How much does anyone wanna bet they will be terrorists too?


May 7, 2004

Newborn Twins Named Yasser and Arafat

Thu Nov 11, 1:27 PM ET

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - When Safra Hassan went into labor Thursday, she told her husband she wanted to name their child Yasser after Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (news - web sites), who died hours earlier.

It was only in the delivery room at Gaza's Shifa Hospital that Hassan, 32, discovered she was carrying twin boys.

"I looked at my husband and I said, we will call them Yasser and Arafat," she told The Associated Press. "I'm so proud that the name of Yasser Arafat will be in my house every day, just as the name of Yasser Arafat will be in every Palestinian house forever."

The boys, each weighing about 4 1/2 pounds, are doing well, doctors said. Safra Hassan and her husband, Rafiq, have two other children, a 7-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son.

Safra Hassan said naming her infants for Arafat was a small gesture compared to the sacrifices he made in pursuit of Palestinian statehood.

"I hope that my children will grow up in peace and will witness Yasser Arafat's dreams become reality," she said.
Published on TaipeiTimes

`Uprising cards' all the rage in Nablus

Thursday, Dec 25, 2003,Page 7

A Palestinian girl displays a collage of picture cards featuring scenes of the Palestinian uprising in the West Bank town of Nablus on Tuesday.

Palestinian children are collecting cards showing gunmen and soldiers the way kids in the US trade baseball cards, and some educators are concerned that the hobby is helping to breed a new generation of militants.
No shit? pretty lousy "educators". They have reason to be concerned. And here we have bitching mother's saying that video games breed militants.
Patriot said:
Published on TaipeiTimes

`Uprising cards' all the rage in Nablus

Thursday, Dec 25, 2003,Page 7

A Palestinian girl displays a collage of picture cards featuring scenes of the Palestinian uprising in the West Bank town of Nablus on Tuesday.

Palestinian children are collecting cards showing gunmen and soldiers the way kids in the US trade baseball cards, and some educators are concerned that the hobby is helping to breed a new generation of militants.

"Ooh! Is that a super-rare Dead-Jewish-Baby card?! I'll trade you for a 9/11-American-Pig-Falling-To-His-Death and Burned-Out-Bus!

"Awesome! Check out my Hooded-Hero-Of-Islam card! He has the super "Kill the Pregnant Jewess" power!"

"Allah be praised! I have found the Osama bin Laden card! I hope I can be just like him!"

I'll just jot this down next to "Yasser Arafat as a beloved leader" and "dancing in the streets on 9/11" on my list of Why I Hate Palestinians.
"I hope that my children will grow up in peace and will witness Yasser Arafat's dreams become reality," she said.

If that isnt a contradiction I dont know what is. If Yasser Arafat's dream becomes a reality her children will have bombs strapped to their chest at age five and be assisting in the systematic genocide of the Jewish people, not only in the Middle East but throughout the world.

I hope Arafats dream is never fulfilled. ill give my life before i watch that sadistic terrorists dream become reality. Hopefully I will never have to do that though.
theim said:
"Ooh! Is that a super-rare Dead-Jewish-Baby card?! I'll trade you for a 9/11-American-Pig-Falling-To-His-Death and Burned-Out-Bus!

"Awesome! Check out my Hooded-Hero-Of-Islam card! He has the super "Kill the Pregnant Jewess" power!"

"Allah be praised! I have found the Osama bin Laden card! I hope I can be just like him!"

I'll just jot this down next to "Yasser Arafat as a beloved leader" and "dancing in the streets on 9/11" on my list of Why I Hate Palestinians.

Still thinking of a response to top yours. :clap:

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