How to fix the education system, ideas needed


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
Here it is... the start to solving our problem of education.

The first step would be to get parents involved more in their childrens education, and to do that we should provide a tax incentive. A state tax credit, to be determined by the state in question, should be given to the parents, per child. The size of the credit is determined by the grades of the student, report card verification would be required.

The second step would be to centralize community schools by dividing them up into school zones. For example, one high school per county. The reason for one high school is because we need to convert highschools into boarding schools with closed campus status for security reasons, i.e. gangs, drugs. Students, parents, faculty, and relatives are the only ones allowed on campus.

The third step would be to modify the curiculum. We need to recognize that not every student is going to go to college and therefore a trade school curiculum is needed. This should be included so our students can prepare themselves for every eventuality and opportunity.

The fourth step is to modify the teaching requirements. The teachers own educational achievements should reflect their own teaching position. For example a first grade math teacher should not need a masters degree in mathmatics nor should the district pay for such a degree if it is not needed for that position. This is not to say that the teacher in question could not acquire the degree on their own.

The last step is to modify the financial compensation. Teachers and administrators who pay for their own education should be rewarded by receiving total employment freedom, i.e. work where ever they want. Teachers and administrators who had the state pay for their education will be placed where they are needed most within the educational system until their loans are paid off. A shift of responsibilities needs to take place within payment structure. The school districts will no longer be required to financialy pay for pensions, or healthcare. The districts would pay the teachers more money and it would be up to the teachers union to privide pensions and health care to their members. This would give the district more control over their budget, and allow the union to better take care of it's members by deciding how to fund their own healthcare and pensions through dues. It will also allow the worker to decide if they want in the union or not.

These are some possible solutions for the education problems, I would be interested in knowing what other fixes could make our system better. What we have now doesn't work, and a total overhaul is in order.
Teachers should pry be in the classrooms to teach too. Cause you know what they say

" the greatest benefit to becoming an educator has nothing to do with Wisconsin teaching salaries. At the end of the day, the intrinsic rewards of helping children learn and shaping their knowledge for the future are arguably far more satisfying. "

At least according to this website
Wisconsin Teaching Salaries | How Much Do Wisconsin Teachers Make?
It depends on what we consider to be the objective of our

PSEUDO-educational system.

Why do we talk about education for employment and yet no one says that accounting should mandatory in the schools? Is our educational system designed to produce people that can be USED? Are kids only supposed to know as much as allows them to be used?

Yeah, the curriculum needs to be redesigned. But if the kids are just being brainwashed into being dumb consumers who have to work so they can be used then maybe the curriculum is all wrong.

Why don't we create a worthwhile National Recommended Reading List? But maybe if we did that we might find a lot of kids don't need the pseudo-educational system as much as we think.

Is the problem with our schools the fact that we try to force kids to put up with too much bullshit. Memorize how to spell words that you never use. Learn Latin that almost no one speaks. The laws of physics don't care about Greek or Latin. Believe the idiotic religion not of your choice. When will educators figure out that science is more important than history? Science is how we make the future. At least the people that know something about it. Are some people not supposed to know about it? Is history just a record of a mostly stupid and obsolete past that is not accurate anyway?

Our economists can't even tell us how many hundreds of billions of dollars we have lost on useless variations in crapmobiles over the last 60 years. But we are supposed to not know physics and waste time watching stupid TV commercials about more useless variations of the junk.

Teachers should pry be in the classrooms to teach too. Cause you know what they say

" the greatest benefit to becoming an educator has nothing to do with Wisconsin teaching salaries. At the end of the day, the intrinsic rewards of helping children learn and shaping their knowledge for the future are arguably far more satisfying. "

At least according to this website
Wisconsin Teaching Salaries | How Much Do Wisconsin Teachers Make?

Does anyone really believe that? "Intrinsic rewards"? Do doctors heal for $50K a year because saving lives is "intrinsically rewarding"? It is a job. Like all professions, it can be rewarding and challenging. But no one should expect or demand that anyone who chooses to teach be MotherTheresa.

Republicans want to bust the unions because it is good for Republicans. Dems want to woo the unions because it is good for Democrats. NONE of this is "about the children".

The OP offers some good suggestions to fix public ed. Some of it is feasible; not of it is not. But the only half decent proposals I've heard about have been from the posters here on USMB. The politicos don't give a rat's ass about public education. They send their kids to private school.

Don't buy the hype. It's all B.S.
Here it is... the start to solving our problem of education.

The first step would be to get parents involved more in their childrens education, and to do that we should provide a tax incentive. A state tax credit, to be determined by the state in question, should be given to the parents, per child. The size of the credit is determined by the grades of the student, report card verification would be required.

