how would you feel if a global warmist taught your kids science


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Whoops, global warmists are in charge. The alleged science of global warming is being unraveled as we speak as a political scam but the teachers are forced to teach the questionable science or face diciplinary action from the feds and the teachers union.. Are our kids being taught to substitute political opinion and ideology for absolute evidence? Are kids forced to accept political dogma and NOT question authority? What a difference a generation makes. No wonder we are producing a bunch of robots who just manage to pass government science standards.
Whoops, global warmists are in charge. The alleged science of global warming is being unraveled as we speak as a political scam but the teachers are forced to teach the questionable science or face diciplinary action from the feds and the teachers union.. Are our kids being taught to substitute political opinion and ideology for absolute evidence? Are kids forced to accept political dogma and NOT question authority? What a difference a generation makes. No wonder we are producing a bunch of robots who just manage to pass government science standards.

ALL Science is "questionable" to the right wing.

Whoops, global warmists are in charge. The alleged science of global warming is being unraveled as we speak as a political scam but the teachers are forced to teach the questionable science or face diciplinary action from the feds and the teachers union.. Are our kids being taught to substitute political opinion and ideology for absolute evidence? Are kids forced to accept political dogma and NOT question authority? What a difference a generation makes. No wonder we are producing a bunch of robots who just manage to pass government science standards.

ALL Science is "questionable" to the right wing.


There was a time when the earth was flat and a demon lived at the speed of sound. It was science. Today's kids are taught at an early level not to question liberal dogma and college kids are kicked out of school when they question global warming.
The local school thinks it needs to teach about condoms so I guess they might as well teach about global warming... Whatever the feel good, politically correct popular thing of the moment is will most likely be taught by the liberal school teachers.
College campuses used to be a haven for intellectual discussion and anything was fair game in the search for truth and meaning. Today they are closed minded fearful Marxist places where students are afraid to speak out for fear that the subject is on the list of restricted topics. Students are encouraged by college faculty to commit assault on conservative speakers. Almost every single conservative speaker including David Horowitz and 90 pound Ann Coulter has been assaulted at one time or another on US college campuses by pies in the face or other noxious material. Left wing speakers are given courteous treatment.
College campuses used to be a haven for intellectual discussion and anything was fair game in the search for truth and meaning. Today they are closed minded fearful Marxist places where students are afraid to speak out for fear that the subject is on the list of restricted topics. Students are encouraged by college faculty to commit assault on conservative speakers. Almost every single conservative speaker including David Horowitz and 90 pound Ann Coulter has been assaulted at one time or another on US college campuses by pies in the face or other noxious material. Left wing speakers are given courteous treatment.

I went to a pretty "liberal" university where I'd guess around 85% of the time I'd have no clue what their political or personal beliefs were. The other 15% most of them were liberal-but not all. I'm pretty moderate, and when I'd write about controversial things that question the liberal views-I never had any points taken away due to my views. Not once.

A lot of my friends were Republicans, and conservatives who never had any sort of punishment academically due to their beliefs.

And I never saw a SINGLE violent, or hazing acts. Sure you'd see several protest or rallies for all kinds of things (both left and right), but I never saw one instance of anyone so much as getting pied, or threatened.

Also when Karl Rove spoke there there was a VERY VERY small amount (about 15-20) of students who protested, most just had a sign and stood outside. We never even had a serious liberal political guest speaker that wasn't a comedian (in all fairness John Edwards was going to come-but canceled).

edit: and I graduated not even a year ago.
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That would be better than having a MORON teach the class.

The trouble is that so many people don't comprehend the difference between BELIEVING and UNDERSTANDING. Believers assume that people who disagree with them are also BELIEVERS. Science is not about BELIEF.

Sciece is more often about PROBABILITY because there is usually a factor of uncertainty even if only because the data is almost always incomplete. The universe does not hand us information on a silver platter, it is more like pulling teeth. But that does not mean data can be ignored because we don't like it.

Find the short story, The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin.



it is every parents' duty to point out how social, political and scientific fads are temporary. there are few subjects that are black and white and kids do much better knowing that there are huge uncertainties in many things they are taught.
College campuses used to be a haven for intellectual discussion and anything was fair game in the search for truth and meaning. Today they are closed minded fearful Marxist places where students are afraid to speak out for fear that the subject is on the list of restricted topics. Students are encouraged by college faculty to commit assault on conservative speakers. Almost every single conservative speaker including David Horowitz and 90 pound Ann Coulter has been assaulted at one time or another on US college campuses by pies in the face or other noxious material. Left wing speakers are given courteous treatment.

I went to a pretty "liberal" university where I'd guess around 85% of the time I'd have no clue what their political or personal beliefs were. The other 15% most of them were liberal-but not all. I'm pretty moderate, and when I'd write about controversial things that question the liberal views-I never had any points taken away due to my views. Not once.

