Zone1 100% proof the Pope is a Leftist and not a Christian

No, he is not good. He has killed billions. Even infants.
He even admits he creates evil in Isaiah. Or calamity. Or disaster. Depends on which BS version you read.
Wow, it seems God has tortured and killed almost as many babies as the Jews have in Gaza.

who cares?

I learned a long time ago that humans are all a bunch of selfish lying so and sos..

Why do I care what they think? (if you can call it that)

---not all humans, though. I've met some really special ones.. :)
According to TNH, humanity is not good, is not all knowing, yet he agrees with the Bible that says all this, but thinks he can judge God and his book despite his self-admitted skewed bias that arise from a perspective of selfish interest and limited reasoning abilities, which includes skewed knowledge of facts.
Making it into a political issue in America by creating some daylight between the church and the Pope!

From an atheist's POV, this represents the inevitable progress on moving away from the superstitious nonsense that is holding back the majority of humanity.

Is this just America's 'flash in the pan' or does it have the potential to split that church clean down the middle?

You call a political ideology that believes people are inherently good is progress?

Do you even realize that the majority of people who have walked the earth have been a slave of the state and that today we have more slaves in the world than at any other time in human history despite it being "illegal" in most countries?

Do yourself a favor and study up on genocide as well. Historically speaking, genocide does not seem to be a unique occurrence as we saw in the Holocaust, rather, it is so common historically you may as well accept that genocide is simply human nature in action.

Then people like you give sinful man as much political centralized power of his fellow man as you can for the sake of more "progress".
This is why Leftists see nothing wrong with centralizing power and giving it to a sinful man. It is because they don't think man is fundamentally sinful and, therefore, won't abuse the power they give them if they deem them to be good.
what iks wrong with giving power, even dictatorial, even royal power to a sinful man? 70 million of you idiots voted for gods chosen one last time. trump'[s agenda is centralizing power in himself.
what iks wrong with giving power, even dictatorial, even royal power to a sinful man? 70 million of you idiots voted for gods chosen one last time. trump'[s agenda is centralizing power in himself.
Can you even hear yourself talk? What is wrong with giving a corrupt man or woman power over others?

And what does Trump have to do with anything really, other than your obsession with him?

Did I make any exemptions for him?


Do yourself a favor and read 1 Samuel 8. In it you will read about how the Hebrew people demanded a sinful man to be king over them, for which God warned them against, but they would not listen.

The fledgling nation did not last much longer after that as it split in two and eventually got absorbed by the other nations

Next thing they knew, they were inspecting the inside of German ovens and later on watching students at Columbia university protest to return them to inspecting the inside of those ovens.

And you guessed it, must be all God's fault

So, the book reveals a truth that you agree with yet you don't care about the book?
It says lots of things I agree with.
Like how we should let people kill our children if they dont listen. ;)
It says lots of things I agree with.
Like how we should let people kill our children if they dont listen. ;)
No doubt, had you been God you would have cracked the whip and forced them to make you their king.

I mean, who would do it better than TN?
No doubt, had you been God you would have cracked the whip and forced them to make you their king.

I mean, who would do it better than TN?
If I was an all knowing god, I would have never created something that I knew would fail.

You call a political ideology that believes people are inherently good is progress?

Do you even realize that the majority of people who have walked the earth have been a slave of the state and that today we have more slaves in the world than at any other time in human history despite it being "illegal" in most countries?

Do yourself a favor and study up on genocide as well. Historically speaking, genocide does not seem to be a unique occurrence as we saw in the Holocaust, rather, it is so common historically you may as well accept that genocide is simply human nature in action.

Then people like you give sinful man as much political centralized power of his fellow man as you can for the sake of more "progress".
Progress to me is when the Catholic church is being threatened by division in America.
what iks wrong with giving power, even dictatorial, even royal power to a sinful man? 70 million of you idiots voted for gods chosen one last time. trump'[s agenda is centralizing power in himself.
I thought you said you are Catholic or maybe u aren't anymore

But Catholics absolutely CANNOT vote for a pro abortion candidate. That is a MORTAL sin that will lead you straight to Hell since it is murder of the most helpless among us..

And guess what?

Even non-Catholics commit mortal sin when they promote abortion

God's laws apply to ALL

so there's that

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