conservative Baptist, it was a right of passage to read the entire Bible.

Standard Disclaimer: As an adult, it appears becoming an agnostic or Atheist is ALSO a right of passage for Conservative Baptists.

Must say I never heard that, perhaps its just Protestant propaganda? :eusa_hand:
Must say I never heard that, perhaps its just Protestant propaganda? :eusa_hand:

Must be.

Pope Pius VII (1800-1823) denounced the Bible Society and expressed shock at the circulation of the Scriptures. Pius VII said, "It is evidence from experience, that the holy Scriptures, when circulated in the vulgar tongue, have, through the temerity of men, produced more harm than benefit." Pope Leo XII called the Protestant Bible the "Gospel of the Devil" in an encyclical letter of 1824. Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846) railed "against the publication, distribution, reading, and possession of books of the holy Scriptures translated into the vulgar tongue."

Pope Leo XII, in January 1850, condemned the Bible Societies and admitted the fact that the distribution of Scripture has "long been condemned by the holy chair."
How many times have you read the Bible?

Why would anyone read ANY book more than once?

That's retarded. What? you didn't GET IT the first time? You think by reading it again the characters will be different and there will be a different ending?

It's not like it's a movie where you do stand a chance of missing something and you see something new the second time you watch it.

It's a fucking book! It isn't moving! There is nothing preventing you from absorbing EVERYTHING in it.

Your question is stupid.

:chillpill::chillpill::chillpill: Take a couple of chill pills Huggy. Your wrong I have read it at least 5 times, some sections more then that, I get something different out of it every time.
How many times have you read the Bible?

Why would anyone read ANY book more than once?

That's retarded. What? you didn't GET IT the first time? You think by reading it again the characters will be different and there will be a different ending?

It's not like it's a movie where you do stand a chance of missing something and you see something new the second time you watch it.

It's a fucking book! It isn't moving! There is nothing preventing you from absorbing EVERYTHING in it.

Your question is stupid.

:chillpill::chillpill::chillpill: Take a couple of chill pills Huggy. Your wrong I have read it at least 5 times, some sections more then that, I get something different out of it every time.

Now don't you worry a single hair on your pretty little punkin head Violet..

HUGGY says alot of things just to get a response...most of it doesn't mean a thing!

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