how will these one million pickers (of which 250,000+ are illegals) be replaced???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Saw this headline: US Farmers Depend on Illegal Immigrants

Farm workers are up before dawn every morning and work all day in the hot sun. They spend the day stooping over picking vegetables and carrying heavy loads.

Of the roughly one million farm workers in the United States, most are immigrants, and an estimated one-quarter to one-half of them are illegal.
US Farmers Depend on Illegal Immigrants

Screen Shot 2017-03-07 at 10.17.45 PM.png

Poor illegals and most of farm workers will be replaced by this:
Screen Shot 2017-03-07 at 10.19.14 PM.png

So what is the problem in a wall to keep illegals from coming across the border?
Also, for the longterm unemployed who remain on food stamps and other government benefits, they should be required to work 20 hours per week either in the fields or for some government or non-profit agency. The only exceptions should be for those with disabilities that preclude that type of work entirely.
With vetted work visas. Come legallly, or don't come at all.

Yup that's what Canada does.

They notify the Mexicans as to how many they need and the needed are given guest worker visas. They do the work and then go home.

Works great and that exactly what we should do. Guest worker visas for those who want to come and pick fruit and veggies in America. Do the work and then go back home.
With vetted work visas. Come legallly, or don't come at all.

Yup that's what Canada does.

They notify the Mexicans as to how many they need and the needed are given guest worker visas. They do the work and then go home.

Works great and that exactly what we should do. Guest worker visas for those who want to come and pick fruit and veggies in America. Do the work and then go back home.

Canada also has a merit-based system for immigrants who want to move there and eventually become citizens. America should have one as well.
They will be replaced by American seniors who can't afford to retire after Trumpcare rapes their health coverage.


Hey! NOT a bad idea! I know there are millions of well fit , outdoorsy type fanatics that would find a few hours walking in the sunlight bending over i.e. pilates-style exercise doing something productive!

Your idea reminds me of when I was 10 years old and my Dad built a device that I would drag over the garden to break up clods.
One day a neighbor lady complained to my Mom saying my Dad was mistreating me!
Which is so funny because the other day I went past a football field and saw some off season training by young men pulling a sled with guys standing on it!
Talk about non-productive behavior!
At least I was doing at 10 years old work that was building my muscles while at the same time I was helping our family get fresh food!
So too then these seniors as you suggested. 5 10 20 hours a week bending over picking in the open air what a great exercise WHILE doing something productive!
I absolutely bet that is happening as we speak right now somewhere in the USA by seniors that are volunteering in vegetable gardens around the country!

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