How many votes for Biden were Fraudulent?

Believe what you want.
Free country.
I know dementia man is an illegitimate fraud in a dirty diaper & neither corrupt judges nor UNiparty Rinos making up lies will change that fact.
Resident Briben is a treasonous joke of a leader & the whole world knows it
Trump no lost to that guy. Let that fact sink in lol

One-termer Trump
And by 'conservatively', you mean 'pulled sideways out of your ass'?
Nope, I leave the ass play to the pervs on the proggy side.
I imagine you've both pulled & pushed a lot in that area.
I think my estimate was pretty generous for the diaper dude
More Democrats turning out to vote for Biden that voted for Hillary Clinton is no surprise.

Hillary Clinton was widely loathed by even Democrats. If she had not been Bill Clintons wife and also closely associated with Barack Obama she would've gotten nowhere

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