How Many Vermont Residents Have Vacation Houses on Lake Champlain?

Healthcare is very much tied up in that now that medicine is more than leeches and potions made in the backroom from roots. Everyone should be able to walk into a doctor's office and receive care without worry about having enough left to buy groceries.

One point that Libs and other Marxists never bring into question is who will be able to see QUALITY health care providers and who will be stuck seeing mediocre physicians who don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The liberal theorem is that all doctors are equal is absurd.
What makes you think that all the doctors in place today are going to disappear overnight if universal health plans take effect? I know mine is going to be around until he retires, which I hope is after I kick. I've had him for years. The specialists, the ancillary services like PT, etc. Where do you think those people are going to go? It's ludicrous.

I had a job for years with the medical association, so I know how doctors in private practice think. They worked really hard and spent money up the wazoo to get a medical degree and training. They are going to charge as much as they can get away with and enjoy making millions--most doctors do--but the student loans, the astronomical malpractice insurance, overhead for their offices, red tape trying to collect from insurance isn't a walk in the park, either.

The docs will still be here and they won't have lost their abilities because Uncle Sam is reimbursing them.

The government will be telling them who they have to provide services too as well.

Those who aren't of High Quality, will still be around, those who really know their shit, will be available only to well-connected political operatives. Right now, the Maha Rushdie is undergoing a health crisis. What chance would he have that he could get a quality doctor as a senior citizen and a dissident if Sanders was ruling?
In a violent, droolingly triggered response to Mini-Mike proving CrAzY Bernie is a liar and hypocrite, CrAzY Bernie said it is very common for Vermont folks to have vacation houses on Lake Champlain. If you lived in Vermont and had the cash, your vacation house would be in Florida. :p

Take a peek at 'best known millionaire socialist' Bernie Sanders' three homes | Daily Mail Online

Folks, do your homework, the only reason CrAzY Bernie ever runs is to skim money from campaign funds into his bank accounts.

it is not unusual for communist officials to live way above the common people
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Sanders lakefront resort...
Oh for the life of a multimillionaire

In a violent, droolingly triggered response to Mini-Mike proving CrAzY Bernie is a liar and hypocrite, CrAzY Bernie said it is very common for Vermont folks to have vacation houses on Lake Champlain. If you lived in Vermont and had the cash, your vacation house would be in Florida. :p

Take a peek at 'best known millionaire socialist' Bernie Sanders' three homes | Daily Mail Online

Folks, do your homework, the only reason CrAzY Bernie ever runs is to skim money from campaign funds into his bank accounts.

It makes perfect sense for him to have a little place in DC, since he has been working there for thirty years or so. Probably cheaper in the long run than a motel room or renting. He lives in Burlington, so why should he NOT have a home there?

How many people own vacation camps/cottages/homes? Millions.

There is absolutely no reason to accuse him of skimming campaign funds. He became a millionaire for the first time in 2016 from the proceeds from his book.

You jealous? Write a book. You make it sound like he's in the flippin' "One percent" he's always going on about. But that ain't the case. He's solidly middle class. Bloomberg wouldn't let him in their golf club.

I won't vote for Bernie, even if he's the alternative to Trump. But your stuff is petty, misleading horseshit.

Most people on the right are concerned about Bernie's past association with the Communist Party, and that he's disguising his real intentions with feel-good stuff. I could care less whether Bernie lived in a Federal housing complex or had 10 residences worldwide. The "Socialists" have targeted changes in the Constitution that would bankrupt what little we have left in Social Security. And we're tired of being blood-hated by Democrats. The Democrats are a national and an international disgrace for championing environmental lies thanks to Vice President Al Gore's speeches now unwanted in Europe, because they're based on false narratives, and House Democrats Pelosi Shiff and Nadler for perpetrating with attitude false narratives of President Trump's alleged ties with Russia that do not and never have existed. The Europeans also know all about Hillary and Barack's hatred for Allies and love for Axis powers that still hate Jewish heritage populations and individuals and still blather words "wiping them off the face of the map." What that Party really hate is people who do right and still win in the business world. It never occurs to Democrats that those who do well in this nation are hard workers who also make wise investments and scrimp to do so.

