How to reduce the glorification of mass shooters by the MSM.... USE HIPAA as an example!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
People who commit mass shootings in America tend to share three traits:
  • rampant depression,
  • social isolation and
  • pathological narcissism,
according to a paper presented at the American Psychological Association’s annual convention that calls on the media to deny such shooters the fame they seek.

Mass shootings are on the rise and so is media coverage of them,” said Jennifer B. Johnston, PhD, of Western New Mexico University.
“At this point, can we determine which came first?
Is the relationship merely unidirectional: More shootings lead to more coverage? Or is it possible that more coverage leads to more shootings?”

Unfortunately, we find that a cross-cutting trait among many profiles of mass shooters is desire for fame,” she said. This quest for fame among mass shooters skyrocketed since the mid-1990s “in correspondence to the emergence of widespread 24-hour news coverage on cable news programs, and the rise of the internet during the same period.”

'Media Contagion' Is Factor in Mass Shootings, Study Says

How to reduce this is simple.
Follow the example of HIPAA
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is United States legislation that provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information.)
The penalties for noncompliance are based on the level of negligence and can range from $100 to $50,000 per violation (or per record), with a maximum penalty of $1.5 million per year for violations of an identical provision.Jan 9, 2014

So let's make "mass shooter" events the same premise.
If a person leaks the name, etc. of the shooter to the MSM THEY are fined the same as HIPAA fines people who
release private health information.

Since we can't stifle the MSM press, etc... the next best effort is to stifle the release of that information especially by the authorities.
Conservative media would be fined into bankruptcy every time a minority is behind a mass shooting
Conservative media would be fined into bankruptcy every time a minority is behind a mass shooting

Actually would NOT affect the MSM at all anymore than the "leaking" of Pentagon papers, etc. did on the MSM.
IT IS THE LEAKER that is penalized.
I've yet to hear/read any comments on why a HIPAA type Federal Law wouldn't work.
HIPAA holds the people who perform health services, etc. responsible for privacy of health information under severe financial penalties.
So what is wrong with holding authorities at the minimum responsible for withholding the name of any mass shooter event?
Thus a "leaker" would be responsible and penalized for sharing with the nefarious MSM that doesn't care that they are fomenting mass shooters bent on the publicity as pointed out
earlier. Most common characteristic is the mass shooter's need for attention...MSM!

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