How To Terrorize America


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
As we come closer and closer to Sh#t Stain being thrown out of office more and more things are becoming far clearer. The DNC placed Obama in office to terrorize Americans. The plan totally spelled out in a manifesto prepared by islamic terrorists began in 1991.

In 1991 islamic terrorists were unable to instill their policy over a wide swath of America. This all changed in 2006 when a young islamic Senator aided by deal making in the party was helped to terrorize the nation over their number 2 choice a pro islamic sell out named Hillary.

Islamic terrorists wanted to be ASSURED they had THEIR people in place to shame vets with the closing of a WW2 open air memorial OR allowing Iran to get nuke tech. Their manifesto quickly became America's real day to day life.

In real life terms in communist thinking which BOTH Hillary AND Obama have SOLID backgrounds Obama was to be the "velvet glove" and Hillary the "iron fist". Obama was to instill guilt and Hillary to dis-arm. We as a nation have never been so close to being a totally dominated population since FDR.

We have had a ballot over bullet revolution in this country and just like the FORMER communists of the USSR there ARE people UN-happy. This is NOT the time to appease the democrats. This IS the time for every American, gun owner, Christian to "drain the swamp".

Trump CAN lead the charge but WE supporters must do the heavy lifting {voting}. And when it comes to that DC swamp, that is one job that IS shovel ready.

A Shovel does NOT know Color

Or age..

It just knows its job...

Arm yourself, WE got work!
I believe the Egyptians have already approached Trump for help with the Muslim Brotherhood.

With the MB's strong ties to the Democratic Party, that could spell a whole new scenario, eh?
OP is a racist who loves to call democrats on their institutionalized


yeah, bud. tell us about the "negroes"...but but but democrats are racist and blahblahblah

you are a real life fucking man baby

know that??

a man baby

angry like a fire ant
softer than a scotts toilet tissue

youre a fucking man baby

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