How Much Money Would You Give To Prove The Election Was Stolen??

Great, another idiot Biden defender who claims President 'The Buck Stops Here' has no ability to affect the economy, our energy production / cost, supply chain, etc..

You didn’t answer my questions because either you have no clue or FOX News didn’t tell you what to think!

Oil prices are set Globally and the fact is OPEC influences the price of oil while also the World is dealing with a shortage of refined diesel oil…

Now tell the whole board how will Biden force corporations like Shell, Texaco and so on to produce and refine more oil?

Should Biden demand that Europe buy Russian oil and Gas?

Tell us what you think Biden should do also when was the last refinery built in the U.S. and then ask yourself why is it none of you discuss reality and just want to play stupid games?
You didn’t answer my questions because either you have no clue or FOX News didn’t tell you what to think!

Oil prices are set Globally and the fact is OPEC influences the price of oil while also the World is dealing with a shortage of refined diesel oil…

Now tell the whole board how will Biden force corporations like Shell, Texaco and so on to produce and refine more oil?

Should Biden demand that Europe buy Russian oil and Gas?

Tell us what you think Biden should do also when was the last refinery built in the U.S. and then ask yourself why is it none of you discuss reality and just want to play stupid games?

Sleazy gets all his talking points from the Gateway Pukenet. A so much more credible source than Faux Paus Nuz!!
You didn’t answer my questions because either you have no clue or FOX News didn’t tell you what to think!

Oil prices are set Globally and the fact is OPEC influences the price of oil while also the World is dealing with a shortage of refined diesel oil…

Now tell the whole board how will Biden force corporations like Shell, Texaco and so on to produce and refine more oil?
How did Trump do it, dumbfuck?

Should Biden demand that Europe buy Russian oil and Gas?
Why would Americans give a fuck what Europeans do about oil and gas?

Tell us what you think Biden should do also when was the last refinery built in the U.S. and then ask yourself why is it none of you discuss reality and just want to play stupid games?
Biden should undo everything he's done since he got into office.

Pretty simple.
Yes, that was proven.......

Bill Moyers even gave the background story that added context to the quote...

"That’s the context of one of the most famous statements on race ever attributed to President Johnson, an off-the-cuff observation he made to a young staffer, Bill Moyers, after encountering a display of blatant racism during a political visit to the South. Moyers tells it in the first person:

We were in Tennessee. During the motorcade, he spotted some ugly racial epithets scrawled on signs. Late that night in the hotel, when the local dignitaries had finished the last bottles of bourbon and branch water and departed, he started talking about those signs.
“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it,” he said. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

It was also confirmed by 4 or 5 other people......What you are doing is what they call attacking the messenger because the message can't be attacked -- because of how true it is....
Just a little background on LBJ the racist who did say about black people voting for Democrats because of his welfare policies.

Lyndon Johnson Was a White Supremacist – Stopping Socialism
During the 1940s, LBJ consistently voted against civil rights legislation. In 1945 and 1946, LBJ—then a U.S. Representative—voted against anti-lynching bills, anti-poll tax bills, and fair employment (anti-discrimination) bills. LBJ also opposed public school desegregation, as well as integration in general.
In other words, during his stint as a U.S. Congressman for a dozen years, LBJ opposed civil rights legislation and upheld the Jim Crow status quo.
For instance, LBJ’s relationship with his black chauffeur provides insight. His chauffeur, a man by the name of Robert Parker, recalled that LBJ once asked him if he would prefer his real name as opposed to “boy,” “ni*****,” or “chief.” Parker responded that he would prefer to be called by his given name. LBJ responded, “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, ni****, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.”
Although there is much more I could say about LBJ, I’ll leave you with one last quote, perhaps LBJ’s most despicable and telling comment: After passing a spate of civil rights bills, LBJ told two governors, “I’ll have those ni***** voting Democratic for the next 200 years” while on Air Force One.
If that is not the epitome of racism and white supremacy, what is?
But since you are a full on retarded progressive slave, even showing you what LBJ was like, you just cant buck your White Supremacist Party.
Every politician

I hate when snowflakes play the 'stupid' game...then again, in your case,you might not be playing.

So you are going to sit there with your head up your ass and try to claim the President of the United States is incapable of affecting energy production, energy independence, of causing the price of energy sources (gasoline, diesel, natural gas, etc...) to rise or fall...?!

So I guess Biden emptying out our gasoline and diesel reserves was not an attempt to affect the cost of gas / diesel but was instead Biden ... what ... doing so hecauae Xi or Putin dared him to?