The second step would be to centralize community schools by dividing them up into school zones. For example, one high school per county. The reason for one high school is because we need to convert highschools into boarding schools with closed campus status for security reasons, i.e. gangs, drugs. Students, parents, faculty, and relatives are the only ones allowed on campus.

The third step would be to modify the curiculum. We need to recognize that not every student is going to go to college and therefore a trade school curiculum is needed. This should be included so our students can prepare themselves for every eventuality and opportunity.

The fourth step is to modify the teaching requirements. The teachers own educational achievements should reflect their own teaching position. For example a first grade math teacher should not need a masters degree in mathmatics nor should the district pay for such a degree if it is not needed for that position. This is not to say that the teacher in question could not acquire the degree on their own.

The last step is to modify the financial compensation. Teachers and administrators who pay for their own education should be rewarded by receiving total employment freedom, i.e. work where ever they want. Teachers and administrators who had the state pay for their education will be placed where they are needed most within the educational system until their loans are paid off. A shift of responsibilities needs to take place within payment structure. The school districts will no longer be required to financialy pay for pensions, or healthcare. The districts would pay the teachers more money and it would be up to the teachers union to privide pensions and health care to their members. This would give the district more control over their budget, and allow the union to better take care of it's members by deciding how to fund their own healthcare and pensions through dues. It will also allow the worker to decide if they want in the union or not.

These are some possible solutions for the education problems, I would be interested in knowing what other fixes could make our system better. What we have now doesn't work, and a total overhaul is in order.

1. Why in the world should the state (meaning taxpayers) pay a parent for being involved in their child's education? Can't see any benefit to raising taxes for this.
2. That's pretty far out there. A better solution would be more decentralization of schools. Schools are not factories or prisons. Most data suggests that smaller schools, smaller class sizes, etc produce better results.
3. Agree on this one. In fact, many school districts already have programs such as these.
4. Agree on this also. In fact, the central concept of education as a specialty probably does more harm than good. My grandmother in law taught elementary school her whole life. Obviously this was quite a few years ago. The only education she had was High School. And she was a wonderful elementary teacher.
5. Your final suggestion also makes sense. It is probably the best idea for dealing with the Pension problem in schools.
One easy thing here in Florida: hire the people who're more qualified. When you take the test for the subject you want to teach (I've taken it), although Tallahassee knows the results-you're only given pass or fail. So let's say person A gets 100% of their test, and person B gets 70%-the school can't find that out. Doesn't seem right to me.
Then how would we attract minorities?

I have a MA + 30 grad credits, 3 certifications, and 13 years experience. I am "highly qualified" in 2 subjects and scored in the top 10 percent on the Praxis.
But I teach special education. The majority of my students are poor. They smoke dope. Some are pregnant. Some are in gangs. Many are in foster care or support themselves. Some are borderline retarded.

In a few years I expect my pay to be cut, and worse than that, my reputation smeared in the local paper. Cuz if they drop out of school, or fail the test, its because I suck.
I have an issue with "intrinsic rewards." As a first grade teacher for the last ten years of teaching, before becoming a consultant, the highest of highs is when the chidren "get it" and start their road to reading!

I wrote my own phonics books with word families and they could read polysyllabic words sixth grade students couldn't read! It is the greatest feeling in the world to see these youngsters read with proficiency and enthusiasm and fluency! We laugh and have the greatest time. I may not be rich but I am rich with love, smiles and happiness brought on by my youngsters. I wouldn't replace it with a $100,000 check!
An easy fix to schools.... Stop passing unprepared students to the the next grade.

All over the nation, teachers are passing students on to the next grade without the proper foundation in the core areas of math and reading. If parents and teachers are forewarned by administration that students will not be passed if they don't pass the bench mark scores of standardized tests, they WILL not be passed to the next grade, parents, and teachers will take their jobs more seriously.

Parents will follow their child's grades and start checking homework to see that it is done and done correctly, start showing up for conferences and teachers will do more reteaching when necessary.

Principals will be asking, what did you do to help your students learn their multiplication tables? Did you reteach? Did you notify parents of trouble? More accountability along the line.

Due process.. Your child is in jeopardy of not passing... warning....Teachers... warning... you have 6 students in trouble what are you doing about it? Hold teachers accountable!
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Homeschooling is the best option but unfortunately most families don't have that luxury
An easy fix to schools.... Stop passing unprepared students to the the next grade.

All over the nation, teachers are passing students on to the next grade without the proper foundation in the core areas of math and reading. If parents and teachers are forewarned by administration that students will not be passed if they don't pass the bench mark scores of standardized tests, they WILL not be passed to the next grade, parents, and teachers will take their jobs more seriously.

