How to Solve the US's Problems


Oct 20, 2013
Here's the one word that will salvage this nation: Compromise. Not just abortion and euthanasia, but everything wrong in this once great land of ours.

Think about it, pro-lifers are so up in arms about losing their "freedom of religion" because business owners are forced to provide contraceptives while at the same time demanding the pro-choice people sacrifice their way of life and conform to the pro-life way of doing things. Same thing for the leftists who want to force pro-lifers to sacrifice their rights and force them to become progressives with the pro-choicers. When you look at it that way, don't both sides sound hypocritical?

My suggestion: compromise. Would pro-lifers be satisfied if abortions were outlawed, but morning-after pills and contraceptives were provided mandatory through businesses, regardless of faith? Same thing with libs, would you accept such an agreement?

If your answer is no, look at this nation. Look at what years of prejudice and blindness and obstinacy have done. Look at the ruined cesspool this once-mighty bastion of freedom and power has become. Look at how far we have fallen. Clearly something isn't working. So as we welcome in 2014 and banish 2013, let us (hopefully) do the same with our silly grievances and prejudices in the hope of rebuilding our nation again and providing a brighter future for the youth and for subsequent generations!
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Here's the one word that will salvage this nation: Compromise. Not just abortion and euthanasia, but everything wrong in this once great land of ours.

Think about it, pro-lifers are so up in arms about losing their "freedom of religion" because business owners are forced to provide contraceptives while at the same time demanding the pro-choice people sacrifice their way of life and conform to the pro-life way of doing things. Same thing for the leftists who want to force pro-lifers to sacrifice their rights and force them to become progressives with the pro-choicers. When you look at it that way, don't both sides sound hypocritical?

My suggestion: compromise. Would pro-lifers be satisfied if abortions were outlawed, but morning-after pills and contraceptives were provided mandatory through businesses, regardless of faith? Same thing with libs, would you accept such an agreement?

If your answer is no, look at this nation. Look at what years of prejudice and blindness and obstinacy have done. Look at the ruined cesspool this once-mighty bastion of freedom and power has become. Look at how far we have fallen. Clearly something isn't working. So as we welcome in 2014 and banish 2013, let us (hopefully) do the same with our silly grievances and prejudices in the hope of rebuilding our nation again and providing a brighter future for the youth and for subsequent generations!

Anybody have any better ideas or amendments?
Tell me, if you are completely convinced that your positions are correct, what are they if they are compromised?
Tell me, if you are completely convinced that your positions are correct, what are they if they are compromised?

I used to be a staunch pro-lifer. I compromised my belief in contraceptives and morning-after pills. If necessary to help people reconcile their differences, I might even be willing to allow certain abortions to occur. And I while I am certain my plan is infinitely better than the current one, I am still open to suggestions on how it should be made better.
Tell me, if you are completely convinced that your positions are correct, what are they if they are compromised?

I used to be a staunch pro-lifer. I compromised my belief in contraceptives and morning-after pills. If necessary to help people reconcile their differences, I might even be willing to allow certain abortions to occur. And I while I am certain my plan is infinitely better than the current one, I am still open to suggestions on how it should be made better.

Nice dance, care to answer the question now?
Compromise is how we got where we are.

We first began compromising our republicanism some 110 years ago.
Here's the one word that will salvage this nation: Compromise. Not just abortion and euthanasia, but everything wrong in this once great land of ours.

Think about it, pro-lifers are so up in arms about losing their "freedom of religion" because business owners are forced to provide contraceptives while at the same time demanding the pro-choice people sacrifice their way of life and conform to the pro-life way of doing things. Same thing for the leftists who want to force pro-lifers to sacrifice their rights and force them to become progressives with the pro-choicers. When you look at it that way, don't both sides sound hypocritical?

My suggestion: compromise. Would pro-lifers be satisfied if abortions were outlawed, but morning-after pills and contraceptives were provided mandatory through businesses, regardless of faith? Same thing with libs, would you accept such an agreement?

