How the Man of the People Vacations...

puleeze..... did it ever dawn on anyone that the house could actually be cheaper because it can house secret service and is probably more secure.

did you complain when bush spent more time on vacation than any president ever?

It's not the amount of time or that he is going on vacation that I care about. What I care about is taxpayer dollars being spent that didn't have to be spent.

it's disingenuous. and if he weren't going, the same whiners would be whining that he didn't go to granny's memorial service.

It's disingenuous to claim to be the one who will change Washington, change business as usual and still be just like any other politician and waste tax payer money.

I don't care if he goes to a funeral, I don't care if he goes to church what i do care about is the wanton waste of tax dollars and disregard of the tax payer. If he shows receipts for the plane tickets of the Secret Service and freight receipts for his convoy and receipts for his own expenses, I might cut him a break, After all he isn't president yet, but if this whole jaunt was paid for by the tax payers, as it probably was, I have every right to complain about the cost.

it's really boring. and i know this is going to be the modus operandi of the whiners on the right for the next eight years.

Yes I will disagree with wasteful spending and government perks sorry if that bothers you so much.
Obama's $9 Million Vacation Retreat
Listing for President-elect's oceanfront Hawaiian estate gets yanked

DECEMBER 22--Here's the rental listing for the $9 million Hawaiian estate that President-elect Barack Obama is renting over the Christmas holiday. The five-bedroom estate rents for upwards of $3500-a-day and sits on an acre fronting Kailua Beach in Oahu. The online listing was removed from the Hawaii's Best Rentals web site after the Associated Press yesterday reported details of the Obama vacation retreat, which was purchased earlier this year for $9 million by Kevin Comcowich, a 40-year-old Houston portfolio manager.
Obama's $9 Million Vacation Retreat
Listing for President-elect's oceanfront Hawaiian estate gets yanked

DECEMBER 22--Here's the rental listing for the $9 million Hawaiian estate that President-elect Barack Obama is renting over the Christmas holiday. The five-bedroom estate rents for upwards of $3500-a-day and sits on an acre fronting Kailua Beach in Oahu. The online listing was removed from the Hawaii's Best Rentals web site after the Associated Press yesterday reported details of the Obama vacation retreat, which was purchased earlier this year for $9 million by Kevin Comcowich, a 40-year-old Houston portfolio manager.

Oh, good. Thanks for proving Willowtree lied. She claimed that the rental cost $60 thousand a week, and when I asked her to prove it with a link she evidently was unwilling to back her assertion up. So, she lied and artificicially inflated the rental price by about 300%.

Willowtree: "....he rented a house that costs 60 grand a week, where the fuck does he get all his money? Do senators make that much money?"

I knew she was lying her ass off.

Three grand a night is more money than I have to spend. But, if I was in a position to spoil a wife like that, after putting her through the shit she was put through, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
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It's not the amount of time or that he is going on vacation that I care about. What I care about is taxpayer dollars being spent that didn't have to be spent.

Again *yawn*... no one complained when Bush vacationed.

It's disingenuous to claim to be the one who will change Washington, change business as usual and still be just like any other politician and waste tax payer money.

Bitch bitch moan moan.... *yawn*...complain about cheney stealing your money for Haliburton and we'll talk. Until then.... *yawn*

I don't care if he goes to a funeral, I don't care if he goes to church what i do care about is the wanton waste of tax dollars and disregard of the tax payer. If he shows receipts for the plane tickets of the Secret Service and freight receipts for his convoy and receipts for his own expenses, I might cut him a break, After all he isn't president yet, but if this whole jaunt was paid for by the tax payers, as it probably was, I have every right to complain about the cost.

Yes I will disagree with wasteful spending and government perks sorry if that bothers you so much.

Puleeeeeeeeeeeeeeze....disingenuous BS... where are all your threads about the money being handed out to Blackwater, Haliburton and all of Baby Bush and Cheney's other cronies.

Save it, please.... seriously.
Again *yawn*... no one complained when Bush vacationed.

Bitch bitch moan moan.... *yawn*...complain about cheney stealing your money for Haliburton and we'll talk. Until then.... *yawn*

Puleeeeeeeeeeeeeeze....disingenuous BS... where are all your threads about the money being handed out to Blackwater, Haliburton and all of Baby Bush and Cheney's other cronies.

Save it, please.... seriously.

Yes you're right. because I complain about paying for a vacation for a guy who isn't even president yet I somehow approve of Haliburton and government waste.

try to make a leap of deduction like that in court counselor.

And i don't remember a thread about any of Gw's vacations do you?
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Oh, good. Thanks for proving Willowtree lied. She claimed that the rental cost $60 thousand a week, and when I asked her to prove it with a link she evidently was unwilling to back her assertion up. So, she lied and artificicially inflated the rental price by about 300%.

I knew she was lying her ass off.

Three grand a night is more money than I have to spend. But, if I was in a position to spoil a wife like that, after putting her through the shit she was put through, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

AAsshole I did not lie. I was repeating facts as I heard them on a radio show. And, I missed the part where you asked me to back up my facts or I'd have told you as much. So, here are the facts as I see them. I did not lie, I did not artificially jack up anything and you are an asshole. But now stop and think a moment. Where is the profit in renting a 9 million dollar property for 3500 a week?
jillian sniped:
puleeze..... did it ever dawn on anyone that the house could actually be cheaper because it can house secret service and is probably more secure.

did you complain when bush spent more time on vacation than any president ever?

it's disingenuous. and if he weren't going, the same whiners would be whining that he didn't go to granny's memorial service.

it's really boring. and i know this is going to be the modus operandi of the whiners on the right for the next eight years.

