How often do you use fast food / takeaway outlets?

I use fast food / takeaway outlets.....

  • Never

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Once in a blue moon

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Weekly

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Every other day or so

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daily

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More than once daily

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
GV: not a great photo but you can see the number of ingredients...things you don't need. breakstone is in the middle. Not as good as daisy but way better than GV, your health is worth the extra cost.View attachment 1023257
The GV cottage cheese appears to have less saturated fat and fewer calories per 1/2 cup serving though
The GV cottage cheese appears to have less saturated fat and fewer calories per 1/2 cup serving though
Then i guess the consumer will have to consider less calories which he can control with a smaller portion against the potential risk of additives that may or may not be healthy in the long run.

Most of these additives are given the tag of GRAS Generally recognized as safe and we find out that actually they aren't. And you really trust these gov't agencies now after what we experienced in 2020..not to mention the gov't history of experimenting on Americans without our knowledge.
You are a pretty cool dude when you aren't knee jerking about guns.
The thing is with guns, I'm all for every country allowing folk to have guns, I think we both agree on that. What we disagree on is, I prefer a system that reduces the number of nutters owning a gun because they spoil it for everyone. If you live in a country where you have better odds winning the EuroMillions than having an encounter with a nutter with a gun, you soon realise how the entire public space can be a gun free zone with no self defence worries. And if you're of sound character, no need to worry about owning a gun.

I think I'll cut my next pizza into the shape of a gun 🤔
Most fast food, I just don’t like

Used to be much cheaper and faster than sit down restaurants

Now, prices approach what I pay at a sit down restaurants and the quality is not that good
Fast food is near as unhealthy and dangerous to health as the Gov't's food pyramid.
The GV cottage cheese appears to have less saturated fat and fewer calories per 1/2 cup serving though
There's nothing you can't eat, it's the amount. Don't get too focused on sat fat and fewer calories. Sometimes those calories are hidden in the sugars when it says less fat. Personally i don't think it is the fat that is the problem..healthy fats...stay away from seed oils, it's the sugar and carbs that cause problems.NOT saying all carbs are bad, but protein is for the brain.
The GV cottage cheese appears to have less saturated fat and fewer calories per 1/2 cup serving though
i just noticed something else...look at the protein and calcium in the Daisy Brand. THAT is enough to make me never buy the GV cottage cheese brand.
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