How much hate does God have as compared to love in his heart?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
How much hate does God have as compared to love in his heart?

God says to love the sinner and hate the sin. But scriptures say that, at the end of days, the numbers of souls in hell will far surpass the number of souls in heaven. The wide road as compared to the narrow road.

If, at the end of days, God must destroy that many of us in the lake of fire, his hate would have to be much greater than the love he has for the relatively few that he will cling to and love in the place for eternal and ignorant bliss, heaven.

To my way of thinking, it would be impossible to kill with love in one’s heart and so God would have to have hate in his when he kills instead of cures all those souls. We do know that God does not need or have to kill, but will, and God cannot have love in his heart when he does. That would be monstrous.

I know that love and hate for souls are not necessarily proportional but even at ten to one, God must end with a lot more hate than love in his heart when he pours the vast majority of us into the lake of fire.

How then can God ask us to love sinners and hate the sin when he hates the sinner and we are to follow his lead?

Do you think you'll ever repent? What do you think it will take?

I have repented just not to your God. That would be useless and stupid. I have not hurt him. Or do you think you are powerful enough to hurt God.

What does that have to do with this thread?

Are you ashamed to talk of all the hate your God has.

Is that why you fear God?

Why would God hate what He created. He knows the system. He's waiting for us to figure it out. I reckon another few billion years.
Why would God hate what He created. He knows the system. He's waiting for us to figure it out. I reckon another few billion years.

Good point showing that God is not our creator as he would not create people as dumb as literalists.

But scriptures say that, at the end of days, the numbers of souls in hell will far surpass the number of souls in heaven.
????....what passage are you misquoting this time?.....

Don't you know your own bible?

Does it not say many are called but few hear it?
Does it not speak of the wide road to hell and the narrow one to heaven?

But scriptures say that, at the end of days, the numbers of souls in hell will far surpass the number of souls in heaven.
????....what passage are you misquoting this time?.....

Don't you know your own bible?

Does it not say many are called but few hear it?
Does it not speak of the wide road to hell and the narrow one to heaven?

how many in heaven and how many in hell?.......surely you have numbers to back up your claims......
But scriptures say that, at the end of days, the numbers of souls in hell will far surpass the number of souls in heaven.
????....what passage are you misquoting this time?.....

Don't you know your own bible?

Does it not say many are called but few hear it?
Does it not speak of the wide road to hell and the narrow one to heaven?

how many in heaven and how many in hell?.......surely you have numbers to back up your claims......

No. Just your bible that says a wide road to hell and a narrow on to heaven.

Your God is not too competent if most of what he creates is garbage.

But scriptures say that, at the end of days, the numbers of souls in hell will far surpass the number of souls in heaven.
????....what passage are you misquoting this time?.....

Don't you know your own bible?

Does it not say many are called but few hear it?
Does it not speak of the wide road to hell and the narrow one to heaven?

how many in heaven and how many in hell?.......surely you have numbers to back up your claims......


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