HTF Do Such A-Holes Get Elected In The First Place?

I can't answer the question of how there could be enough idiots in this country to have elected Donald J Trump. That one remains a serious stumper.
I can't answer the question of how there could be enough idiots in this country to have elected Donald J Trump. That one remains a serious stumper.

I can't answer the question of how there could be enough idiots in this country to have elected Donald J Trump.

and even more inconceivable that Hillary got 3 million more votes than he did.
I can't answer the question of how there could be enough idiots in this country to have elected Donald J Trump. That one remains a serious stumper.

That has to be the easiest question of all to answer:

The Democrats ran a candidate who could not win the party's own nomination without help, who had to be protected by the previous administration from indictment / prosecution for obvious crimes, who hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies, who was exposed for committing thousands of criminal counts for violating the FOIA and Federal Records act, among so many more proven crimes.....

The Democrats ran a candidate so criminal / crooked a lot of Democrats - especially Bernie supporters - voted for Trump.

This bitch did not even know how a US President was elected, ran the worst campaign in US history - completely skipping campaigning in entire states....and ended up blaming everyone else for her loss - even the Democrats who kept her out of jail and on the ballot and who GAVE her the nomination she could not win on her own.

Maybe Cali voters should consider more than just "he's a Democrat" before voting.

Always makes me laugh to see an elected official put his or her, Dem or Rep foot in their mouth, or in this case, stupidly put fingers to keyboard to express personal opinion without regard to their leadership position as an elected official. "Some people have viewed my posts, which were meant to be private'? In the year 2020? If he wanted it private he should not have posted or even sent it to a "friend". He lost that privilege of self expression when he picked up the gavel. After next counsel meeting he will be free to post anything he likes (just like posters on this message board) and government business in that town will be conducted by somebody else.
Maybe Cali voters should consider more than just "he's a Democrat" before voting.
Look at the scum infesting this place and you have your answer.
I can't answer the question of how there could be enough idiots in this country to have elected Donald J Trump. That one remains a serious stumper.
They support AOC, Pelosi, Waters, etc. etc. etc. don't they?
Yeah … my question was rhetorical. I know what they are. Hell, consider "Dr Love's" response.
I have said it a thousand times...wait till the great demographic shift...
Only another decade or so. You guys just! ain't seen nothin yet.
Probably most of you boomer fucks will be rotting in your graves...but I PRAY you are not.

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