Hugs Or Handcuffs

And there has not been one Jew, to this day, who has granted me an answer to my question: “When you voted for Obama, weren’t you aware of his 20+ years as a loyal, devoted member of Rev. Wright’s fervently, Jew hating church? He referred to Wright as his uncle. Wright officiated at the Obama wedding wedding and baptized his daughters. Wright was on his Election Committee. So how could you have voted for him knowing this?” Zilch answers. Normal.
Wait just one minute! You've always claimed that Obama is a Muslim, now he is cozy with a Christian minister. Which is it? Or are you just throwing anything at the wall and hoping, if you do it enough times, something will stick?
Wait just one minute! You've always claimed that Obama is a Muslim, now he is cozy with a Christian minister. Which is it? Or are you just throwing anything at the wall and hoping, if you do it enough times, something will stick?

You're gonna get a kick out of this......some imbecile claimed that Muslims are no more violent, or dangerous, than any other religion..... those Amish suicide bombers.


You are that imbecile!!!!

"Is Islam any less "the religion of peace" than Christianity or any other religion?"

Zone1 - Remember When Western Civilization Was Based On Judeo-Christianity? post #134

You wrote that after being shown this:

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.

Muslim Opinion Polls

Challenging the myth of a 'tiny minority of extremists'

*much more here:

Muslim Opinion Polls

Challenging the myth of a 'tiny minority of extremists'

Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls

Still, we need only look to the many polls to affirm the alarmingly high percentages of Muslims (hundreds-of-millions in number) who seek, through the most violent means imaginable, Islamic world domination. Again, here are but a few:

83 percent of Palestinian Muslims, 62 percent of Jordanians and 61 percent of Egyptians approve of jihadist attacks on Americans. World Public Opinion Poll(2009).

1.5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, about half their total population. ICM (Mirror) Poll 2015.

Two-thirds of Palestinians support the stabbing of Israeli civilians. Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (2015).

38.6 percent of Western Muslims believe 9/11 attacks were justified. Gallup(2011).

45 percent of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent “mainstream Islam.” BBC Radio (2015).

38 percent of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct. (Forty-three percent disagree.) The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015).

One-third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam. Center for Social Cohesion (Wikileaks cable).

78 percent of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons. NOP Research.

80 percent of young Dutch Muslims see nothing wrong with holy war against non-believers. Most verbalized support for pro-Islamic State fighters. Motivaction Survey (2014).

Nearly one-third of Muslim-Americans agree that violence against those who insult Muhammad or the Quran is acceptable. The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015).

68 percent of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam. NOP Research.

51 percent of Muslim-Americans say that Muslims should have the choice of being judged by Shariah courts rather than courts of the United States (only 39 percent disagree).The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015).

81 percent of Muslim respondents support the Islamic State (ISIS). Al-Jazeerapoll (2015).

Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster and the moderate Muslim: Even as we hear of the occasional sighting, most reasonable people remain skeptical as to whether, in reality, these mysterious creatures even exist.

Myth of the ‘Moderate Muslim’

“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.”– The Quran, Surah 9:5When it comes

You are truly lying scum.
You're gonna get a kick out of this......some imbecile claimed that Muslims are no more violent, or dangerous, than any other religion..... those Amish suicide bombers.


You are that imbecile!!!!

"Is Islam any less "the religion of peace" than Christianity or any other religion?"

Zone1 - Remember When Western Civilization Was Based On Judeo-Christianity? post #134

You are truly lying scum.
Islam is almost 1,400 years old, lets see what Christianity looked like after 1,400 years.
  • Essentially all of Europe was Christian and was constantly at war with itself.
  • Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.
  • The Catholic Church could torture and put to death anyone it deemed a heretic.
  • The Crusades were wrapping up during which Christians killed many non-combatant Muslims
    • Meanwhile in addition to the usual crimes such as torture, rape, theft and plundering, the barbarously crimes such as the murdering of the pregnant women by getting incised their bellies, the throwing of people down from the walls while they were still alive, or their heads being cut off and on display also became commonplace. Sometimes people's noses, ears, lips, arms and legs were cut and mocked. However, the cannibalism incidents that took place during the crusades overshadow all other possible crimes of humanity. While the cannibalism occurrences in question showed the size of the barbarity of the crusaders.
1. If Iran gets nukes, the Sauds will have to have them, and then everyone in the ME will get them. Its an avoidable arms race. As Trump says, "Iran cannot be allowed to have nukes".

2. The Zionists have nukes since ______ (long long ago)

3. The Zionists didn't start the war, stupid Hamas started it on 10/7, remember?

4. If Trump wins the presidency who is going to stop him from making very deadly decisions?
1. My guess is that Iran will become one of Russia's and China's protected states that doesn't need their own nuclear deterrent from US aggression.