A lot of my friends were Republicans, and conservatives who never had any sort of punishment academically due to their beliefs.

And I never saw a SINGLE violent, or hazing acts. Sure you'd see several protest or rallies for all kinds of things (both left and right), but I never saw one instance of anyone so much as getting pied, or threatened.

Also when Karl Rove spoke there there was a VERY VERY small amount (about 15-20) of students who protested, most just had a sign and stood outside. We never even had a serious liberal political guest speaker that wasn't a comedian (in all fairness John Edwards was going to come-but canceled).

edit: and I graduated not even a year ago.

You never saw it never happened? What kind of education did you get james? Google "conservative speakers assaulted on campus" and you get 956,000 hits. Pat Buahanan, Ann coulter, Bill Kristol and David Horowitz have been assaulted. Being hit with a pie is assault even if the left calls it a "joke". Horowitz has to have a bodyguard when he gives a talk on campus.
Aside from the threat of assault there is a fact of life on college campus that we have all come to accept without question. Demonstrations are only promoted against conservative speakers. You will never see a demonstration against a radical leftist or liberal speaker. It's the way the system works and it is indicative of the left wing agenda in institutes of higher learning.
College campuses used to be a haven for intellectual discussion and anything was fair game in the search for truth and meaning. Today they are closed minded fearful Marxist places where students are afraid to speak out for fear that the subject is on the list of restricted topics. Students are encouraged by college faculty to commit assault on conservative speakers. Almost every single conservative speaker including David Horowitz and 90 pound Ann Coulter has been assaulted at one time or another on US college campuses by pies in the face or other noxious material. Left wing speakers are given courteous treatment.

I went to a pretty "liberal" university where I'd guess around 85% of the time I'd have no clue what their political or personal beliefs were. The other 15% most of them were liberal-but not all. I'm pretty moderate, and when I'd write about controversial things that question the liberal views-I never had any points taken away due to my views. Not once.

A lot of my friends were Republicans, and conservatives who never had any sort of punishment academically due to their beliefs.

And I never saw a SINGLE violent, or hazing acts. Sure you'd see several protest or rallies for all kinds of things (both left and right), but I never saw one instance of anyone so much as getting pied, or threatened.

Also when Karl Rove spoke there there was a VERY VERY small amount (about 15-20) of students who protested, most just had a sign and stood outside. We never even had a serious liberal political guest speaker that wasn't a comedian (in all fairness John Edwards was going to come-but canceled).

edit: and I graduated not even a year ago.

You never saw it never happened? What kind of education did you get james? Google "conservative speakers assaulted on campus" and you get 956,000 hits. Pat Buahanan, Ann coulter, Bill Kristol and David Horowitz have been assaulted. Being hit with a pie is assault even if the left calls it a "joke". Horowitz has to have a bodyguard when he gives a talk on campus.

I want to address your google statistic first:

1) I just googled "liberal speakers assaulted on campus". I came up with 870,000 hits.
2) I just googled "conservative speakers assaulted on campus". I came up with 936,000 hits

-That's a total of 1.806million hits. So the conservative number of 936K makes up a whopping 51.8% of the total assaults on campus.

-So 51.8% of guest speakers being assaulted being conservative, compared to the 48.2% of guest speakers being liberal is your evidence? That's just silly.

And for the record, I got a degree in Communication, and went to University at Buffalo. And I actually worked event staff for the school's arena (security), and I'm telling you Karl Rove had no pies, or anything done to him. I would have heard about it. He was yelled at by around 15-20 students. Big deal-that happens to every political guest speaker anywhere.

Does this mean it doesn't happen elsewhere? Of course not. But I think you're blowing it out of perspective, a few incidents happen, and it's accurate to portray every institution as this? Please.
Whoops, global warmists are in charge. The alleged science of global warming is being unraveled as we speak as a political scam but the teachers are forced to teach the questionable science or face diciplinary action from the feds and the teachers union.. Are our kids being taught to substitute political opinion and ideology for absolute evidence? Are kids forced to accept political dogma and NOT question authority? What a difference a generation makes. No wonder we are producing a bunch of robots who just manage to pass government science standards.

you know, maybe you should stick to your racist screeds.

science isn't your thing either. *shrug*
I'd feel that they were getting an education from someone who puts logic before politics. It's obvious that the deniers don't care about the science, their major concern being the political aspects of the controversy.
Aside from the threat of assault there is a fact of life on college campus that we have all come to accept without question. Demonstrations are only promoted against conservative speakers. You will never see a demonstration against a radical leftist or liberal speaker. It's the way the system works and it is indicative of the left wing agenda in institutes of higher learning.

