Hypocrisy Supreme


I have a red pencil box.
Nov 3, 2012
What's hilarious is the several numbers of likely pro-abortionists who support the murder of approximately 1.6 million unborn children per year in the United States getting all emotional and hooting and hollering about 20 children who were murdered at Sandy Hook. Hypocrites...the whole lot of them! Talk about "enablers". They just plain and simply have no standing in getting snooty and acting all holier-than-thou! Phony mongrels!
This is great point that nobody else in here has made.

Leftists vociferously support murdering unborn babies (over 50 million and counting since 1973), but are horrified and angry and ready to gut the 2nd Amendment, because 20 small children were murdered by a mentally unstable monster.
I don't believe I have ever seen a thread here about murdering unborn babies.

BUT, I have read several threads of gun nuts politicizing and using the murders of 20 children in order to keep certain weapons available to illegal aliens, criminals and those on our terrorist watch list.
What's hilarious is the several numbers of likely pro-abortionists who support the murder of approximately 1.6 million unborn children per year in the United States getting all emotional and hooting and hollering about 20 children who were murdered at Sandy Hook. Hypocrites...the whole lot of them! Talk about "enablers". They just plain and simply have no standing in getting snooty and acting all holier-than-thou! Phony mongrels!

Yes, we know that you huge government, radical right wing nutcases piss and whine about how a cell is murder, but when actual children are killed, that's A-OK.
What's hilarious is the several numbers of likely pro-abortionists who support the murder of approximately 1.6 million unborn children per year in the United States getting all emotional and hooting and hollering about 20 children who were murdered at Sandy Hook. Hypocrites...the whole lot of them! Talk about "enablers". They just plain and simply have no standing in getting snooty and acting all holier-than-thou! Phony mongrels!

Yes, we know that you huge government, radical right wing nutcases piss and whine about how a cell is murder, but when actual children are killed, that's A-OK.

Are you married? Got kids?
What's hilarious is the several numbers of likely pro-abortionists who support the murder of approximately 1.6 million unborn children per year in the United States getting all emotional and hooting and hollering about 20 children who were murdered at Sandy Hook. Hypocrites...the whole lot of them! Talk about "enablers". They just plain and simply have no standing in getting snooty and acting all holier-than-thou! Phony mongrels!

Yes, we know that you huge government, radical right wing nutcases piss and whine about how a cell is murder, but when actual children are killed, that's A-OK.

Ever heard of "partial birth abortions", oh great supporter of infanticide.

Your Messiah, Barack Obama, supports this sort of "legal holocaust".
What's hilarious is the several numbers of likely pro-abortionists who support the murder of approximately 1.6 million unborn children per year in the United States getting all emotional and hooting and hollering about 20 children who were murdered at Sandy Hook. Hypocrites...the whole lot of them! Talk about "enablers". They just plain and simply have no standing in getting snooty and acting all holier-than-thou! Phony mongrels!

Yes, we know that you huge government, radical right wing nutcases piss and whine about how a cell is murder, but when actual children are killed, that's A-OK.

I realize that all pregnancies aren't "wanted", or planned. Ours wasn't planned, but it wasn't un-wanted.

Week 1: Surprise, trepidation, a shock of sorts.

Week 2: Still a bit scary mainly because of the cost and responsibility.

Month 2: This is pretty darn cool. A baby, a family.

Month 3 plus 3 weeks: Starting to think about a name. Boy? Girl? There's time for that.

Month 4: We're used to the fact and focus more on our jobs, getting back to business as usual.

Month 4 plus one week: Same/same.

Month 4 plus 2 weeks: Thinking about redecorating the extra room. Still pondering the boy/girl options re: clothing, etc.

Month 4 plus 3 weeks: Sonogram not so good. No heart beat. Come back in a few days.

Few days later: Still no heart beat. That's it.

So much for that "cell".

A child is a future, at any stage.

We lost our son and it ripped our hearts out. We'll never forget him. He ended up in a trash can just like untold millions before him.

The difference?
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Explain to me- and I ask this in all sincerity- how is my son different from the children that died at Sandy Hook.
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What did the zygote say to the cell?

"You got a future, buddy".

To which the cell replied: "Like I got a voice in that shit"?

Liberals champion themselves as the voice of the downtrodden and unfortunate, including pregnant women.

Conservatives champion themselves as the voice of those without voice.

Mimes excluded. :D

Fuck how I hate mimes. Except mime fetuses. They're cool.
If I had a billion dollars, I would give it away just to have my son back.

Any takers? Just think of how many abortions that could pay for.
In this country, animals have more protections than do people like my son had.

I so pity you bent-fuck people. Bent out of shape headless and brainless mother fuckers.
How far we have advanced. Procreation is no longer a necessicty, it's become an inconvenience borne of convenience.

Lest we not be inconvienced by our progeny.

The bathwater has become more valuable than the babby.

If I may mis-quote David Byrne...

