How much more powerful is a small Nuclear Bomb?

How powerful are Nuclear Weapons?

  • Right - Not much more powerful than a MOAB

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Left - Somewhere in between.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm curious if Conservatives truly understand the power of a Nuclear weapon, honestly.

Ok, so for this thread a poll to have fun. Select your partisan leaning (right or left, where right is Conservative left is Liberal), and whether you think Nuclear Weapons are close to MOAB in strength or much stronger.

For definitions, consider Hiroshima sized bomb in Kilotons when comparing to a MOAB.

If you want physical comparisons: GBU-43/B MOAB - Wikipedia

The blast yield of a MOAB is approximately 11 tons of TNT.

The blast yield of a Hiroshima's bomb is approximately 20KT.

Making a small yield Nuclear Bomb like Hiroshima about 1,818x more powerful than a MOAB.
Yet another Internet PhD.
I presume there are various factors are to why one would employ one or the other.
Liberals don't even approve of using a MOAB on ISIS.

I didn't ask about the reasons of their use and deployment, it's a simple question really. People conceptualize things vis-a-vis other things.

I have a feeling Conservatives think MOABs are about as powerful as small Nuclear Bombs.

Not because they think the MOAB is so powerful, but because they think Nuclear Bombs aren't as powerful as they really are.

This paradigm means Conservatives are more willing to use Nukes, not realizing that even North Korea's Nuke is powerful enough to completely wipe out an American city and tens of millions of Americans in one hit.

Dude... soiling your knickers over nuclear war is soooo ‘80s.

Move on and have fainting spells about something more relevant like global warming or President Trump’s tweets.
Not true, as we have no 100% reliable estimate on how powerful their tested weapons actually are.
You got it backwards. We have a good estimate how powerful their tested weapons are. We have no idea how powerful the weapons they haven't tested are. Maybe you didn't know N. Korea is testing weapons to see how small they can make the weapon, in order to put it on a missile.

The first bomb we dropped was never tested, and it was designed without computers.
I'm curious if Conservatives truly understand the power of a Nuclear weapon, honestly.

Ok, so for this thread a poll to have fun. Select your partisan leaning (right or left, where right is Conservative left is Liberal), and whether you think Nuclear Weapons are close to MOAB in strength or much stronger.

For definitions, consider Hiroshima sized bomb in Kilotons when comparing to a MOAB.

If you want physical comparisons: GBU-43/B MOAB - Wikipedia

The blast yield of a MOAB is approximately 11 tons of TNT.

The blast yield of a Hiroshima's bomb is approximately 20KT.

Making a small yield Nuclear Bomb like Hiroshima about 1,818x more powerful than a MOAB.
Oh no, it looks like your polling is failing you. It turns out that people on the left are very ignorant. Thanks for this wonderful demonstration!
Oh no, it looks like your polling is failing you. It turns out that people on the left are very ignorant. Thanks for this wonderful demonstration!

The Davy Crockett is the smallest nuke we ever made, with a yield no more than a MOAB. Notice the picture is from the 1960's which is the last time it was in the nuclear inventory.
I'm curious if Conservatives truly understand the power of a Nuclear weapon, honestly.

Ok, so for this thread a poll to have fun. Select your partisan leaning (right or left, where right is Conservative left is Liberal), and whether you think Nuclear Weapons are close to MOAB in strength or much stronger.

For definitions, consider Hiroshima sized bomb in Kilotons when comparing to a MOAB.

If you want physical comparisons: GBU-43/B MOAB - Wikipedia

The blast yield of a MOAB is approximately 11 tons of TNT.

The blast yield of a Hiroshima's bomb is approximately 20KT.

Making a small yield Nuclear Bomb like Hiroshima about 1,818x more powerful than a MOAB.
Did you know back in the 1960's that the United States had already developed technology that would shoot down an ICBM? But the liberals of the Democrap Party decided that it wasn't fair that the US could defend itself and shut down the program. They wanted NAMD which would mean that if the USSR shot their missiles at the US the US would shoot back and everyone would lose. That is FAIRNESS and EQUALITY, as you always hear liberals calling for.

I'm curious if Conservatives truly understand the power of a Nuclear weapon, honestly.

Ok, so for this thread a poll to have fun. Select your partisan leaning (right or left, where right is Conservative left is Liberal), and whether you think Nuclear Weapons are close to MOAB in strength or much stronger.

For definitions, consider Hiroshima sized bomb in Kilotons when comparing to a MOAB.

