Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants Rage In Senate To Protest Elimination Of Un-Constitutional DACA EO


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
WATCH: Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants Rage In The Senate

"Hundreds of immigrant youth descended upon the Hart Senate building Thursday afternoon, gathering in mass protest of the Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act."

If these illegals are mad at anyone it should be Barak Obama for admitting he did not have the Constitutional Authority to enact Immigration legislation / Policy by bypassing the Legislative Branch and instituting the program through Executive Order then doing EXACTLY that.

President Trump simply eliminated the Un-Constitutional EO, putting the issue back into the hands of Congress where it belonged in the 1st place, forcing Congress to do its job - creating and passing Constitutional Legislation.

And no more anchor babies and chain immigration.

Time to be a nation of laws again. Rational laws where immigrants bring something to the table.
WATCH: Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants Rage In The Senate

"Hundreds of immigrant youth descended upon the Hart Senate building Thursday afternoon, gathering in mass protest of the Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act."

If these illegals are mad at anyone it should be Barak Obama for admitting he did not have the Constitutional Authority to enact Immigration legislation / Policy by bypassing the Legislative Branch and instituting the program through Executive Order then doing EXACTLY that.

President Trump simply eliminated the Un-Constitutional EO, putting the issue back into the hands of Congress where it belonged in the 1st place, forcing Congress to do its job - creating and passing Constitutional Legislation.
Wasn't that kind of a delayed reaction?
WATCH: Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants Rage In The Senate

"Hundreds of immigrant youth descended upon the Hart Senate building Thursday afternoon, gathering in mass protest of the Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act."

If these illegals are mad at anyone it should be Barak Obama for admitting he did not have the Constitutional Authority to enact Immigration legislation / Policy by bypassing the Legislative Branch and instituting the program through Executive Order then doing EXACTLY that.

President Trump simply eliminated the Un-Constitutional EO, putting the issue back into the hands of Congress where it belonged in the 1st place, forcing Congress to do its job - creating and passing Constitutional Legislation.

The fact is that a President has the authority to decide whether or not he will deport someone. If he wants to say that he will not deport anyone who was brought to this country as a child, he has the authority to do so. that has been proven by the courts including the Supreme Court.
WATCH: Hundreds Of Illegal Immigrants Rage In The Senate

"Hundreds of immigrant youth descended upon the Hart Senate building Thursday afternoon, gathering in mass protest of the Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act."

If these illegals are mad at anyone it should be Barak Obama for admitting he did not have the Constitutional Authority to enact Immigration legislation / Policy by bypassing the Legislative Branch and instituting the program through Executive Order then doing EXACTLY that.

President Trump simply eliminated the Un-Constitutional EO, putting the issue back into the hands of Congress where it belonged in the 1st place, forcing Congress to do its job - creating and passing Constitutional Legislation.

The fact is that a President has the authority to decide whether or not he will deport someone. If he wants to say that he will not deport anyone who was brought to this country as a child, he has the authority to do so. that has been proven by the courts including the Supreme Court.

One thing he doesn't have the authority to do is allow work permits to be issued to people who aren't in the country legally. The law states explicetly that work permits can be issued only to foreigners who are here legally. None of these dreamers would be working if it weren't for Obama's EO.

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