How’s That Experimental Vax Working Out for You?

These people are using the public as lab rats. They put their science project at the theaters to see the reaction of the public. Making their science projects sound so glamorous at the theaters so the public will not mind to be apart of their projects.

So? Your point? They recommend two does of this and people are still dying. 30% in Wales.

Do you want to know why? Because this is not a fucking vaccine. This is an RnA platform that only promises to ameliorate symptoms. It makes no claim to protect you from catching the virus...unlike Polio, and Small Pox...etc.
But only time will TRULY tell.
Where did you get your degree in immunology?
This is a prime example of why this virus is unlike any other and the antidote is still flimsy and unreliable. Sure, in theory, wearing a mask and social distancing should help. Though I see in some of the masks I've worn it states clearly on the front (probably for legal reasons), "this is not a medical mask". I am walking around with a piece of clothing on my face and nose. that may not provide any protection at all.

Second, the vaccine isn't perfect and may not even be effective over time. There is FAR too much we do not know, especially for such a rapidly developed vaccine.

It requires decades to know the outcome of a vaccine and the virus. Obviously the world doesn't have this much time. Therefore, it's anyones guess what impact this may have long term, of both the virus and vaccines. It may also be different outcomes for some not for others depending on a predisposition. Clearly, it's been ineffective for this group which should be a red flag.

In the end, it's unbelievable not just how Western leaders threw away their massive advantage to a foreign communist state, but, also how they and businesses continue to do so. It's mind boggling.
Masks are pointless. Most people are using cloth masks so they provide ZERO protection. More a fashion statement and a virtue signal than ANYTHING else.
Best way to assure you don’t catch is to catch it and develop natural antibodies. I did. I ll keep you guys posted if I catch it again.
Meanwhile, walking around unvaccinated until you catch you, you are a spreader. Children have not been unvaccinated. How much consideration have you given to that, numbnuts?
Far far too early to determine ANY efficacy, or long term side effects. There are simply NO long term studies for these Adenovirus RnA platforms. It is all very new. YOU are part of that now. Better you than me. Good luck.
So... we should do nothing? Unvaccinated people are who is catching the Delta variant now, not we sane decent vaccinated folks.

And so, we are about to see a big wave of RepubliQan death. Don't expect sympathy from me.
Masks are pointless. Most people are using cloth masks so they provide ZERO protection. More a fashion statement and a virtue signal than ANYTHING else.
Your ignorance is boundless. Masks mostly protect others from your spew. Since you're an unvaccinated schmuck, likely, wear a mask to inhibit the spread of your Delta contamination to others, notably children. Is that too much for a selfish prat like you to manage, boy?
Meanwhile, walking around unvaccinated until you catch you, you are a spreader. Children have not been unvaccinated. How much consideration have you given to that, numbnuts?
I got it last March when no one was vaccinated you dumb leftist. Since then I have donated enough platelets to save 50+ lives. How have you helped numbnuts? Idiot.
Best way to assure you don’t catch is to catch it and develop natural antibodies. I did. I ll keep you guys posted if I catch it again.

Yet another brain dead post from a poster without a clue. The best way to assure you don't catch it is to get vaxxed and wear your mask. If you "catch it", you have no guarantees that you won't be left with permanent "pre-existing conditions".
I got it last March when no one was vaccinated you dumb leftist. Since then I have donated enough platelets to save 50+ lives. How have you helped numbnuts? Idiot.

You cost the government how much money? Furthermore, you have no idea what your platelets were used for so stop pretending you're this really good guy.
Yet another brain dead post from a poster without a clue. The best way to assure you don't catch it is to get vaxxed and wear your mask. If you "catch it", you have no guarantees that you won't be left with permanent "pre-existing conditions".
So you want to wear a mask for life and vaccines don't guaranty you don't catch, just that you're unlikely to die from it. You leftist fool.
You cost the government how much money? Furthermore, you have no idea what your platelets were used for so stop pretending you're this really good guy.
I get an email from the American Red Cross in terms of where my platelets go. So you're wrong again. How did I cost them money? I donated for free, you dingbat.

Here is a copy of one of the emails you witch:

Thank you for giving convalescent plasma and platelets with the American Red Cross. Your decision to help those with COVID-19 is appreciated beyond measure.

Your donation on December 8, 2020 was sent to UMass Memorial HealthAlliance - Leominster Campus in Leominster, MA to help patients in need.

On behalf of the patients, families and medical personnel fighting COVID-19, thank you. Your generous donation helped bring them hope during this unprecedented situation.
You cost the government how much money? Furthermore, you have no idea what your platelets were used for so stop pretending you're this really good guy.
Oh and to donate I had to show an ID...novel concept. Maybe we need to do that to vote too?
The UK has relied upon the AstraZeneca vaccine.
There's a huge reason why it never has been approved in the USA...their science was crap, disorganized, and inconsistent.

Also the reason why the mRNA vaccines were chosen instead of a HK based vaccine was the history of HK vaccine abject failure when used on Corona type viruses.
However....mRNA vaccines have been extremely successful against various carcinogenic viruses of various types.
Where is the long term data on these successful mRNA cancer treatments? Why is it not flooding the airways to help bolster the safety of these experimental covid treatments? The fact all previous experiments were small scale is not that reassuring.

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