Socialism is merely a stepping stone to Bolsheviki murders of top opposition leaders, and later all farmers they were so willing to starve out for disagreeing with Bolsheviks. It was diabolical murders in Ukraine that caused the people there to flag down Stalin's war against farmers.

We never care to see that in this country.
Healthcare is very much tied up in that now that medicine is more than leeches and potions made in the backroom from roots. Everyone should be able to walk into a doctor's office and receive care without worry about having enough left to buy groceries.

One point that Libs and other Marxists never bring into question is who will be able to see QUALITY health care providers and who will be stuck seeing mediocre physicians who don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The liberal theorem is that all doctors are equal is absurd.
What makes you think that all the doctors in place today are going to disappear overnight if universal health plans take effect? I know mine is going to be around until he retires, which I hope is after I kick. I've had him for years. The specialists, the ancillary services like PT, etc. Where do you think those people are going to go? It's ludicrous.

I had a job for years with the medical association, so I know how doctors in private practice think. They worked really hard and spent money up the wazoo to get a medical degree and training. They are going to charge as much as they can get away with and enjoy making millions--most doctors do--but the student loans, the astronomical malpractice insurance, overhead for their offices, red tape trying to collect from insurance isn't a walk in the park, either.

The docs will still be here and they won't have lost their abilities because Uncle Sam is reimbursing them.

The government will be telling them who they have to provide services too as well.

Those who aren't of High Quality, will still be around, those who really know their shit, will be available only to well-connected political operatives. Right now, the Maha Rushdie is undergoing a health crisis. What chance would he have that he could get a quality doctor as a senior citizen and a dissident if Sanders was ruling?
those who really know their shit, will be available only to well-connected political operatives.
Utter horsehockey. Of course, there are doctors out there now in major metropolitan areas who don't accept the low paying plans, and they can find enough rich patients to keep them afloat. But in most areas of the country, if a doctor doesn't accept Medicare or some of the HMO's and insurance plans, they will not have any patients.
In a violent, droolingly triggered response to Mini-Mike proving CrAzY Bernie is a liar and hypocrite, CrAzY Bernie said it is very common for Vermont folks to have vacation houses on Lake Champlain. If you lived in Vermont and had the cash, your vacation house would be in Florida. :p

Take a peek at 'best known millionaire socialist' Bernie Sanders' three homes | Daily Mail Online

Folks, do your homework, the only reason CrAzY Bernie ever runs is to skim money from campaign funds into his bank accounts.

Does he have a Foundation he can rob? How about a bogus university?
Judge fines Trump $2 million for misusing charity foundation
In a violent, droolingly triggered response to Mini-Mike proving CrAzY Bernie is a liar and hypocrite, CrAzY Bernie said it is very common for Vermont folks to have vacation houses on Lake Champlain. If you lived in Vermont and had the cash, your vacation house would be in Florida. :p

Take a peek at 'best known millionaire socialist' Bernie Sanders' three homes | Daily Mail Online

Folks, do your homework, the only reason CrAzY Bernie ever runs is to skim money from campaign funds into his bank accounts.

It makes perfect sense for him to have a little place in DC, since he has been working there for thirty years or so. Probably cheaper in the long run than a motel room or renting. He lives in Burlington, so why should he NOT have a home there?

How many people own vacation camps/cottages/homes? Millions.

There is absolutely no reason to accuse him of skimming campaign funds. He became a millionaire for the first time in 2016 from the proceeds from his book.

You jealous? Write a book. You make it sound like he's in the flippin' "One percent" he's always going on about. But that ain't the case. He's solidly middle class. Bloomberg wouldn't let him in their golf club.

I won't vote for Bernie, even if he's the alternative to Trump. But your stuff is petty, misleading horseshit.

