Hundreds of Jews and Arabs March in Jerusalem Against Israeli Occupation


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016

Over a thousand Jews and Arabs march in Jerusalem to protest Israeli occupation, April 1, 2017.

Rally comes hours after stabbing attack in Jerusalem, which organizers say 'was a painful reminder of the price of the occupation.'...

...The rally is meant to "protest against the continued Israeli control over the territories and especially East Jerusalem...

"The rightist settler government and the occupation want hatred to take over hearts and control the streets, with Jews hating Arabs, Mizrahim hating Ashenazim, rightists despising leftists, Ofakim hating Tel Aviv. They are afraid because they know we will win, all of us, Jews and Palestinians, Jerusalemites and Tel Avivians, Mizrahim and Ashkenazim, Ethiopians and Russians, men and women, all of us together will win."
read more (Israeli Jewish source) : Hundreds of Jews and Arabs march in Jerusalem against Israeli occupation

Over a thousand Jews and Arabs march in Jerusalem to protest Israeli occupation, April 1, 2017.

Rally comes hours after stabbing attack in Jerusalem, which organizers say 'was a painful reminder of the price of the occupation.'...

...The rally is meant to "protest against the continued Israeli control over the territories and especially East Jerusalem...

"The rightist settler government and the occupation want hatred to take over hearts and control the streets, with Jews hating Arabs, Mizrahim hating Ashenazim, rightists despising leftists, Ofakim hating Tel Aviv. They are afraid because they know we will win, all of us, Jews and Palestinians, Jerusalemites and Tel Avivians, Mizrahim and Ashkenazim, Ethiopians and Russians, men and women, all of us together will win."
read more (Israeli Jewish source) : Hundreds of Jews and Arabs march in Jerusalem against Israeli occupation

That's how it starts, eventually the good people, even those that are part of the ruling group, rise up against Apartheid and oppression. Like these South African women.

To bad the true "occupiers" are actually Syria and Iran.
Don't see an anti-terrorist, anti proxy war, anti-foreign nations interferance occupation rally
=epic fail.
Just shows Liberals everywhere are mashuguna. They don't comprehend importance of context & details nor understand what seems right is not always what is best.
Now that Jews rallied with Muslims on that issue, please ask if they will rally against Hamas, against Hezbollah, against terrorism, against Iran interferance and meddling...
No? Then there's your answer and proof some duped liberals ate the propaganda campaign blood candy.
To bad the true "occupiers" are actually Syria and Iran.
Don't see an anti-terrorist, anti proxy war, anti-foreign nations interferance occupation rally
=epic fail.
Just shows Liberals everywhere are mashuguna. They don't comprehend importance of context & details nor understand what seems right is not always what is best.
Now that Jews rallied with Muslims on that issue, please ask if they will rally against Hamas, against Hezbollah, against terrorism, against Iran interferance and meddling...
No? Then there's your answer and proof some duped liberals ate the propaganda campaign blood candy.
Liberals are paying people here and in Israel to march. Most of them don't even know what they're protesting.
if not for the Jews the middle east would be a paradise:eusa_wall:

Quite right, without the Jewish/European invasion/colonization of Palestine the Middle East would be a far better place. Just the amount of money the people of Palestine and other people of the area spent on defending themselves (in vain) from the Jewish/European colonization of Palestine put to more constructive uses could have made quite a bit of difference.
Try organizing a peaceful protest of jews and arabs against the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and see how well it goes.
if not for the Jews the middle east would be a paradise:eusa_wall:

Quite right, without the Jewish/European invasion/colonization of Palestine the Middle East would be a far better place. Just the amount of money the people of Palestine and other people of the area spent on defending themselves (in vain) from the Jewish/European colonization of Palestine put to more constructive uses could have made quite a bit of difference.

Europe "occupied" most of the world at one time or the other including the America. The middle east is screwed up because of a warped, primitive, religion that has yet to go through a reformation.. until then...They'll remain Neanderthals
To bad the true "occupiers" are actually Syria and Iran.
Don't see an anti-terrorist, anti proxy war, anti-foreign nations interferance occupation rally
=epic fail.
Just shows Liberals everywhere are mashuguna. They don't comprehend importance of context & details nor understand what seems right is not always what is best.
Now that Jews rallied with Muslims on that issue, please ask if they will rally against Hamas, against Hezbollah, against terrorism, against Iran interferance and meddling...
No? Then there's your answer and proof some duped liberals ate the propaganda campaign blood candy.
Liberals are paying people here and in Israel to march. Most of them don't even know what they're protesting.

Yes it's part of the global 1000 rallys I reported about, but so far I notice only 3 rallys this weekend- 1)Russia 2)Israel 3)Gorsuch but the Gorsuch one had background hecklers must have been
small, because the media never showed the low turnout. Seems Soros financed
Moveon org's sponsoring the Resist 1000 rallies fizzled big time by lack of time to plan and underestimating the poor turnout ratio of meetup groups (unreliability on the part of people agreeing to go).
Or my countering the protesters through education and the ability to find these counter propaganda points in searches is working to reduce unwitting volunteer dupes.
Clinton's latest appearances in front of Resist banner and mentioning Resist admited being part of this online resist activism, thus she admits being the agitator (Coup spearhead).
And since everything she touches fails, the Resist 1000 rally plan failed miserably, maybe the Bernie supporting Resist members lost interest in finding it being tied to Clinton?
if not for the Jews the middle east would be a paradise:eusa_wall:

Quite right, without the Jewish/European invasion/colonization of Palestine the Middle East would be a far better place. Just the amount of money the people of Palestine and other people of the area spent on defending themselves (in vain) from the Jewish/European colonization of Palestine put to more constructive uses could have made quite a bit of difference.

Europe "occupied" most of the world at one time or the other including the America. The middle east is screwed up because of a warped, primitive, religion that has yet to go through a reformation.. until then...They'll remain Neanderthals

Yes, Europe did occupy much of the world, but when we could not completely eliminate or subjugate the native people as in Australia, most of the Americas etc., the native people have been able to retake their lands. Algeria, Rhodesia, South Africa and even in the Americas, Bolivia is now ruled by the native people. Islam is certainly a backward religion, but it is not the reason for the lack of development. With resources, Muslim nations can develop quite well, ever been to any of the Gulf states, Brunei? Judaism is just as backward, but Israel, with resources from abroad (from the U.S. and world Jewry) has been able to develop quite well too. If everyone who needed a religion converted to Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism we would be better off, but that's not going to happen.

Plus, the Neanderthals were not backward at all. They were less aggressive than Homo Sapiens, but had larger brains and were painting long before Homo Sapiens ever did. Tuscans have the most Neanderthal DNA in the world, that's where some of the greatest scientists and artists of the Western world come from, Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo, Michelangelo, Dante, Boccaccio, America Vespucci, Lorenzo De Medici (the Magnificent) and many others.

People from Tuscany are most similar to Neanderthals

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