'Its Putin's Fault'
Please tell us how the President of the United States has no impact on our resources and / or the production of energy in our nation yet somehow, according to Biden, Putin can affectively stop the US from producing energy in the United States...

Please tell us how producing our own energy produces less carbon than buying oil from our enemies, shipping it half way around the world on slow, diesel-guzzling, carbon -belching tankers that could create massive ecological disasters from oil spills, leaks, or accidents...

Share with us how Biden's policies are NOT causing massibmve gas / diesel cost increases that are NOT crippling farmers who use diesel in their tractors, combines, & harvesters ... how his policies are NOT contributing to the exploding cost of they are not affecting the supply chain from the huge cost if diesel used in the semis that haul just about everything..

Please share with us your wisdom of how a President has no impact on any of these things through his own failed policies and EOs...

Tell us how Biden was lying his ass off before the election when he claimed when he became President the 'BUCK STOPS HERE' (with him)...

...or is he lying NOW, blaming everyone and everything but himself and his failed policies?!
I am going to say this again.....

If oil production is up under Biden at near or even higher levels than under Trump.....the whole Biden's policies are cutting oil production is just bullshit...


Can you tell me why you feel "GOVERNMENT" controls the price of gas at the pump? Because I would love to have a fixed price on gas or something that is capped ..and something that prevents price gouging....

Is there Republican policy that calls for that??
What specific facts in the article are you disputing?

As video testimony from former Trump campaign officials revealed, small-dollar donors were bombarded with emails to donate to an official “Election Defense Fund” in the wake of the 2020 election. Those donors were told that fund was aimed at combating (nonexistent) election fraud. In reality, however, no such fund existed, according to the House committee investigating the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

“I don’t believe there was actually a fund called the Election Defense Fund,” Hanna Allred, a former Trump campaign staffer, testified to the committee. Ultimately, the fund was what another staffer categorized as a “marketing tactic” to bring in more money, most of which did not go to election-related litigation.

Instead, many of the funds were directed to a newly created Save America PAC, which has contributed millions to other pro-Trump groups. That includes $1 million to the Conservative Partnership Institute, a charity foundation helmed by Meadows, $5 million to Event Strategies Inc., the vendor that put on Trump’s January 6 rally, and $204,857 to the Trump Hotel Collection.

“Donors deserve to know where their funds are really going,” Lofgren emphasized. During Monday’s hearing, House lawmakers made the case that Trump not only pushed election claims after being told repeatedly that they were false, but that he also used these claims to swindle people of their money.

The election committee calling out President Trump for his scams, while the people on the election committee were scamming the US people, with their Russian Collusion scam. Fuck you progs you are all worthless fucking racist pricks.
You didn’t answer my questions because either you have no clue or FOX News didn’t tell you what to think!
I didn't answer your un-original snowflake questions because I already went through this exit discussion with another ignorant snowflake whose premise also was that the Presidrnt of the United States (only when a Denocrat) has no ability to affect our economy, our energy production, our energy independence, the coat of gas / diesel / natural gas / coal, that theory policies have no impact on the supply chain, baby formula and food shortages, the stock market nosediving, etc...

I have a policy of only having the same conversation with 1 ignorant snowflake per day.

If you want to have a circle jerk with the other / other snowflakes let me know - I will try to introduce you dupes.
I am going to say this again.....

If oil production is up under Biden at near or even higher levels than under Trump.....the whole Biden's policies are cutting oil production is just bullshit...

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Can you tell me why you feel "GOVERNMENT" controls the price of gas at the pump? Because I would love to have a fixed price on gas or something that is capped ..and something that prevents price gouging....

Is there Republican policy that calls for that??
You have learned well from the Progressive disinformation group.

Biden's misleading spin about oil production under him vs. Trump
But the White House's framing omits a key fact: while domestic oil production in 2021 was higher than it was in 2017, it was lower than it was in 2018, 2019 and 2020, federal statistics show.

The White House spin comes amid increasing Democratic anxiety about the political impacts of record-setting gas prices ahead of the midterm elections.
You are such a fucked up person.

"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony. The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."