Most people on the right are concerned about Bernie's past association with the Communist Party, and that he's disguising his real intentions with feel-good stuff. I could care less whether Bernie lived in a Federal housing complex or had 10 residences worldwide. The "Socialists" have targeted changes in the Constitution that would bankrupt what little we have left in Social Security. And we're tired of being blood-hated by Democrats. The Democrats are a national and an international disgrace for championing environmental lies thanks to Vice President Al Gore's speeches now unwanted in Europe, because they're based on false narratives, and House Democrats Pelosi Shiff and Nadler for perpetrating with attitude false narratives of President Trump's alleged ties with Russia that do not and never have existed. The Europeans also know all about Hillary and Barack's hatred for Allies and love for Axis powers that still hate Jewish heritage populations and individuals and still blather words "wiping them off the face of the map." What that Party really hate is people who do right and still win in the business world. It never occurs to Democrats that those who do well in this nation are hard workers who also make wise investments and scrimp to do so.

Socialism is merely a stepping stone to Bolsheviki murders of top opposition leaders, and later all farmers they were so willing to starve out for disagreeing with Bolsheviks. It was diabolical murders in Ukraine that caused the people there to flag down Stalin's war against farmers.

We never care to see that in this country.

Bernie is not going to murder anyone, B. This is not an authoritarian takeover if he is freely elected. But you don't have to warn me about Bernie. I'm smart enough to read between the lines. No, he's not Stalin or anything else, but he is a committed socialist and far too radical to get my vote.

As far as being afraid of authoritarian antics if Bernie wins, it's hard to believe from you, since Trump has been overstepping the line and abusing his power since he got in office and he does it with boldfaced lies and bravado, too.

So please don't preach about how bad the socialists are.
In a violent, droolingly triggered response to Mini-Mike proving CrAzY Bernie is a liar and hypocrite, CrAzY Bernie said it is very common for Vermont folks to have vacation houses on Lake Champlain. If you lived in Vermont and had the cash, your vacation house would be in Florida. :p

Take a peek at 'best known millionaire socialist' Bernie Sanders' three homes | Daily Mail Online

Folks, do your homework, the only reason CrAzY Bernie ever runs is to skim money from campaign funds into his bank accounts.

But that's EXACTLY as Socialism works!

The leaders become billionaires while the gullible people who believe they're magically better off surrendering their weapons, property and freedoms end up selling their kids and eating their pets!

It works 100% of the time!
Healthcare is very much tied up in that now that medicine is more than leeches and potions made in the backroom from roots. Everyone should be able to walk into a doctor's office and receive care without worry about having enough left to buy groceries.

One point that Libs and other Marxists never bring into question is who will be able to see QUALITY health care providers and who will be stuck seeing mediocre physicians who don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The liberal theorem is that all doctors are equal is absurd.
What makes you think that all the doctors in place today are going to disappear overnight if universal health plans take effect? I know mine is going to be around until he retires, which I hope is after I kick. I've had him for years. The specialists, the ancillary services like PT, etc. Where do you think those people are going to go? It's ludicrous.

I had a job for years with the medical association, so I know how doctors in private practice think. They worked really hard and spent money up the wazoo to get a medical degree and training. They are going to charge as much as they can get away with and enjoy making millions--most doctors do--but the student loans, the astronomical malpractice insurance, overhead for their offices, red tape trying to collect from insurance isn't a walk in the park, either.

The docs will still be here and they won't have lost their abilities because Uncle Sam is reimbursing them.

The government will be telling them who they have to provide services too as well.

Those who aren't of High Quality, will still be around, those who really know their shit, will be available only to well-connected political operatives. Right now, the Maha Rushdie is undergoing a health crisis. What chance would he have that he could get a quality doctor as a senior citizen and a dissident if Sanders was ruling?
those who really know their shit, will be available only to well-connected political operatives.
Utter horsehockey. Of course, there are doctors out there now in major metropolitan areas who don't accept the low paying plans, and they can find enough rich patients to keep them afloat. But in most areas of the country, if a doctor doesn't accept Medicare or some of the HMO's and insurance plans, they will not have any patients.

You don't get it. Once we have a fully socialized system, health care providers will be de facto employees of the State. The idea of private doctors offices and self employed physicians will be a thing of the past. If you are President Sanders or someone else of a favored social group, you will be treated by Harvey Cushing, Marcus Welby or Theodor Morrell. If you aren't, you'd get to see Vinnie Boombatz, Nick Riviera or Joe Mengele. And that's the key to cost savings in a socialist plan. The plan's overseers figure that a large number of the people will just stay home and not bother with medical treatment when they see who their provider will be.
Healthcare is very much tied up in that now that medicine is more than leeches and potions made in the backroom from roots. Everyone should be able to walk into a doctor's office and receive care without worry about having enough left to buy groceries.