If your answer is no, look at this nation. Look at what years of prejudice and blindness and obstinacy have done. Look at the ruined cesspool this once-mighty bastion of freedom and power has become. Look at how far we have fallen. Clearly something isn't working. So as we welcome in 2014 and banish 2013, let us (hopefully) do the same with our silly grievances and prejudices in the hope of rebuilding our nation again and providing a brighter future for the youth and for subsequent generations!

Sure, I'll compromise - I'd like the millions of dead kids to just be a little bit alive. I'd like the big government we have to be just a little bit smaller.
Here's the one word that will salvage this nation: Compromise. Not just abortion and euthanasia, but everything wrong in this once great land of ours.

Think about it, pro-lifers are so up in arms about losing their "freedom of religion" because business owners are forced to provide contraceptives while at the same time demanding the pro-choice people sacrifice their way of life and conform to the pro-life way of doing things. Same thing for the leftists who want to force pro-lifers to sacrifice their rights and force them to become progressives with the pro-choicers. When you look at it that way, don't both sides sound hypocritical?

My suggestion: compromise. Would pro-lifers be satisfied if abortions were outlawed, but morning-after pills and contraceptives were provided mandatory through businesses, regardless of faith? Same thing with libs, would you accept such an agreement?

If your answer is no, look at this nation. Look at what years of prejudice and blindness and obstinacy have done. Look at the ruined cesspool this once-mighty bastion of freedom and power has become. Look at how far we have fallen. Clearly something isn't working. So as we welcome in 2014 and banish 2013, let us (hopefully) do the same with our silly grievances and prejudices in the hope of rebuilding our nation again and providing a brighter future for the youth and for subsequent generations!

Sure, I'll compromise - I'd like the millions of dead kids to just be a little bit alive. I'd like the big government we have to be just a little bit smaller.

But what will you sacrifice in return? Demanding to get your way and your way alone is what uneducated buffoons or spoiled rich kids do, hence the problem with our government.
Tell me, if you are completely convinced that your positions are correct, what are they if they are compromised?

I used to be a staunch pro-lifer. I compromised my belief in contraceptives and morning-after pills. If necessary to help people reconcile their differences, I might even be willing to allow certain abortions to occur. And I while I am certain my plan is infinitely better than the current one, I am still open to suggestions on how it should be made better.

Nice dance, care to answer the question now?

I thought I answered your questions pretty well. Is there something I missed?
Here's the one word that will salvage this nation: Compromise. Not just abortion and euthanasia, but everything wrong in this once great land of ours.

Think about it, pro-lifers are so up in arms about losing their "freedom of religion" because business owners are forced to provide contraceptives while at the same time demanding the pro-choice people sacrifice their way of life and conform to the pro-life way of doing things. Same thing for the leftists who want to force pro-lifers to sacrifice their rights and force them to become progressives with the pro-choicers. When you look at it that way, don't both sides sound hypocritical?

My suggestion: compromise. Would pro-lifers be satisfied if abortions were outlawed, but morning-after pills and contraceptives were provided mandatory through businesses, regardless of faith? Same thing with libs, would you accept such an agreement?

If your answer is no, look at this nation. Look at what years of prejudice and blindness and obstinacy have done. Look at the ruined cesspool this once-mighty bastion of freedom and power has become. Look at how far we have fallen. Clearly something isn't working. So as we welcome in 2014 and banish 2013, let us (hopefully) do the same with our silly grievances and prejudices in the hope of rebuilding our nation again and providing a brighter future for the youth and for subsequent generations!

Sure, I'll compromise - I'd like the millions of dead kids to just be a little bit alive. I'd like the big government we have to be just a little bit smaller.

But what will you sacrifice in return? Demanding to get your way and your way alone is what uneducated buffoons or spoiled rich kids do, hence the problem with our government.

There is the problem with your axiom. There is no way to make dead kids just a little bit alive and there is no way to make the government a little bit smaller. People are either dead or alive and government is either growing or shrinking.

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