Kudos to James. His post has a verifiable cite. Your post just seems to parrot what talk-radio is saying. Think and speak for yourself and perhaps you won't look so foolish next time. Anecdotal evidence is no evidence at all!!!
Whoops, global warmists are in charge. The alleged science of global warming is being unraveled as we speak as a political scam but the teachers are forced to teach the questionable science or face diciplinary action from the feds and the teachers union.. Are our kids being taught to substitute political opinion and ideology for absolute evidence? Are kids forced to accept political dogma and NOT question authority? What a difference a generation makes. No wonder we are producing a bunch of robots who just manage to pass government science standards.

ALL Science is "questionable" to the right wing.


There was a time when the earth was flat and a demon lived at the speed of sound. It was science. Today's kids are taught at an early level not to question liberal dogma and college kids are kicked out of school when they question global warming.

LIAR!!! Why no cite for these mythical bootings? Seems you prefer anecdotes to hard facts, making anything you say on AGW worthless.
I am not opposed to teaching that man is responsible for global warming as a theory that is supported by a huge volume of evidence from a number of different branches of science. I think we should treat it just we treat the theory of evolution.

It's easy to accept Newton's laws of motion. Why? Because we can easily demonstrate them. Theories such as man caused global warming, evolution, relativity, and the big bang theory are difficult to prove although there is much evidence to support them and a vast number of scientists that accept them as truth. As long as theories such these do not challenge our believes or threaten the way we lead our daily lives we accept them.

Although I accept global warming as fact, I hope we never have absolute proof.
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I confess that I posted the topic in response to the similar topic regarding a "creationist" teaching kids. The topics are similar. Global warming is a faith based religion. You have to believe in spite of what your senses tell you and regardless of historic and pre-historic evidence.
That would be better than having a MORON teach the class.

The trouble is that so many people don't comprehend the difference between BELIEVING and UNDERSTANDING. Believers assume that people who disagree with them are also BELIEVERS. Science is not about BELIEF.

Sciece is more often about PROBABILITY because there is usually a factor of uncertainty even if only because the data is almost always incomplete. The universe does not hand us information on a silver platter, it is more like pulling teeth. But that does not mean data can be ignored because we don't like it.

Find the short story, The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin.


Science is not about belief and global warming is a theory. Belief in global warming is far more dangerous than creationism. Creationism merely gives an alternate viewpoint of the origin of the world. Global warming has morphed into a scheme designed to extort money from the once most powerful Nation in the world.. People who don't buy into the GW theory are called "deniers" just as people who didn't believe in creationism were once called "heretics". People are asked to believe that the US is the cause of the theory of global warming even when they are shivering in record cold weather and kids are taught that the US is the cause of worldwide misery related to a theory that has yet to be proved. People are asked to believe and fear man made G.W. even though ice core samples (hard evidence) indicates that periods of ice ages occur with shocking geological frequency and are devistating to humanity.
That would be better than having a MORON teach the class.

The trouble is that so many people don't comprehend the difference between BELIEVING and UNDERSTANDING. Believers assume that people who disagree with them are also BELIEVERS. Science is not about BELIEF.

Sciece is more often about PROBABILITY because there is usually a factor of uncertainty even if only because the data is almost always incomplete. The universe does not hand us information on a silver platter, it is more like pulling teeth. But that does not mean data can be ignored because we don't like it.

Find the short story, The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin.


Science is not about belief and global warming is a theory. Belief in global warming is far more dangerous than creationism. Creationism merely gives an alternate viewpoint of the origin of the world. Global warming has morphed into a scheme designed to extort money from the once most powerful Nation in the world.. People who don't buy into the GW theory are called "deniers" just as people who didn't believe in creationism were once called "heretics". People are asked to believe that the US is the cause of the theory of global warming even when they are shivering in record cold weather and kids are taught that the US is the cause of worldwide misery related to a theory that has yet to be proved. People are asked to believe and fear man made G.W. even though ice core samples (hard evidence) indicates that periods of ice ages occur with shocking geological frequency and are devistating to humanity.

unfortunately scientists can be influenced by paradigms. they get more funding if they slant their assumptions towards AGW. If the dominant meme was towards natural causes we wouldnt hear the predictions of doom and catastrope that we do now. A case for both sides can be made with the same evidence, it just depends on how you present the uncertainties
I confess that I posted the topic in response to the similar topic regarding a "creationist" teaching kids. The topics are similar. Global warming is a faith based religion. You have to believe in spite of what your senses tell you and regardless of historic and pre-historic evidence.
Not quite. Religious believes are accepted on faith without scientific evidence. There is a lot of scientific evidence to support the theory that man is responsible for global warming just as there is a lot of evidence to support other scientific theories such as evolution but not enough proof for many people.

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