One point that Libs and other Marxists never bring into question is who will be able to see QUALITY health care providers and who will be stuck seeing mediocre physicians who don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The liberal theorem is that all doctors are equal is absurd.
What makes you think that all the doctors in place today are going to disappear overnight if universal health plans take effect? I know mine is going to be around until he retires, which I hope is after I kick. I've had him for years. The specialists, the ancillary services like PT, etc. Where do you think those people are going to go? It's ludicrous.

I had a job for years with the medical association, so I know how doctors in private practice think. They worked really hard and spent money up the wazoo to get a medical degree and training. They are going to charge as much as they can get away with and enjoy making millions--most doctors do--but the student loans, the astronomical malpractice insurance, overhead for their offices, red tape trying to collect from insurance isn't a walk in the park, either.

The docs will still be here and they won't have lost their abilities because Uncle Sam is reimbursing them.
Oh they aren't going to disappear, there will be less future ones since the financial incentive will be pulled out. Smaller hospitals will have to close since Medicare pays less. That means less healthcare for rural folks, but really who cares about them. It means more healthcare fraud which means even higher costs then expected. Higher government expense. Higher unemployment because insurance companies won't need all those people looking at all that paperwork to keep fraud down.
It will mean the end of semi private rooms, You will see barracks type rooms, of ten or more in bed after bed. Doctors will be handing out more prescriptions for even minor things. Long wait periods for seeing specialists and even longer waiting for nonlife threatening surgery. That means that it might be a year or two before that bad knee gets replaced but you will have the painkillers to help and get addicted to.
It will mean higher taxes or higher deficits or both. It will mean that once the U.S. starts down the path of single payer there will be almost no hope of turning back if it turns out to be the (as you put it) shit show of ACA.
In a violent, droolingly triggered response to Mini-Mike proving CrAzY Bernie is a liar and hypocrite, CrAzY Bernie said it is very common for Vermont folks to have vacation houses on Lake Champlain. If you lived in Vermont and had the cash, your vacation house would be in Florida. :p

Take a peek at 'best known millionaire socialist' Bernie Sanders' three homes | Daily Mail Online

Folks, do your homework, the only reason CrAzY Bernie ever runs is to skim money from campaign funds into his bank accounts.

It makes perfect sense for him to have a little place in DC, since he has been working there for thirty years or so. Probably cheaper in the long run than a motel room or renting. He lives in Burlington, so why should he NOT have a home there?

How many people own vacation camps/cottages/homes? Millions.

There is absolutely no reason to accuse him of skimming campaign funds. He became a millionaire for the first time in 2016 from the proceeds from his book.

You jealous? Write a book. You make it sound like he's in the flippin' "One percent" he's always going on about. But that ain't the case. He's solidly middle class. Bloomberg wouldn't let him in their golf club.

I won't vote for Bernie, even if he's the alternative to Trump. But your stuff is petty, misleading horseshit.

Most people on the right are concerned about Bernie's past association with the Communist Party, and that he's disguising his real intentions with feel-good stuff. I could care less whether Bernie lived in a Federal housing complex or had 10 residences worldwide. The "Socialists" have targeted changes in the Constitution that would bankrupt what little we have left in Social Security. And we're tired of being blood-hated by Democrats. The Democrats are a national and an international disgrace for championing environmental lies thanks to Vice President Al Gore's speeches now unwanted in Europe, because they're based on false narratives, and House Democrats Pelosi Shiff and Nadler for perpetrating with attitude false narratives of President Trump's alleged ties with Russia that do not and never have existed. The Europeans also know all about Hillary and Barack's hatred for Allies and love for Axis powers that still hate Jewish heritage populations and individuals and still blather words "wiping them off the face of the map." What that Party really hate is people who do right and still win in the business world. It never occurs to Democrats that those who do well in this nation are hard workers who also make wise investments and scrimp to do so.