Bathwater dissolving and bathwater removing
There is bathwater at the bottom of the ocean
Remove the bathwater, carry the bathwater

Remove the bathwater from the bottom of the ocean

Letting the days go by, let the bathwater hold me down
Letting the days go by....
Well the twenty kids at sandy hook were murdered.. Is that still a crime? Abortion is legal for a reason. kinda like owning a gun there are laws to protect people who want to make a life decision. Before Roe V. Wade women were dying in back alleys to have abortions for something they werent prepared to have. If they didnt the child was neglected or living in low income housing and most likely ended up in jail. Or people were forced to live a life of misery with mental retardation. I personally would like to have a child when I think Im ready and if an accident happens Im not going to ruin all three of our lives just because some people deem it morally wrong. Its not a living child, its a cell, thats how the supreme court and doctors ruled it and I accept their ruling as fact. Im in no way approving of partial birth abortions, but if you want to have an abortion within the first tri mester, go ahead. Not my life, not my bussiness.
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What's hilarious is the several numbers of likely pro-abortionists who support the murder of approximately 1.6 million unborn children per year in the United States getting all emotional and hooting and hollering about 20 children who were murdered at Sandy Hook. Hypocrites...the whole lot of them! Talk about "enablers". They just plain and simply have no standing in getting snooty and acting all holier-than-thou! Phony mongrels!

Yes, we know that you huge government, radical right wing nutcases piss and whine about how a cell is murder, but when actual children are killed, that's A-OK.

Ever heard of "partial birth abortions", oh great supporter of infanticide.

Your Messiah, Barack Obama, supports this sort of "legal holocaust".

The "legal holocaust" is the right wingers fighting tooth and nail to have every lunatic in the nation armed with assault rifles that go out and kill little kids in kindergarten class, or telling the children who were born to poor parents to go to hell and starve as foodstamps are for leeches.

Oh, and partial birth abortions are illegal, though i'm sure you knew that :rolleyes:
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I don't believe I have ever seen a thread here about murdering unborn babies.

BUT, I have read several threads of gun nuts politicizing and using the murders of 20 children in order to keep certain weapons available to illegal aliens, criminals and those on our terrorist watch list.

You've got that backwards...chump. What we've read are several threads of anti-gun nuts politicizing and using the murders of 20 children as tools to push their anti-gun agenda now that they're well aware that several numbers of folks are emotionally compromised and this is their way in by stabbing the emotionally compromised folks' hearts with sob stories and trying to make them feel guilty if they support one's right to own a firearm. And, that you claim you've never read a thread "here" about murdering unborn babies? I just started this thread...give it a bit. However, if you're trying to say you've never read a thread on this message board about murdering unborn babies? Frankly, I suspect you're a liar. Or, you haven't read very many threads on this message board.

Further, that you focus entirely on the 20 children, completely neglecting the other six innocent individuals, who were adults? Yeah, this only goes to demonstrate right there that you are using the children as a tool. But, funny thing is, you think we are somehow going to consider those six adults any less of human beings than the 20 children. But, since you know it's the children of whom you believe the most heartfelt sympathy is going to go towards, you make sure that's where you keep the focus because you know, in your mind, this is where your target is the most emotionally vulnerable. You're kind of pigs...really, aren't you? But, nice ploy in trying to turn it around and make law-abiding American gun owning citizens out to be the ones who are allegedly politicizing and using the murders of 20 innocent children. It might work on some but, like me, I'm sure you aren't going to have very many fall for your pure and simple BS. We're on to your vile scheme.
Yes, we know that you huge government, radical right wing nutcases piss and whine about how a cell is murder, but when actual children are killed, that's A-OK.

Ever heard of "partial birth abortions", oh great supporter of infanticide.

Your Messiah, Barack Obama, supports this sort of "legal holocaust".

The "legal holocaust" is the right wingers fighting tooth and nail to have every lunatic in the nation armed with assault rifles that go out and kill little kids in kindergarten class, or telling the children who were born to poor parents to go to hell and starve as foodstamps are for leeches.

Oh, and partial birth abortions are illegal, though i'm sure you knew that :rolleyes:

Have every lunatic in the nation armed with assault rifles? Really? Again with the treating law-abiding gun owning American citizens as if they're criminals? STFU...cretin! No one is "having" every lunatic in the nation armed with assault rifles you pure and simple pile of steaming stool!
What's hilarious is the several numbers of likely pro-abortionists who support the murder of approximately 1.6 million unborn children per year in the United States getting all emotional and hooting and hollering about 20 children who were murdered at Sandy Hook. Hypocrites...the whole lot of them! Talk about "enablers". They just plain and simply have no standing in getting snooty and acting all holier-than-thou! Phony mongrels!

You know what is so stupid about you rabid lifers?

You probably think that if the child of a pro choicer was killed, that person shouldn't shed a tear over them. Because that is essentially what you are saying, you sick fuck.
Well the twenty kids at sandy hook were murdered.. Is that still a crime? Abortion is legal for a reason. kinda like owning a gun there are laws to protect people who want to make a life decision. Before Roe V. Wade women were dying in back alleys to have abortions for something they werent prepared to have. If they didnt the child was neglected or living in low income housing and most likely ended up in jail. Or people were forced to live a life of misery with mental retardation. I personally would like to have a child when I think Im ready and if an accident happens Im not going to ruin all three of our lives just because some people deem it morally wrong. Its not a living child, its a cell, thats how the supreme court and doctors ruled it and I accept their ruling as fact. Im in no way approving of partial birth abortions, but if you want to have an abortion within the first tri mester, go ahead. Not my life, not my bussiness.

People are having children IN ORDER to live in low-income housing and get the dole checks.

I don't give a fuck about the Supreme Court, we lost our child in vitro. He was an accident that we ACCEPTED. It was our lives and our business. A life and a business that was taken from us by nature. Law doesn't trump nature- ignorance does.
Explain to me- and I ask this in all sincerity- how is my son different from the children that died at Sandy Hook.

He was in a womb, while they were in an elementary school.

In other words, to leftists, life is like real estate: location, location, location.

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