Nuclear weapons in Iran would serve no purpose, as it's just been shown that they served no purpose for the evil Zionist regime. If the Zionists use them they become a small radioactive wasteland.

There is a peaceful resolution available. We could talk about it.
Islam is almost 1,400 years old, lets see what Christianity looked like after 1,400 years.
  • Essentially all of Europe was Christian and was constantly at war with itself.
  • Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.
  • The Catholic Church could torture and put to death anyone it deemed a heretic.
  • The Crusades were wrapping up during which Christians killed many non-combatant Muslims
    • Meanwhile in addition to the usual crimes such as torture, rape, theft and plundering, the barbarously crimes such as the murdering of the pregnant women by getting incised their bellies, the throwing of people down from the walls while they were still alive, or their heads being cut off and on display also became commonplace. Sometimes people's noses, ears, lips, arms and legs were cut and mocked. However, the cannibalism incidents that took place during the crusades overshadow all other possible crimes of humanity. While the cannibalism occurrences in question showed the size of the barbarity of the crusaders.
.some imbecile claimed that Muslims are no more violent, or dangerous, than any other religion..... those Amish suicide bombers.


You are that imbecile!!!!

"Is Islam any less "the religion of peace" than Christianity or any other religion?"

Zone1 - Remember When Western Civilization Was Based On Judeo-Christianity? post #134
Since you don't seem to get English: 아니다 or Я не if you prefer
.some imbecile claimed that Muslims are no more violent, or dangerous, than any other religion..... those Amish suicide bombers.


You are that imbecile!!!!

"Is Islam any less "the religion of peace" than Christianity or any other religion?"

Zone1 - Remember When Western Civilization Was Based On Judeo-Christianity? post #134

이슬람은 평화의 종교이다??????????
OMG! What a lying low-life.
.some imbecile claimed that Muslims are no more violent, or dangerous, than any other religion..... those Amish suicide bombers.


You are that imbecile!!!!

"Is Islam any less "the religion of peace" than Christianity or any other religion?"

Zone1 - Remember When Western Civilization Was Based On Judeo-Christianity? post #134

이슬람은 평화의 종교이다??????????
OMG! What a lying low-life.
If that were true you'd have no problems refuting the examples I gave of Christian practices as barbaric as anything Muslims have done. You obviously can't do that and stoop to calling me names (some might say you're projecting). Why is it I sound like the Christian here and you sound like an old, bitter, cat lady filled only with hate?
If that were true you'd have no problems refuting the examples I gave of Christian practices as barbaric as anything Muslims have done. You obviously can't do that and stoop to calling me names (some might say you're projecting). Why is it I sound like the Christian here and you sound like an old, bitter, cat lady filled only with hate?
.some imbecile claimed that Muslims are no more violent, or dangerous, than any other religion..... those Amish suicide bombers.


You are that imbecile!!!!

"Is Islam any less "the religion of peace" than Christianity or any other religion?"

Zone1 - Remember When Western Civilization Was Based On Judeo-Christianity? post #134

OMG! What a lying low-life.
No American who stands with Israel can vote for the Democrats.

"The pressure was ramped up ahead of Biden’s last State of the Union address, in which he used casualty statistics from the Hamas-run health ministry, only a few months after he said he didn’t trust those statistics. In May, Biden publicly threatened to withhold delivery of heavy bombs to Israel if it went ahead with an operation to clear Hamas from its remaining stronghold in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. In March, Harris told ABC News that she had studied maps of Rafah, and there was nowhere for civilians to escape if Israel went in.

The last time Iran launched a barrage of missiles and slow-moving drones at Israel, in April, Israel and her regional allies also defeated the attack. But Israel limited its retaliation to a radar system near Iran’s nuclear sites, after Biden publicly urged America’s ally to “take the win.” As Iran’s escalation Tuesday showed, April’s “win” was more of an invitation.

After much hemming and hawing over Rafah, Israel proved Harris wrong. In May it helped evacuate nearly 1 million people from the small city and began to deal the final blow to Hamas as a military organization. Last month, Israel’s defense minister announced that Hamas no longer existed as a military force. So much for that talking point. "
"I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice President Joe Biden

If that were true you'd have no problems refuting the examples I gave of Christian practices as barbaric as anything Muslims have done. You obviously can't do that and stoop to calling me names (some might say you're projecting). Why is it I sound like the Christian here and you sound like an old, bitter, cat lady filled only with hate?
Obama, the man the Democrats voted for as "God," lied and their voters accepted the "Religion of Peace" falsehood.

Trump gave the following speech to Muslim leadership, stating the simple truth:


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