Socialism is merely a stepping stone to Bolsheviki murders of top opposition leaders, and later all farmers they were so willing to starve out for disagreeing with Bolsheviks. It was diabolical murders in Ukraine that caused the people there to flag down Stalin's war against farmers.

We never care to see that in this country.

Bernie is not going to murder anyone, B. This is not an authoritarian takeover if he is freely elected. But you don't have to warn me about Bernie. I'm smart enough to read between the lines. No, he's not Stalin or anything else, but he is a committed socialist and far too radical to get my vote.

As far as being afraid of authoritarian antics if Bernie wins, it's hard to believe from you, since Trump has been overstepping the line and abusing his power since he got in office and he does it with boldfaced lies and bravado, too.

So please don't preach about how bad the socialists are.

It's the second generation that concerns me, ma'am. And when a society has no religion other than the state, control for some reason becomes a matter of kill or be killed. IMHO, that is.
Healthcare is very much tied up in that now that medicine is more than leeches and potions made in the backroom from roots. Everyone should be able to walk into a doctor's office and receive care without worry about having enough left to buy groceries.

One point that Libs and other Marxists never bring into question is who will be able to see QUALITY health care providers and who will be stuck seeing mediocre physicians who don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The liberal theorem is that all doctors are equal is absurd.
What makes you think that all the doctors in place today are going to disappear overnight if universal health plans take effect? I know mine is going to be around until he retires, which I hope is after I kick. I've had him for years. The specialists, the ancillary services like PT, etc. Where do you think those people are going to go? It's ludicrous.

I had a job for years with the medical association, so I know how doctors in private practice think. They worked really hard and spent money up the wazoo to get a medical degree and training. They are going to charge as much as they can get away with and enjoy making millions--most doctors do--but the student loans, the astronomical malpractice insurance, overhead for their offices, red tape trying to collect from insurance isn't a walk in the park, either.

The docs will still be here and they won't have lost their abilities because Uncle Sam is reimbursing them.

The government will be telling them who they have to provide services too as well.

Those who aren't of High Quality, will still be around, those who really know their shit, will be available only to well-connected political operatives. Right now, the Maha Rushdie is undergoing a health crisis. What chance would he have that he could get a quality doctor as a senior citizen and a dissident if Sanders was ruling?
those who really know their shit, will be available only to well-connected political operatives.
Utter horsehockey. Of course, there are doctors out there now in major metropolitan areas who don't accept the low paying plans, and they can find enough rich patients to keep them afloat. But in most areas of the country, if a doctor doesn't accept Medicare or some of the HMO's and insurance plans, they will not have any patients.

You don't get it. Once we have a fully socialized system, health care providers will be de facto employees of the State. The idea of private doctors offices and self employed physicians will be a thing of the past. If you are President Sanders or someone else of a favored social group, you will be treated by Harvey Cushing, Marcus Welby or Theodor Morrell. If you aren't, you'd get to see Vinnie Boombatz, Nick Riviera or Joe Mengele. And that's the key to cost savings in a socialist plan. The plan's overseers figure that a large number of the people will just stay home and not bother with medical treatment when they see who their provider will be.
Is that how Medicare works? No.
In a violent, droolingly triggered response to Mini-Mike proving CrAzY Bernie is a liar and hypocrite, CrAzY Bernie said it is very common for Vermont folks to have vacation houses on Lake Champlain. If you lived in Vermont and had the cash, your vacation house would be in Florida. :p

Take a peek at 'best known millionaire socialist' Bernie Sanders' three homes | Daily Mail Online

Folks, do your homework, the only reason CrAzY Bernie ever runs is to skim money from campaign funds into his bank accounts.

It makes perfect sense for him to have a little place in DC, since he has been working there for thirty years or so. Probably cheaper in the long run than a motel room or renting. He lives in Burlington, so why should he NOT have a home there?

How many people own vacation camps/cottages/homes? Millions.

There is absolutely no reason to accuse him of skimming campaign funds. He became a millionaire for the first time in 2016 from the proceeds from his book.

You jealous? Write a book. You make it sound like he's in the flippin' "One percent" he's always going on about. But that ain't the case. He's solidly middle class. Bloomberg wouldn't let him in their golf club.