Jillian, this is sort of pathetic. If you are going to stop reading my posts, thats fine...but please stop responding to them if you aren't going to read what I say...but are going to continue to piss and moan about things I DIDN'T say.

I never complained about the cost of Obama's vacation, I never stated that Bush didn't vacation a lot, I never complained that Obama was taking a vacation...

If you had read my posts rather than seeing my name and that I wasn't arguing YOUR side before you responded you would have seen that.

My point has been, is, and will be...that I get a chuckle out of ANY politician who has made a point to tell the American people to take low-paying jobs for the good of the country, stop spending, pay high taxes because its patriotic, etc. etc. etc....because I know eventually that they will not live the way they tell us to live.

I pointed to politicians on the left and the right and stated that I would laugh at either side when they demonstrated that they are just politicians...which is why I chuckle at Obama telling me that times are going to get worse before they get better, that we all are going to have to do our part...and then goes on a beachfront vacation in Hawaii.

Never said he wasn't entitled to take the vacation, it sounds like a blast...and with the job he is about to begin, he certainly needs the time with his family...I have said all of this before.

I agree with you on one thing...the next 4-8 years is going to be REALLY LONG and ANNOYING because of the WHINING...but I am starting to think that the whining is going to come from those on the left who are seemingly absolutely incapable of hearing even the slightest criticism or teasing about their dear leader without leaping into apoplectic fits.
I have a friend that lives in Kailua. Nice place.

Anyone who works 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, to beat Hillary and McCain deserves a vacation.
on the left who are seemingly absolutely incapable of hearing even the slightest criticism or teasing about their dear leader without leaping into apoplectic fits.

por que? when we whip out the "with us or against us" mantra let us know.

The headline here after the Supreme Court sided with the Republicans on the 2000 election was "Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Bush. Bush goes on vacation" which he did the next day.
Shogun Wrote:
por que? when we whip out the "with us or against us" mantra let us know.

I don't think you need to go to that level, Shogun...I'd just be happy if Obama supporters could hear something less than raving about him without immediately running to his aid. He's a grown man, about to become President of the United States...I'm guessing that he can handle a few jokes at his expense.

But hey...if you'd rather get all woozy and dazed anytime anyone doesn't fawn all over him, I'll make sure someone gets you to the fainting couch before you fall on your ass.
Like I said, Gem, those comments would probably stick were we not just coming out from the shadow of a "with us or against us" and "only terrorists and terrorist enablers thwart the decider" presidency. Hell, there will probably be lots of room on that fainting couch after the last 8 years of a Noah's Ark lookalike contest is over on January 20.
You're so right, Shogun. Our last President was we shouldn't be allowed to chuckle at this one.

Lets NEVER criticize, joke about, or tease the new President about ANYTHING. Our last President lets make sure that NO ONE questions this one at ALL.

Thats the way to make things work better...yep...Shogun is SO RIGHT. lol.
Indeed, because you people were all for that kind of shit during the last 8 years... Gosh, it's amazing how you people hop to the other foot upon losing elections. If you want to tease Obama the do it. Lord knows you won't come up with anything that Jay Leno won't already have in his opening dialog. But, for the love of zues, TRY not to be so goddamn ironic about acting like a big fan of presidential criticism until the decider actually leaves office. We don't want you to snap your neck from that 180 turn while we are BARELY outside of trrrrrorrrrrst enabling witchunt for anyone not leaping on board your right wing bandwagon with all of their conceivable might.

OPERATION MOLEHILL to MOUNTAIN will commence in t minus 28 days and counting....
This is America folks, even everyman can once in a while engage in acts of reckless enjoyment, after Bush they with little sense will cast the first stones, but the show has yet to begin. Stay seated fools or leave with the fools you elected to failure.
Shogun, you're talking out of your ass. I know its convenient to claim that conservatives have some how been "against" teasing the current President...but it simply doesn't hold water. Conservatives, like myself, have been laughing heartily at Will Ferrell's Bush impersonations, cracking up at Lil' Bush, and enjoying all of the humor right along with the liberals.

Now...where you might be confused is when Republicans did say certain things were over the line. For instance, mock-u-mentaries where the film maker waxed poetic about how awesome it would be if Bush was assassinated, not funny. Calling Condi Rice a "house ******" or a "mammie"...not funny.

But the actually funny stuff? Fair game, right in the ball park, laugh away.

Interesting quickly you and others here have rushed in ANYTIME someone so much as guffaws our current President-Elect...who even comedians admit has been the LEAST made fun of candidate in history.

But no, no...keep on defending him...keep on doing nothing useful but pointing out that I didn't laugh when some left-wing radio host said we should shoot the President or Vice-President...even though I laughed my ass off whenever Ferrell slammed Bush on SNL, in fair is VERY helpful and VERY useful...whereas my pointing out that a man who campaigned at least partially on asking Americans to be willing to sacrifice and give up luxuries for the betterment of the nation vacationing in a $3,000 a night Hawaiian beach house is a bit amusing is just LUDICROUS and, sure...right, whatever.

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