Parents will follow their child's grades and start checking homework to see that it is done and done correctly, start showing up for conferences and teachers will do more reteaching when necessary.

Principals will be asking, what did you do to help your students learn their multiplication tables? Did you reteach? Did you notify parents of trouble? More accountability along the line.

Due process.. Your child is in jeopardy of not passing... warning....Teachers... warning... you have 6 students in trouble what are you doing about it? Hold teachers accountable!

Not passing students who fail is wonderful on paper but consider this.

1. Final say is with the parents on retention. If they say no, the child is moved on regardless.

2. Do you want bearded 16 year olds in middle school? I know that my brother's school district had to deal with potential issues like that because many who failed one grade went on to fail other grades.

Maybe alternative schools for lower grades if they programs (replace the illegals in the fields and ditches) for higher grade failures.
Homeschooling. Let the parent do the teaching.

I know some parents who are excellent homeschoolers. I know some parents that homeschooling means the kids run around unsupervised like wild animals.
An easy fix to schools.... Stop passing unprepared students to the the next grade.

All over the nation, teachers are passing students on to the next grade without the proper foundation in the core areas of math and reading. If parents and teachers are forewarned by administration that students will not be passed if they don't pass the bench mark scores of standardized tests, they WILL not be passed to the next grade, parents, and teachers will take their jobs more seriously.

Parents will follow their child's grades and start checking homework to see that it is done and done correctly, start showing up for conferences and teachers will do more reteaching when necessary.

Principals will be asking, what did you do to help your students learn their multiplication tables? Did you reteach? Did you notify parents of trouble? More accountability along the line.

Due process.. Your child is in jeopardy of not passing... warning....Teachers... warning... you have 6 students in trouble what are you doing about it? Hold teachers accountable!

Not passing students who fail is wonderful on paper but consider this.

1. Final say is with the parents on retention. If they say no, the child is moved on regardless.

2. Do you want bearded 16 year olds in middle school? I know that my brother's school district had to deal with potential issues like that because many who failed one grade went on to fail other grades.

Maybe alternative schools for lower grades if they programs (replace the illegals in the fields and ditches) for higher grade failures.

That wasn't the way it was where I taught. I and the principal had the final word. The parent begged that I would give her son an incomplete the day before school ended. I asked where was she all year when I sent out the letters! I said NO! They can fail twice in primary and once in intermediate.

They cannot fail a second time in first grade, but psychological testing is recommended. They usually go along with it because word gets out that they get a check from SSI if they go into a special class. No wonder Social Security is broke!
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Well here are a couple of thoughts, I'm sure to piss some people off...

Get rid of the agrarian model that is no longer needed since we are not an agriculture based society where children are expected to be able to work the farm during the summer months. Convert all schools to year round with three semesters per year, eliminating the long summer "break" and replacing it with 3 shorter "breaks" between semesters for students.

During these "breaks" students identified as needing extra instruction would attend remedial programs to bring them up to speed.

Convert Teachers to 12 Month Employees:
With the change to the year round model, teachers would become 12-month employees just like most of the rest of the world. They would accrue vacation days just like most of the rest of the working world and would be required to schedule their vacations just like everyone else. There would be a maximum carry over of 2-years vacation at the beginning of the school year. They would be "encouraged" through policies to schedule vacation days during student breaks and administration would monitor teacher availability to ensure remedial instruction was available during student breaks.

Teachers would teach regular semesters and during the student breaks would be working on curriculum for the next semester, teaching remedial classes, or completing professional development requirements.

Eliminate Extra-curricular Sports Programs as a function of the school.
All after school sports programs would be transferred to the city/county government. Contracting of and employment of coaches would not be a function of the school. Sports programs would be allowed to use school resources (playing fields, showers, etc...) but would be required to supply their own equipment (Uniforms, Footballs, Pads, helmets, etc...) Financing sports would be broken out of the school budget and would be the responsibility of the local government entity.

School Hours
School schedules will be designed around maximizing learning in the classroom. For example studies show that high schoolers learn better with later start times due to the fact they stay up later then younger students. Yet often having them out at the bus stop at 06:30 so schools can provide time for after school sports through early dismissal by 13:00-14:00.

Instructional Days:
Many schools only have students on campus for 180 instructional days and then some of those days are taken up with required testing (ASVAB, SAT/ACT, State Proficiency, etc...). Schedules would be returned to 200 standard student days to increase the actual instruction time.

Those are just a few off the top of my head. Ya'll can throw eggs now.

If I had kids at home..they would NOT be at school. They would be homeschooled. But I would let them attend public school for a year just so they learn about being around different individuals and how to deal with them in every day communication.

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