How Reagan Handled Liberal Media

i think trump told that dolt to go FFFF yurself, but in a very kindly matter
Trump was right to point out the hypocrisy and double standard at CNN. Reagan was blunt when he needed to be.
Reagan was a fascist asshole that hated freedom of speech and hated the poor. The guys supply side bs created most of our economic problems today. was Reagan's policies? I thought it was Calvin Coolidge and his Republican administration. Fuck it...lets go back to was his policies. Who has been POTUS for last 8 years?
He will do as Reagan did, he will go to the people to get what he needs. He will do it to force Repubs and Dems alike to go along.
That was a Republican affair, the moment that killed George H.W. Bush's chance for the nomination as he sat just there spineless when Reagan made that statement.
That was a Republican affair, the moment that killed George H.W. Bush's chance for the nomination as he sat just there spineless when Reagan made that statement.
Nassau New Hampshire Telegraph hosted the debate dip shit.
Somebody is finally handing out some heavy doses of testosterone to trump and his cabinet. Finally! Thank you Jesus! Tillerson reminded us,of gravitas. Sessions reminds us of manners and class. Trump epitomizes leadership. Compare that to a whining obama clone wannabe Corey Booker who broke all senate protocol to testify against sessions using Obamas ragged out race card. Finally competence is coming back to govt.
That was a Republican affair, the moment that killed George H.W. Bush's chance for the nomination as he sat just there spineless when Reagan made that statement.
BTW HW went on to be POTUS something your candidate from 1980 Teddy Kennedy never did.
Somebody is finally handing out some heavy doses of testosterone to trump and his cabinet. Finally! Thank you Jesus! Tillerson reminded us,of gravitas. Sessions reminds us of manners and class. Trump epitomizes leadership. Compare that to a whining obama clone wannabe Corey Booker who broke all senate protocol to testify against sessions using Obamas ragged out race card. Finally competence is coming back to govt.
Booker is wanting nomination in 2020 and is already alienating Rust Belt whites.
imagine if Joy Blowfart was in the press. Donald Would of said,,,,ok,,,ok,,,the dumb fat bitch in the third row? whats yur question Miss Blowhard? right?
Somebody is finally handing out some heavy doses of testosterone to trump and his cabinet. Finally! Thank you Jesus! Tillerson reminded us,of gravitas. Sessions reminds us of manners and class. Trump epitomizes leadership. Compare that to a whining obama clone wannabe Corey Booker who broke all senate protocol to testify against sessions using Obamas ragged out race card. Finally competence is coming back to govt.
Booker is wanting nomination in 2020 and is already alienating Rust Belt whites.
Booker is finished before he even started.

All Republicans would have to do is run an ad showing Booker praising Sessions, and then show what an ass he was yesterday to....Sessions.
Reagan's campaign had indeed pay for the debate. It was Bush who looked like a fool and took it on the chin. And how did Teddy become my candidate? Trump is far from being a Reagan.
Reagan's campaign had indeed pay for the debate. It was Bush who looked like a fool and took it on the chin. And how did Teddy become my candidate? Trump is far from being a Reagan.
But who monitored the debate? Media...that's right. Trump is the closest thing to Reagan we have had since 1980. HW was simply out maneuvered by Dever and Reagan.
Reagan's campaign had indeed pay for the debate. It was Bush who looked like a fool and took it on the chin. And how did Teddy become my candidate? Trump is far from being a Reagan.
Trump is more confrontational than Reagan, and Democrats are much more vile today than they were back then too.
Reagan put the media in their place. Trump isolates himself by surrounding himself with only those he's comfortable with. I heard he didn't take a question from CNN at his press conference today. That's fine, but Reagan wouldn't have feared confronting them.
Reagan put the media in their place. Trump isolates himself by surrounding himself with only those he's comfortable with. I heard he didn't take a question from CNN at his press conference today. That's fine, but Reagan wouldn't have feared confronting them.
If they printed a story that he liked to get pissed on by prostitutes? Number one, back in 1980's this type of fake news would not have happend. Number two...Reagan would have done the same.

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