Human tailbone still wags, can be a confusing dizzyness

The tailbone is apart of your nervous system which acts on its own. That's why controlling it directly trying to make it wag is difficult. The tailbone wagging is often defined by excitement. But it can precede any number of emotions not just happiness.
I've been watching for m tailbone for nearly three years and am at the point where I am manually giving it commands. I'll voluntarily think 'tailbone! ignore hallucinations' or 'tailbone, I ll think of something fun to do later'. Giving it commands like these make it respond.
I believe a stifled tailbone causes the balance system to experience emotion. The balance system being the center for the subconscious decides whether or not to record the anxiety.
I've been watching for m tailbone for nearly three years and am at the point where I am manually giving it commands. I'll voluntarily think 'tailbone! ignore hallucinations' or 'tailbone, I ll think of something fun to do later'. Giving it commands like these make it respond.
I believe a stifled tailbone causes the balance system to experience emotion. The balance system being the center for the subconscious decides whether or not to record the anxiety.
Sounds interesting. I would worry about it taking commands from somebody else, or even misunderstanding my commands, and responding inappropriately. A boner can be embarrassing at times, but imagine how much worse it woul be if it was a wagging tail.
Anxiety in the stomach may be a result of a feeling in the spine. Anytime you are moving, even slightly wobbling, from breathing for example, and make a adjustment to speed, the bones in your spine may not catch up all at once to the change and you will feel pain in the spine. This pain can exit out your stomach as anxiety. Moving around like this isn't what causes anxiety unless you feel anxiety all the time.

Your tailbone wagging also moves the spine and is the emotional connection to anxiety. The tailbone wagging can come out as gestures of twitches anywhere in the body. Adjustments to its spin caused by abandoning a thought or changing focus, or just moving the spine with your limbs or head, can cause pain in your anxiety systems. The tailbone wags according to emotions. Basically any emotion will make it wag. Its sort of a reasoning period where you come up with an answer to the emotion. But contradicting emotions can put a pain in the spine which comes out as anxiety.

By monitoring the feeling in your spine from your head to your tailbone, you can feel around for any pain and relax that part of your spine to relieve the anxiety.
Your head is like a bobble doll on your spine unless you lay down, the tailbone is at the bottom. So to are your limbs and if you here a band slow down and your tail wags slower, you know the feeling is all around you. The pain of two conflicting inward views on a matter can hurt your tailbone stressing the balance system as a part of your anxiety pains other then the stomach. all originate from your view on a matter conflicting with your approval of such an anxiety feeling. Sending two different 'waves' through your system at once, caused by two inward views on something, causes the tailbone to hurt the balance system which lays confused because two conflicting opinion emotions have entered the mind.

So try it out by lightly swaying the head like ab obble doll and then changing speed of the spin will cause a pain in your anxiety systems. Ha ha like punching yourself!

Anxiety systems mainly your stomach, your mind, your ear ache, your tailbone dizzyness, shaking, breathing, eye contact. Any of these can experience pain from conflicting views in a matter.
So any movement of the limbs and the head can cause pain in the spine.

Depression systems include your facial expression, the heart, enormous thoughts, and are also related to the tail not getting what it wants causing confliction and pain that things are stuck the way they always have been.
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Had another dream last night where creating a tail bone motion with the finger gifted me special powers mainly that I started a bush not on fire but the flowers were like fireworks and I was setting them off by waving my finger around like it was my tail. Then I was using little bug hallucinations to collect all the energy on earth and send it into space so that we popped right into the middle of a glacial period. Then the glaciar came up too fast on me and I was swimming underneath it. It was well though as I started walking around in a hallway doing magic again. Woke up energized.
My friend tells me that the human tailbone doesn't fuse together until a person is about 12. When I think back upon the history of my dizzyness, when I was 12 was when I first felt the unexplained dizzyness while lying still. I use to lie flat without any pillows to stop it. If I had known back then it would have helped me.
Well it was 350 million years ago today that the first guys tail fell off, and he looked around like ...'hey!' and that's why we celebrate All tail's day, the day before thanksgiving.
The tailbone is not a sensory organ, sensory organs hook up to your computer brain, the tailbone is a mystical creature that responds to your senses by wagging. Things that make you get up will wag your tail, dancing, showering, cleaning, fight or flight, so anger or fear. I don't find my tailbone wags like a dog much, it wags when excited by thought that inspires emotion, when you really overthink a subject that's when you might get dizzy from thinking the most.
pretend there is a balloon attached by a string floating and tied to your tailbone area. When you stick your tailbone up it will begin to wag and you can feel it.
Conflict with self from any stimulus, even your own mind, can cause you to feel pain in the tailbone from two conflicting views on a matter. This is sort of the moment where you get stuck in thought looping around some words or thought, repeating them. You can feel the pain of two conflicting thoughts in the tailbone, which then travels up and down your spine, and around into your belly as anxiety. Sort of the way heart pain can travel around your shoulders, anxiety does the same thing. If its a time of day where you might feel anxiety, watch for the pain up and down your spine to appear, esp. in the lower back.
dip-o-lo-meinia- one who attempts to stop there tailbone from wagging but it continues to do so anyway.
A tailbone wag can come out as a twitching or nervous behaviour like crinkling a piece of paper in your pocket. Letting the knee wobble you can watch for it too change speed and direction naturally or voluntarily cause changes. Excercising the tailbone this way is good. Simultaneously wobbling one knee at one speed and the other at a different speed can alleviate and voluntarily create tailbone hallucinations of the ears and eyes. You can feel different anxiety systems spark up when you pass a voluntary wobble around your ears and knees. Letting your knee wobble slightly you can monitor natural attention shifts and alleviate anxiety. Changes in your focus or eye contact and breathing start and stop a tailbone from wagging. People seem to naturally want to keep it from wagging but letting your knee wobble slightly can give you a deep breath occasionally and alleviate tension in the head. Using thought and imagination when creating a voluntary spinning hallucination like pretending its a monkey and a gramaphone can alleviate tension in the mind.
A tailbone wag can come out as a twitching or nervous behaviour like crinkling a piece of paper in your pocket. Letting the knee wobble you can watch for it too change speed and direction naturally or voluntarily cause changes. Excercising the tailbone this way is good. Simultaneously wobbling one knee at one speed and the other at a different speed can alleviate and voluntarily create tailbone hallucinations of the ears and eyes. You can feel different anxiety systems spark up when you pass a voluntary wobble around your ears and knees. Letting your knee wobble slightly you can monitor natural attention shifts and alleviate anxiety. Changes in your focus or eye contact and breathing start and stop a tailbone from wagging. People seem to naturally want to keep it from wagging but letting your knee wobble slightly can give you a deep breath occasionally and alleviate tension in the head. Using thought and imagination when creating a voluntary spinning hallucination like pretending its a monkey and a gramaphone can alleviate tension in the mind.
Wagging your tail is also a good way to get your human to throw the ball for you.
So while starring at something, wobble the knee slightly for 30 seconds so that you can see it in your peripheral. Then while the knee is wobbling involuntarily, shift your minds attention in your vision to another object and that object after a second of sitting still will appear to wobble. Shifting your minds attention in your visual focus will move any spinning hallucination and prove that its within your systems gradually over time til you may no longer suffer involuntary cruelty onto oneself in the way of hallucinations that are harmful.
Kinda wierd asking this, but if yout tailbone wags, you should be able to feel the movement with your finger, right?
When my housekeeper wags her tailbone I feelz it ! Sometimes it's so rapid my teeth rattle

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