How much to home the homeless?


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Mayor Garcetti placed 138 homeless people in an apartment building and he's proud of himself because it only costs the state 5 grand per person.

only a small percent have returned to the streets.

he's proud of himself , but i'm pissed off.
you mean to tell me that's all it costs? 5 grand?

it's freaking ridiculous that in this society we have people sleeping on the streets.
how difficult is it for the government to build dumpy closet rooms and stuff people in there?

i'm not talking about some Socialist program where people make 300k per year calling apartment owners on the phone and asking them if they have rooms to donate.
i'm talking about a real government solution.
we can abolish the Department of Homeland Security and spend the money on something productive.
Mayor Garcetti placed 138 homeless people in an apartment building and he's proud of himself because it only costs the state 5 grand per person.

only a small percent have returned to the streets.

he's proud of himself , but i'm pissed off.
you mean to tell me that's all it costs? 5 grand?

it's freaking ridiculous that in this society we have people sleeping on the streets.
how difficult is it for the government to build dumpy closet rooms and stuff people in there?

i'm not talking about some Socialist program where people make 300k per year calling apartment owners on the phone and asking them if they have rooms to donate.
i'm talking about a real government solution.
we can abolish the Department of Homeland Security and spend the money on something productive.

For one, I doubt that is actually will cost 5 grand a person. That number is likely jury rigged. There are upkeep concerns, running the place, security etc etc.

Anyway, there are programs out there that house the homeless. It is not lack of places to sleep that many are on the streets but rather lack of knowledge in the programs or simply not bothering to go to a shelter.

I don’t thank that anyone really has a problem with housing the homeless in a shelter but the reality is that even when accomplished, there will STILL be people sleeping on the street.
A person who is involved in drugs, drink, gambling, pornography ----- has an addiction that places him at odds with a "well society." Beinging consistantly self centered and self absorbed will eventually place one at risk of losing family & friends, living on the street, time in prison or an early death. So yes, such will always be at risk unless they repent to one degree or another.
Every man is born equal and all property is theft.
Of course, there's a slight drawback to that commie crap in so much as it's a load of steaming old bollocks.

Every man should be given equal opportunity but, if he squanders that chance, to hell with him.

So he couldn't manage his money or he's so weak minded and pathetic, he uses drugs or alcohol - big deal.
The homeless are homeless because they were stupid or thought they could beat the system in some way.
Screw them but, in the spirit of kindness; I hope their pointless lives aren't plagued by pain so I wish them a fast, painless end to their time in a mortal world they were unable to cope with.

We make our own chances in this world but, sadly, some are less than good enough to live in it.
Darwin had interesting and accurate views on this subject.
In effect; these lower forms of humanity dilute the gene pool so, in order to keep our species strong, we should allow their demise.
5 grand per person! Many people don't make 5 grand a month and house themselves. Los Angeles is broke, it's streets are crumbling, its water, gas and electrical infrastructure is crumbling. We should have learned a lesson from the NYC cop who was so moved by the plight of the shoeless homeless man that he bought him shoes. Then we found out that the man wasn't homeless at all, and he took the shoes off as soon as he could.

I grew up homeless, back when it wasn't even sympathetic. I can tell you why my parents chose to be homeless but not why everyone chooses to be homeless. I can say that in most instances the people choose to be homeless because they do not want the alternative.
This nation is more than wealthy enough to make sure every person has a safe place to live and enough to eat.

It may choose not to do that, but there is certainly more than enough wealth to do it if it decided that was the thing to do.
This nation is more than wealthy enough to make sure every person has a safe place to live and enough to eat.

It may choose not to do that, but there is certainly more than enough wealth to do it if it decided that was the thing to do.

The nation has enough wealth, if it is redistributed. Take from the productive and give it to the most unproductive. California does NOT. California is broke and Los Angeles is on the brink of bankruptcy. The city is crumbling, the streets are filled with cracks and potholes. The power grid periodically fails. We had a major gas line explosion not long ago from a failed gas line. The water coming out of the taps is brown. I have to either use bottled water or filter the water. Yesterday the power grid had a failure and thousands were left in the dark.

And housing the homeless to the tune of 5 thousand dollars a month is where we're spending our money! Ridiculous, asinine, the height of absurdity.

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