If you want physical comparisons: GBU-43/B MOAB - Wikipedia

The blast yield of a MOAB is approximately 11 tons of TNT.

The blast yield of a Hiroshima's bomb is approximately 20KT.

Making a small yield Nuclear Bomb like Hiroshima about 1,818x more powerful than a MOAB.
----------------------------------------- no idea , not enough have been used for the layman to really know . Course they [atomic bombs] did work pretty good in Japan 70 some years ago Techy .
I'm curious if Conservatives truly understand the power of a Nuclear weapon, honestly.

Ok, so for this thread a poll to have fun. Select your partisan leaning (right or left, where right is Conservative left is Liberal), and whether you think Nuclear Weapons are close to MOAB in strength or much stronger.

For definitions, consider Hiroshima sized bomb in Kilotons when comparing to a MOAB.

If you want physical comparisons: GBU-43/B MOAB - Wikipedia

The blast yield of a MOAB is approximately 11 tons of TNT.

The blast yield of a Hiroshima's bomb is approximately 20KT.

Making a small yield Nuclear Bomb like Hiroshima about 1,818x more powerful than a MOAB.

Troll, an atomic bomb used a small ball of enriched uranium or plutonium that is less in weight than what is called critical mass. (about 9 pounds of U-238/9) A conventional explosive is used to hurl a small mass of this same product into the larger mass making it more than critical mass. The resulting release of neutrons creates a terribly powerful blast and releases large amounts of radiation and heat. Much more than a "moab" does. Now, take the hydrogen bomb which is exponentially so much more powerful than an atomic bomb. In order to set off a hydrogen bomb, one must have temperatures that approach that of the sun, and no one on Earth has been able to produce that for the needed amount of time to fuse the hydrogen and start the blast. However, people involved in these things being much smarter than me, and a hell of a lot smarter than you, figured out that only one thing on earth can create the conditions needed to set off a hydrogen bomb. Conventional explosives like used in the atomic bomb and the moab you cry about do not come anywhere near the needed temps. Yes, these guys figured out that to produce the chain reaction in a hydrogen bomb, they have to use an Atomic bomb to set it off! This is why the hydrogen bomb is radioactive. So in conclusion, the hydrogen is many many many magnitudes more powerful and deadly than any conventional explosive. Now you may find something else to troll about. Note that in actuality these devices are much much more complicated than I have lain out here. Even someone as smart as the regressive buffoons here may have trouble creating one.

Disclaimer: There is no link to this because I wrote it basically from remembering my 7th grade science class lessons on the subject.
I'm curious if Conservatives truly understand the power of a Nuclear weapon, honestly.

Ok, so for this thread a poll to have fun. Select your partisan leaning (right or left, where right is Conservative left is Liberal), and whether you think Nuclear Weapons are close to MOAB in strength or much stronger.

For definitions, consider Hiroshima sized bomb in Kilotons when comparing to a MOAB.

If you want physical comparisons: GBU-43/B MOAB - Wikipedia

The blast yield of a MOAB is approximately 11 tons of TNT.

The blast yield of a Hiroshima's bomb is approximately 20KT.

Making a small yield Nuclear Bomb like Hiroshima about 1,818x more powerful than a MOAB.
Yet another Internet PhD.
I presume there are various factors are to why one would employ one or the other.
Liberals don't even approve of using a MOAB on ISIS.

I didn't ask about the reasons of their use and deployment, it's a simple question really. People conceptualize things vis-a-vis other things.

I have a feeling Conservatives think MOABs are about as powerful as small Nuclear Bombs.

Not because they think the MOAB is so powerful, but because they think Nuclear Bombs aren't as powerful as they really are.

This paradigm means Conservatives are more willing to use Nukes, not realizing that even North Korea's Nuke is powerful enough to completely wipe out an American city and tens of millions of Americans in one hit.
Your presumption that Liberals certainly know the relative strength of the MOAB to a "small" nuclear weapon is annoying and wrong. Just as your presumption that Conservatives don't know the relative strengths of the weapons is annoying and wrong. Try again Professor Pompous.

You tell me why FOX News always refers to MOAB by its weight, instead of its yield.

Obvious answer: it's weight at 22,000 pounds is close to the yield of a Hiroshima sized Nuclear weapon.

Conclusion is obvious: FOX news and American media want to compare MOAB to Hiroshima.

Doesn't even come a gnats eyebrow close.

Thats how all non nuclear bombs are rated genius.

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