I won't vote for Bernie, even if he's the alternative to Trump. But your stuff is petty, misleading horseshit.

Most people on the right are concerned about Bernie's past association with the Communist Party, and that he's disguising his real intentions with feel-good stuff. I could care less whether Bernie lived in a Federal housing complex or had 10 residences worldwide. The "Socialists" have targeted changes in the Constitution that would bankrupt what little we have left in Social Security. And we're tired of being blood-hated by Democrats. The Democrats are a national and an international disgrace for championing environmental lies thanks to Vice President Al Gore's speeches now unwanted in Europe, because they're based on false narratives, and House Democrats Pelosi Shiff and Nadler for perpetrating with attitude false narratives of President Trump's alleged ties with Russia that do not and never have existed. The Europeans also know all about Hillary and Barack's hatred for Allies and love for Axis powers that still hate Jewish heritage populations and individuals and still blather words "wiping them off the face of the map." What that Party really hate is people who do right and still win in the business world. It never occurs to Democrats that those who do well in this nation are hard workers who also make wise investments and scrimp to do so.

Socialism is merely a stepping stone to Bolsheviki murders of top opposition leaders, and later all farmers they were so willing to starve out for disagreeing with Bolsheviks. It was diabolical murders in Ukraine that caused the people there to flag down Stalin's war against farmers.

We never care to see that in this country.

Bernie is not going to murder anyone, B. This is not an authoritarian takeover if he is freely elected. But you don't have to warn me about Bernie. I'm smart enough to read between the lines. No, he's not Stalin or anything else, but he is a committed socialist and far too radical to get my vote.

As far as being afraid of authoritarian antics if Bernie wins, it's hard to believe from you, since Trump has been overstepping the line and abusing his power since he got in office and he does it with boldfaced lies and bravado, too.

So please don't preach about how bad the socialists are.

It's the second generation that concerns me, ma'am. And when a society has no religion other than the state, control for some reason becomes a matter of kill or be killed. IMHO, that is.

Let's not bring mandatory state religion into it, B. Please.
One point that Libs and other Marxists never bring into question is who will be able to see QUALITY health care providers and who will be stuck seeing mediocre physicians who don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. The liberal theorem is that all doctors are equal is absurd.
What makes you think that all the doctors in place today are going to disappear overnight if universal health plans take effect? I know mine is going to be around until he retires, which I hope is after I kick. I've had him for years. The specialists, the ancillary services like PT, etc. Where do you think those people are going to go? It's ludicrous.

I had a job for years with the medical association, so I know how doctors in private practice think. They worked really hard and spent money up the wazoo to get a medical degree and training. They are going to charge as much as they can get away with and enjoy making millions--most doctors do--but the student loans, the astronomical malpractice insurance, overhead for their offices, red tape trying to collect from insurance isn't a walk in the park, either.

The docs will still be here and they won't have lost their abilities because Uncle Sam is reimbursing them.

The government will be telling them who they have to provide services too as well.

Those who aren't of High Quality, will still be around, those who really know their shit, will be available only to well-connected political operatives. Right now, the Maha Rushdie is undergoing a health crisis. What chance would he have that he could get a quality doctor as a senior citizen and a dissident if Sanders was ruling?
those who really know their shit, will be available only to well-connected political operatives.
Utter horsehockey. Of course, there are doctors out there now in major metropolitan areas who don't accept the low paying plans, and they can find enough rich patients to keep them afloat. But in most areas of the country, if a doctor doesn't accept Medicare or some of the HMO's and insurance plans, they will not have any patients.

You don't get it. Once we have a fully socialized system, health care providers will be de facto employees of the State. The idea of private doctors offices and self employed physicians will be a thing of the past. If you are President Sanders or someone else of a favored social group, you will be treated by Harvey Cushing, Marcus Welby or Theodor Morrell. If you aren't, you'd get to see Vinnie Boombatz, Nick Riviera or Joe Mengele. And that's the key to cost savings in a socialist plan. The plan's overseers figure that a large number of the people will just stay home and not bother with medical treatment when they see who their provider will be.
Is that how Medicare works? No.

No it isn't.

But "Medicare for All" is just the name of the program, it actually isn't related to the current Medicare program at all.

