How much do video games offend conservatives?

They don't bother me one little bit. Parent's who allow their children to get sucked into gaming to the point it ruins their lives...they annoy me.
Let 'em smoke pot all day, play video games, and eat hot pockets.......

What could go wrong?

Seriously though, no fucks given.
My kids grew up with smurfs, and strawberry shortcake. Today's kids grow up with Grand Theft Auto, and Go Kill Some Shit. It can't help but effect our children.

Your kids missed out. There's nothing more satisfying then blowing a man's head off, and knowing that some nerd thousands of miles away is throwing his controller across the room. :lol:
My kids grew up with smurfs, and strawberry shortcake. Today's kids grow up with Grand Theft Auto, and Go Kill Some Shit. It can't help but effect our children.

Your kids missed out. There's nothing more satisfying then blowing a man's head off, and knowing that some nerd thousands of miles away is throwing his controller across the room. :lol:
I know the feeling. Are you familiar with a game called OVERWATCH? 6vs6 team based first person shooter. One time, I killed the entire enemy team by myself in about 5 seconds. If you kill them fast enough you get a double, triple...whatever kill. Getting all six is the most difficult thing you can accomplish in the game. I've played over 4,000 matches and managed to do it twice. It requires the use of your ultimate ability, which you need to charge, and just the right set of circumstances. But when you pull it off, it's the greatest feeling imaginable. Especially since SIX people are cussing you out right then. :)
Let 'em smoke pot all day, play video games, and eat hot pockets.......

What could go wrong?

Seriously though, no fucks given.


they are the snowflakes that are going start the revolution


right after welfare payday

Some of the people on this board really show their age. Video games have now been around for my generation probably longer than TV had been around for yours. Gaming is no longer something a kid does in his mother's basement while getting high. Many gamers could be anywhere between 10-60 years old, male and female. It's a hobby shared by liberal and conservative adults alike who go to work everyday so that they can afford the luxury of enjoying themselves however they like in their free time.
I played at least one violent video game and it never had any negative affect on me. If anything, they should only be a help to a person. If you ever feel like going after someone in any way, go to a video game and do it there since doing such stuff for real would only mean a prison sentence if not worse.

God bless you always!!!

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I hate those violent video games that teach kids that it's fun to blow off peoples heads or rob banks or whatever.

I definitely believe that what we put into our mind/psyche matters. Just as it's unhealthy to eat junk food all day, it's unhealthy in a different way to feed our minds with garbage.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I hate those violent video games that teach kids that it's fun to blow off peoples heads or rob banks or whatever.

I definitely believe that what we put into our mind/psyche matters. Just as it's unhealthy to eat junk food all day, it's unhealthy in a different way to feed our minds with garbage.
Just isn't games. The increase of extreme violent imagery has increased over the last few decades in all media.
Just coincidentally so has mass shootings over the same time period.
While violent imagery may not affect the majority of the population, there is that small percentage of people on the edge of sanity and already socially rejected that will be impacted.
Gaming has also been shown to increase heart rate, blood pressure, agression, increase in adrenalin.
As far as current entertainment and gaming, my opinion is that it is geared for immature minds.
The term idiot box is more relevant than ever.

Fox news attacks Bulletstorm, says violent games lead to 'increase in rapes' | PC Gamer

Can this game and games like it turn people into rapists and/or liberals?

I also love space exploration!

There are many video games that actually improve brain function. Real time strategy games, for instance. They help improve decision making as well as nueroplasticity. Even military shooters like Call of Duty are OK, because they do not glorify violence for violence sake. Some games though are just about blood and guts. Those need to go.

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