Huge Victory For The Marxists, Parasites And Assorted Vegetables

The 'Public Option' Health Care Scam

But a public program of the sort Democrats propose doesn't have to control costs, because in a pinch it can count on the government to keep it in business. Competition is healthy, but how are private companies supposed to compete with an operation that can tap the Treasury?

Or the Federal Reserve Board?

Silly, silly OP. Who do you think you're fooling?

The health scare program will be a victory mainly for the much maligned and demonized "Big Insurance" industry! They will be the real winners! They have to be licking their chops over the mandatory health insurance coverage provisions in the health scare bills.

Think of it: A new, untapped market of 47 million who will be required by law to get health insurance! Even if they pick up only 40% of those, it's billions of new revenue!

Were I in Congress and a friend of "Big Insurance" I might do just exactly what the Dems are proposing -- feed the industry 47 MILLION potential NEW customers!

Do it now: Sink some of your investment dollars in the Big Four health insurance providers -- their stock is going to shoot way up the next few years, as they roll in extra billions thanks to their buddies, the rich fat-cat Dems in Washington!

And don't think for a second health care costs are going to go down -- in fact they will spiral upward as millions of young healthy folks who don't need health insurance start using it for frivolous reasons in order to get their "money's worth," flooding an already overburdened health care system!

Gonna be lots of fun to watch as I collect my investment dividends!
"Regardless, it’s a bad plan. Requiring insurance companies to pay for our medical care misses the point. Where do you think insurance companies get their money? From us! What kind of right to health care is it if we end up paying for it anyway? Obama means well, but his plan is a shell game.

On the other hand, enslaving the doctors and other providers would have none of the defects of the current system or the leading reform plans. It goes right to the source. We have a right to health care? Fine. Force the doctors to provide it. "


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