The current Medicare program is divided in to section, Med A, B, C, D, and also makes it advisable that recipients have Medicare Supplemental plans. Further there are large exclusions and limitations to actual Medicare.

The Risky Sanders Scheme has little in common with Traditional Medicare , except for the fact that it borrows the program's name.
Let's be honest. The Bernout is a lifetime government leech. If he had to work in the private sector he would be lucky to make 45 grand a year.
In a violent, droolingly triggered response to Mini-Mike proving CrAzY Bernie is a liar and hypocrite, CrAzY Bernie said it is very common for Vermont folks to have vacation houses on Lake Champlain. If you lived in Vermont and had the cash, your vacation house would be in Florida. :p

Take a peek at 'best known millionaire socialist' Bernie Sanders' three homes | Daily Mail Online

Folks, do your homework, the only reason CrAzY Bernie ever runs is to skim money from campaign funds into his bank accounts.

It makes perfect sense for him to have a little place in DC, since he has been working there for thirty years or so. Probably cheaper in the long run than a motel room or renting. He lives in Burlington, so why should he NOT have a home there?

How many people own vacation camps/cottages/homes? Millions.

There is absolutely no reason to accuse him of skimming campaign funds. He became a millionaire for the first time in 2016 from the proceeds from his book.

You jealous? Write a book. You make it sound like he's in the flippin' "One percent" he's always going on about. But that ain't the case. He's solidly middle class. Bloomberg wouldn't let him in their golf club.

I won't vote for Bernie, even if he's the alternative to Trump. But your stuff is petty, misleading horseshit.

Most people on the right are concerned about Bernie's past association with the Communist Party, and that he's disguising his real intentions with feel-good stuff. I could care less whether Bernie lived in a Federal housing complex or had 10 residences worldwide. The "Socialists" have targeted changes in the Constitution that would bankrupt what little we have left in Social Security. And we're tired of being blood-hated by Democrats. The Democrats are a national and an international disgrace for championing environmental lies thanks to Vice President Al Gore's speeches now unwanted in Europe, because they're based on false narratives, and House Democrats Pelosi Shiff and Nadler for perpetrating with attitude false narratives of President Trump's alleged ties with Russia that do not and never have existed. The Europeans also know all about Hillary and Barack's hatred for Allies and love for Axis powers that still hate Jewish heritage populations and individuals and still blather words "wiping them off the face of the map." What that Party really hate is people who do right and still win in the business world. It never occurs to Democrats that those who do well in this nation are hard workers who also make wise investments and scrimp to do so.

Socialism is merely a stepping stone to Bolsheviki murders of top opposition leaders, and later all farmers they were so willing to starve out for disagreeing with Bolsheviks. It was diabolical murders in Ukraine that caused the people there to flag down Stalin's war against farmers.

We never care to see that in this country.

Bernie is not going to murder anyone, B. This is not an authoritarian takeover if he is freely elected. But you don't have to warn me about Bernie. I'm smart enough to read between the lines. No, he's not Stalin or anything else, but he is a committed socialist and far too radical to get my vote.

As far as being afraid of authoritarian antics if Bernie wins, it's hard to believe from you, since Trump has been overstepping the line and abusing his power since he got in office and he does it with boldfaced lies and bravado, too.

So please don't preach about how bad the socialists are.

It's the second generation that concerns me, ma'am. And when a society has no religion other than the state, control for some reason becomes a matter of kill or be killed. IMHO, that is.

Let's not bring mandatory state religion into it, B. Please.

It's what I think, ma'am. When my children were young I was called on to be a Sunday School teacher. I agreed, although I knew very little about the Good Book, really. I worked my way from Genesis to Revelations. Our forbears, many of them, had their memories full of the scriptures and could quote them by heart. I went for understanding what the ancients were trying to tell us about ourselves. They just weren't wrong, and I speak that from the heart of what I learned from them. It's what formed our ancestors who created the Constitution for this great land.

The Democrats with their hatred for Christians have done absolutely nothing to promote freedom, but even so, people come here in droves when they can get asylum here. I'm sorry to see what the Democrat Party has done to itself by incorporating the atheistic attitude onto these shores.

Never tell me what to say again.

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