Hydrants without water in Cali

Where was the money to pay for this endeavour...

This is all talk... Announce something but don't back it up...

So he asked for an improve the information and modeling capabilities action plan by Jan 19...

Show us the plan and how much it was going to cost...

Then show us where Trump's Administration got the money to pay for it...

Talk is cheap... This is memorandums was ordering for stuff which we can't see any actions from..
Not the federal government's responsibility. It belongs to CALI.
Don't worry, like Lahaina and North Carolina, this will be out of the news cycle around the inauguration time. Time for them to blame racism.
For those who claim that the water policy of gruesome newsome isn't to blame, I give you this old clip....

Navies have done it as long as there have been sea going vessels. Problem with that is we are talking about the land of fruits and nuts where rainbows and unicorns wishful thinking out weighs practical solutions. Salt water would kill expensive lawns and other environmental concerns.
Haha. Oddly so does fire….

Their Governor is doing a great job. Also spending monies on illegals versus forest mgt and hiring more fire fighters

Natural disasters happen

Man made disasters aka libs running states are on us.

Cali needs to impeach Newsome.

Mayor too

Lady asks Newsom to talk.

Newsom lies and says he is talking to Biden; he isn't.

She asks about the fire hydrants.

He says it will be better next time.

She doesn't believe him.

70-second video:

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