Every politician
I hate when snowflakes play the 'stupid' game...then again, in your case,you might not be playing.
So you are going to sit there with your head up your ass and try to claim the President of the United States is incapable of affecting energy production, energy independence, of causing the price of energy sources (gasoline, diesel, natural gas, etc...) to rise or fall...?!
So I guess Biden emptying out our gasoline and diesel reserves was not an attempt to affect the cost of gas / diesel but was instead Biden ... what ... doing so hecauae Xi or Putin dared him to?
'Its Putin's Fault'
Please tell us how the President of the United States has no impact on our resources and / or the production of energy in our nation yet somehow, according to Biden, Putin can affectively stop the US from producing energy in the United States...
Please tell us how producing our own energy produces less carbon than buying oil from our enemies, shipping it half way around the world on slow, diesel-guzzling, carbon -belching tankers that could create massive ecological disasters from oil spills, leaks, or accidents...
Share with us how Biden's policies are NOT causing massibmve gas / diesel cost increases that are NOT crippling farmers who use diesel in their tractors, combines, & harvesters ... how his policies are NOT contributing to the exploding cost of food....how they are not affecting the supply chain from the huge cost if diesel used in the semis that haul just about everything..
Please share with us your wisdom of how a President has no impact on any of these things through his own failed policies and EOs...
Tell us how Biden was lying his ass off before the election when he claimed when he became President the 'BUCK STOPS HERE' (with him)...
...or is he lying NOW, blaming everyone and everything but himself and his failed policies?!