Hundreds of January 6th political prisoners are being FREED from federal prison. Releases currently happening

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I don’t celebrate anyone that commits violence against police.

That’s you.
you celebrate the dirty democrats defunding the police
Yes, a cop beater (who you said didn't exist there) commuted by Trump.

Why? Because he beat up cops while doing what Trump asked him to.
Oh please. Biden just released a two time cop killer. Go cry over there. One of the democrat house pets just killed a border patrol agent in Vermont. Go grab a hanky.
Oh please. Biden just released a two time cop killer. Go cry over there. One of the democrat house pets just killed a border patrol agent in Vermont. Go grab a hanky.

Vt has had 10X's the crossings in the last few years , with the Dems here voting to grant sanctuary to rapists and murderers Evil one

Nope. You're a failure.
Yep, another fantasy you made up simply because you want to.

It's exactly what you do around here day in and out - stupid, ignorant wishful talking out of your ass.

Doubtful, but it's possible. I've had a pretty damned good life.
Possible indeed.
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The only President that released a cop killer today was Joe Biden.

Oh please. Biden just released a two time cop killer.

Cop beating for Trump a-ok...because Biden/Soros/Clinton/Blackrock or whatever else comes out of the whatabout bag you fools carry around to NEVER EVER have to state any disagreement with Dear Leader.

MAGA cult in a nutshell.
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The officer stood his ground to defend the Capitol against violent rioters.
The officer hid to the side of the doorway...stepped out of hiding without a word of warning and shot an unarmed woman at point blank range. Lt. Byrd is a coward and a murderer. The fact that he was rewarded for his actions disgusts me!
I wasn’t aware that made it legal to riot.
Protest...even when it damages property isn't grounds for an assassination, Marener. If Police had shot BLM protesters for breaking a window...would they have been promoted and given a bonus? Can you imagine the outrage from the left if that HAD taken place?
Protest...even when it damages property isn't grounds for an assassination, Marener. If Police had shot BLM protesters for breaking a window...would they have been promoted and given a bonus? Can you imagine the outrage from the left if that HAD taken place?
If someone breaks into your house, coming through your window, can you shoot them?
If someone breaks into your house, coming through your window, can you shoot them?
Without warning? Knowing that they were unarmed? Of course not. You'd end up in jail for manslaughter. The Capitol Building is the "People's House"! We own it. I've never agreed with violent protest but the fact that Byrd shot an unarmed female protester without warning and was rewarded for that action disgusts me, Marener and it SHOULD disgust you as well! Ashli Babbit did not have to die that day. No other law enforcement officer discharged their weapon that day...only Byrd and he did so in about as cowardly a fashion as I've ever seen!
Without warning? Knowing that they were unarmed? Of course not.
But you can. It's perfectly legal.
The Capitol Building is the "People's House"! We own it.
We own all government property. Doesn't mean you get to overrun them.
Ashli Babbit did not have to die that day.
Agreed. She should have stayed home, but her cult leader called her to DC. She could have protested peacefully, but she engaged in crime.

Everything that happened to Babbitt that day happened because of choices she made.
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