Hurling Could Be The Coolest Sport You Don’t Know


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Hurling might be the coolest sport you’ve never heard of. Played with a ball one must balance on a kind of lacrosse stick without the net pouch, while sprinting up and down what looks like an oversized soccer field, players must dodge other players who, also wielding bats, try to smack the ball away from you before you can turn your stick into a bat and whack the ball into a big hockey net or between football goal posts. Catch all that?
Curling rinks are a good place to meet a gal that will keep your place spotless as she gets down and dirty scrubbing away like mad perfecting her sweeping technique.


It's hurling not curling!
How does a community, a country, define "cool"???

No doubt the sport of Hurling is a big deal in Ireland. I've been spoofing this thread and for that I apologise. So being an ignorant Mick I decided to do some research and what I came up with is the Irish were/are very poor. There is little cost in suiting up and playing Hurling. A little pole with a basket woven into the end of it. A ball which looks for all the world to be a standard regulation American baseball.

There is a lot of anger and revenge factored into the sport of Hurling. Why? Because the teams club the ever loving shit out of each other with these cheap little poles with the tiny baskets woven onto the end.

There have been centuries of oppression imposed onto the Irish and the Catholic Irish in particular and they resent it.

Religion is at the heart of the hatred bred into the poorest Irish as the Protestant(English official religion) has been offered to the wealthy Irish and the Catholics have been ass out politically and subsequentially with the monetary advantages of running the country.

Coolest sport? I don't think so. We in America like our evolution of everything including sports. We admire tradition in our sports but not just for the sake of it.

I have to come back to the fact that this is The U S M B. It is probably the most honest message board on the planet. It is in that spirit I must announce that Hurling IS NOT the coolest sport. It is a venue for the poor Irish to run around and smack each other with skinny little bats and advance a ball to a goal that with ANY open position near the goal practically any athlete of any skill can score.

Hurling is depressing in that the participants are rendered into a meaningless battle with obvious results. The team that can smack the other team around the most with these pathetic weapons but WEAPONS none the less will end up victorious.

Group assault isn't a sport. It is a localized political statement that "our band of thugs" is better at hand to hand combat than "Your Band of Thugs".
I remember when ESPN as just starting out they used to show a lot of Hurling

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