So if 250 million wasn't enough to get any voter fraud claims much more would you be willing to give before some, anyone, finally puts YOUR MONEY where their mouth is -- and litigate this voter fraud in court??
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Or is this whole "big lie" talk just another in a long line of grifts and scams?? It isn't like Trump is above scamming his supporters....we have a sham Trump university that had to be shut down for fraud....let's not forget that cancer charity that Trump also had to shut down...for fraud...even the bullshit he used to get morons to support him in the first place -- THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT -- is a fraud... ..the guy was literally able to tell you he hired private investigators to find Obama's birth certificate and how what they found was explosive..and then he never said anything else about it....ever.....only to find out, he never hired anyone to investigate anything....and despite all of this, Trump knows that his sycophants will gladly part ways with their money for the very next scam.....why is this?? Well, another president gave the answer a long time ago...

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None since no amount of money thrown at proving voter fraud and other shenanigan's is going to change a significant number of minds much less the outcome.
Just a little background on LBJ the racist who did say about black people voting for Democrats because of his welfare policies.

Lyndon Johnson Was a White Supremacist – Stopping Socialism But since you are a full on retarded progressive slave, even showing you what LBJ was like, you just cant buck your White Supremacist Party.
Let me know when you can refute a single thing I said.....

Lots of white folks were on welfare too...more than black folks were....

But black folks supported THE OTHER POLICIES LIKE..enforcing Voting Rights, ending the practice of housing discrimination, financial redlining, racist bank lending practices, consumer protections, labor protections, ending the practice of allowing the dumping of lead and other toxic materials in areas just because they are predominantly black, etc, etc, etc

Only a dick sucker like you think black folks only vote for a particular candidate because of welfare...something that is drop in the bucket compared to the corporate welfare the oligarchs get -- but i don't see yo dic sucking ass complaining about that type of handout huh? so yo bitch ass up
Why would I give any money to a billionaire. Let him pay for it. That's like flushing money down the toilet.

"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony. The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."

So if 250 million wasn't enough to get any voter fraud claims much more would you be willing to give before some, anyone, finally puts YOUR MONEY where their mouth is -- and litigate this voter fraud in court??
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Or is this whole "big lie" talk just another in a long line of grifts and scams?? It isn't like Trump is above scamming his supporters....we have a sham Trump university that had to be shut down for fraud....let's not forget that cancer charity that Trump also had to shut down...for fraud...even the bullshit he used to get morons to support him in the first place -- THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT -- is a fraud... ..the guy was literally able to tell you he hired private investigators to find Obama's birth certificate and how what they found was explosive..and then he never said anything else about it....ever.....only to find out, he never hired anyone to investigate anything....and despite all of this, Trump knows that his sycophants will gladly part ways with their money for the very next scam.....why is this?? Well, another president gave the answer a long time ago...

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Not a penny, I don't believe in donating to scams, that is why I don't donate to Republicans, Democrats or Global Warming groups, it is a waste of money.
You still haven't refuted a single thing I said....ZERO....

Tell me, what policy did Trump implement to have gas prices below $2.00 in 2020??
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I'll wait while you lie...
Oil production has been down, because of Bidum's busting of energy companies, but millions more illegals are coming across the border demanding that their cars get the same gasoline that law abiding citizens have to use. Thus the demand for gasoline is much more today than it was when Dingdum stole the election in 2020.


"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony. The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."

So if 250 million wasn't enough to get any voter fraud claims much more would you be willing to give before some, anyone, finally puts YOUR MONEY where their mouth is -- and litigate this voter fraud in court??
View attachment 657874

Or is this whole "big lie" talk just another in a long line of grifts and scams?? It isn't like Trump is above scamming his supporters....we have a sham Trump university that had to be shut down for fraud....let's not forget that cancer charity that Trump also had to shut down...for fraud...even the bullshit he used to get morons to support him in the first place -- THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT -- is a fraud... ..the guy was literally able to tell you he hired private investigators to find Obama's birth certificate and how what they found was explosive..and then he never said anything else about it....ever.....only to find out, he never hired anyone to investigate anything....and despite all of this, Trump knows that his sycophants will gladly part ways with their money for the very next scam.....why is this?? Well, another president gave the answer a long time ago...

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I'd wager all the money The Biden family took in bribes since Biden's first day as a elected representative.
Biden shut down The Harley Davidson Plant in PA now over new EPA regulations.
These Dem Nazis are coming after everyone eventually.

"In the statement, Harley states that “this decision, taken out of an abundance of caution, is based on information provided by a third-party supplier to Harley-Davidson late on Tuesday (5/17) concerning a regulatory compliance matter relating to the supplier’s component part.”

Is there a figure somewhere on how much it has cost to assure that the election was legal?

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